Search results for "CV-"

ka- CV(C)CV- comm. this affix combination inflects nouns with the meaning of each and every referent of the noun undergoes the action of the verb. Kaalgoalgo on umeh di. Every day he goes there. Kabulabulan an umali da. They come every month. Kabigabigat on imme da nah Templo ya hi kabalebale an e muntuttuduh mipanggep ke Jesus an hiyah Kriston mangipaptok hi tagu. (Acts 5:42) Every day they go to the Temple and from house to house to teach about Jesus who is the Christ who cares for people. (sem. domains: - Noun affixes.)

ka- CV- this prefix combination encodes the tendency to become the characteristic expressed in the root or the tendency to go through a process. Katatakut pay an e bumah-el te dakol di talak an muntutun-ud. It is even dangerous (frightening) to cross the street since there are many buses lined up one after the other. Kapupuhik nan basu. That cup is breakable (easily broken). (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

kaCV(C)CV- distr. this prefix expresses the distributive, inclusive quantity concept of ‘every’. Kabulabulan an umali da. They come every month. Kahimbahimbatangan on ume da. They go every afternoon. Ka-algo-algo on umehdi. Everyday he goes there. (sem. domains: - Noun affixes, 8.1.5 - All.)

kaCV- mod. to have a tendency toward certain behavior or have the characteristic encoded in the root. <The prefix ka- requires the cooccurence of the CV- reduplication to encode the ‘tendency’ modal concept. > Katatakut pay an e bumah-el te dakol di talak an muntutun-ud. It is even dangerous to cross the street since there are many buses lined up one after the other. Kapupuhik nan basu. The cup is breakable. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

hiN- CV- quan. when this prefix and reduplicant combination co-occurs with numbers, it functions to divide and distribute whatever is being modified by the affixed number, e.g. one each, two each Ohan algo ya inayagan Jesus nadan himpulut duwan disipulos na ot hindudwa on intud-ak nah kabobboblen e muntuttudu...(Marcos 6:7) One day, Jesus called his twelve disciples and then, he sent two each to the villages to teach... Am-in dadiyen kuwartu ya nun-iingngon himpupulun piyey lukud di kadukkena ya kabilog na. (Ezekiel 40:7b) All of those rooms were the same in measurement, each one was ten feet in length and width. (sem. domains: 9.2.9 - Affixes, 8.1 - Quantity.)

CV(C)CV-₂ asp. 1this aspectual reduplicant encodes an habitual or constant aspect. Matukatukal ka an e makitugatugal te mapat-al ya hilong di puntutugalan yu. You are always awake to join in gambling because your gambling goes on day and night. Adina itikod nan mumbaki te wadanwaday takut na an kumpulmin tiempu ya mate. He does not stop doing the rituals because his fear would be constant that he might die anytime. Wadan ustu moy bidbibidbid hi novels I think it’s time to put away the constant reading of novels (sem. domains: 8.4.2 - Take time.) 2to do something continuously over a durative period of time. Tobatbalona diday bagol ya aammod ta dumalay-up da ta hay idatong di hagabi ya maphod dan am-in an hin-am-a ya ta dumakol di babuy da ya manuk da. He continuously calls on the gods and his ancestors to witness the arrival of his hagabi-bench so that with its arrival, it will bring along good health for his family and the increase (become many) of their pigs and chickens. Ume bo kanu nah tap-on di wa-el nah ho- alak ya wadaday ngubungubun mangabat da. He went to the place above the creek in the er...irrigation ditch and there were voices continuously mumbling.

CV(C)CV-₁ mod. this modal reduplicant intensifies the meaning of an adjective; extremely; very. Hay kibalinana ya kaddakaddangyana te dakol di longonah nuwang ya babuy. The meaning of this is that he is very, very rich because he will butcher many carabao and pigs. Ambiambilog ya dakkodakkol di tatagu. It is very wide and there are many, many people. Abunay hukik an nangipakkid nah adol di kaiw, mu ongnga-ongngal ot muntattayunak nah hapang. It was only my legs that held on around the trunk of the tree; but it was very big so I had to hang from a branch. (sem. domains: - To a larger degree.)

CV- num. this reduplicant form functions to pluralize a noun referent. Deket kanan nan tagu di humagabi, ipainila na ni-an hi iibana. When a man says that he will perform the hagabi-ceremony, he notifies his relatives beforehand. Mihmihdi nah munhihilong ya nah kakaiw an dakol di hapang nan mahdol di tubuna. It stays in dark places or in trees with thick, leafy branches. (sem. domains: - Noun affixes.)

CV(C)-₁ mod. this modal reduplicant functions to intensify the meaning of a predication. <Morphophonology: The modal form reduplicates the first syllable of a root. For that reason, the syllable pattern of the root dictates whether the reduplicant form is CV- or CVC-.> Katatakut pay an e bumah-el te dakol di talak an muntutun-ud. It is very dangerous to cross the street since there are many buses lined up one after the other. Miha-ad nan hagabi nah dola ta nangamung mo nan kon hagabi an ahi mangip-iphod. The hagabi-bench is placed in the yard and it is up to the owner to finish it (lit. make it very good) . (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)