Search results for "botnge"

ban’ong 1comm. lip of ricefield dike which contains the water; projecting edge of ricefield dike sometimes stepping stones are laid for walking on the lip. Niphod mo nan banong nan payo? Is the ricefield dike already fixed? Nun-ule-ule da te uma-agol hi Bugan an mundalan nah madanglol an banong. They walked slowly because Bugan was cautious walking on the slippery dikes. Sim: botnge. (sem. domains: - Wall.) 2trans. to build ricefield dikes. Banongan dan nan payo ad uwani. They are going to build the ricefield dike today. Mumbanong da ama nah payon da Juan. Father and his companions are building mud dikes in the Juan’s field. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, muN‑/nuN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something.

botnge 1comm. a small subdivision dike. [This is done within one paddy to separate an area for a specific purpose like making a seedbed, etc.] (sem. domains: - Fence, wall.) 2trans. to make a dike to separate water in a rice field. Botngeyom ta mapanuy liting. Make a separation dike so that the water will be concentrated on one side. ‑on/‑in‑. Sim: ban’ong.