Search results for "C2"

pakaC2- -on TACR. this circumfix is an intensifier and cross-references the object of Class 4 roots. Pakabayyuon dah maphod nan page. They will pound the rice very well. Sim: C2, pakaC2- -an, pakaC1- -on. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

pakaC1- -on this circumfix is an intensifier and cross-references the object of Class 4 roots. <This circumfix is an allomorph of the circumfix pakaC2‑ ‑on. It co-occurs with roots with the CVC.CV(C) syllable pattern.> Pakabbidbidom ke nan impitudok Apu Dios, maid di kananah malpud Galileen profetas. (Juan 7:52b) Read very carefully what God has caused to be written, there is nothing said about a prophet from Galilee. Hanadan tataguh di ya pakaddonglon day intuttudun Felipe te tinibo day milogron inat na. (Acts 8:6) The people there listened very well to what Felipe was teaching because they saw the miracles that he did. Sim: C2, pakaC2- -on, pakaC2- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

pakaC1- -an this circumfix is an intensifier and cross-references the site-object. <This circumfix is an allomorph of the circumfix pakaC2‑ ‑an. It co-occurs with roots with the CVC.CV(C) syllable pattern.> Hi Joshua ya pakabbaddangan APU DIOS, kinali nundingngol di ngadanah kabobboble. (Joshua 6:7) As for Joshua, the LORD greatly helped him, that’s why his name was heard in all the villages. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

nakaC2- -an TACR. this circumfix encodes an intensified passive; past tense; cross-references the subject; the second C of the root is geminated. Nakatanomman hi balat di boble da. Their place was well-planted with banana trees. Nakahiggidan dah maphod. They swept it very well. Sim: makaC2- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

mangong-ongal (der. of ongal) trans. to rear a child; to bring up a child; it usually implies that someone other than a parent cares for a child during childhood. Hi apu nangong-ongal na imbabale na. My grandmother reared her child. mang‑/nang‑ + CVC2.

makaC2- -an mod. this circumfix encodes an intensified passive; non-past tense; cross-references the subject. <The second consonant of the root is geminated.> Kalyok hituwe te ad uwani ya makaawwatan takuy ine-en di pamhod te hidiyey impatibotibon Jesus hi pangi-ena. (1 Juan 2:8b) I say this because now we fully understand the way of love because that is what Jesus continuously revealed by his customary way. Sim: nakaC2- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

makaC2- (makang-) mod. this prefix is an intensifying modal forming a stative that describes a characteristic of a person. <The second consonant of the root is geminated.> Kahinlamlampahuwona takon di makahigga. He pretends to be polishing (the floor) although he is actually a very lazy person. Makanginnum ka gayam. You are a habitual drinker. (drunkard) Hiya ya makalukkut. He is a chain smoker. Makadinnol ka. You are over-confident. Makakalli diyen tagu. That fellow is very talkative.

impakaC2- -an TACR. expertise modal, cross-references object, Class 5 verbal roots; past tense; this is an affix combination and the prefix impaka- also includes a C1 reduplicate. Impakahhiggidan Maria nan dulung. Maria swept the floor very well. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

CV1C2 1intensifier. the reduplication of the first syllable, CV(C), and the medial consonant of an adjective noun root is the form of the morpheme that encodes intensity; very. Dakdakol di ngunun di linalaki hantuh ahiga-ud. The men have more work during the plowing season. Hi Luis an ong-ongal ya himpuluy toona ya hi ke Julie ya onom. Luis, the older (lit. bigger), was ten years old and Julie was six. Mu dakdakol di kaapputan ta maahinut ot ya abun am-in. But one loses more times than he wins such that eventually, everything will be lost. 2dim. refers to something smaller than the norm; this reduplication form encoding this meaning co-occurs only with nouns.

C2 this form symbolizes the gemination of the medial consonant of the root word; when it co-occurs with the circumfixes paka- -on and paka- -an, it intensifies the ability of the agent-subject to perform something very well or completely. Pakabayyuon dah maphod nan page. They will pound the rice very well. Sim: pakaC2- -on, pakaC2- -an, pakaC1- -on.

ag’i comm. sibling; brother; sister; cousin. Hin-aaggi dadiyen u-ungan mun-ay-ayyam. Those children playing are cousins. All the relatives of the same generation as the speaker may be referred to as a sibling. hin‑ CV‑ C2. Sim: iba, manang, tulang, kamang. (sem. domains: - Brother, sister.)

pakaC2- -an this circumfix intensifies the action of the agent-subject and cross-references a definite object. Ot pakaguwwalyaan da ot maid moy oggan madngol nadah bibilid ad Israel hi katatakut an olmom na. (Ezekiel 19:9a) They carefully guarded him and so never again would his fearful roar be heard in the mountains of Israel. Sim: C2, pakaC2- -on, pakaC1- -on. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)