Search results for "Renata"

appaw (sp. var. ap’aw) adjunct. 1an expression that the speaker understands a situation; obviously; it is clear to the speaker that what has been stated by another is not the case. Immimih ina ot kananay “Ay, appaw! Man bokon bibiyoh diye te hidiye madla hi Renata.” Mother smiled and said “Oh my, that is certainly not a fairy because that is (Catholic nun) mother Renata.” (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.) 2expression of surprised comprehension; Oh, I see! Appaw! Kon hidiyey inayana? Oh, I see! So that is his wife? Interjection. Sim: appa.

Renata prop. the proper first name of a Belgian nun; one of the first to serve in Kiangan. [The Belgian nun, Renata, was much-loved by the people. She is remembered for her long-time service to the people and her compassion for them.]