Search results for "batil₁"

batil₁ 1comm. the stone or coin used by the player to strike other stones or coins on the ground; a game of stones. [This is a children’s game in which a stone is thrown toward a circle or other shape drawn on the ground. An attempt is made to knock the stones of others out of the circle.] Nakadapig nan batil Pedro. The stone that is used by Pedro is very flat. (sem. domains: 4.2.6 - Entertainment, recreation.) 2intrans. to play this game. Mumbabatil day u-unga. The children are playing the stone game. muN‑/nuN‑ CV‑. 3trans. to use something other than a stone to play the game. Ibatil na nan duwan pihu. He used the two-peso coin as his batil. (mother ball) i‑/iN‑.