Search results for "bulan₁"

bulan₁ 1comm. moon. Ongal nan bulan. The moon is big/full. (sem. domains: - Moon.) 2intrans. for the moon to shine. Indanit bumulan ta ahi taku ume. Wait for the moon to shine before we go. Bimmubbulan handi hilong. The moon shone brightly last night. Pinaddi min immeh bale da handih bimmulan. We purposely went to their house during a moonlit night. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: 8.3.3 - Light.) 3comm. full moon; bright moon. Dakol di makihalud hin bulabbulan. There are many serenading/courting on the nights when the moon is full. Manomnom ku ya bulabbulan dih natayana. I remember he died on a full-moon-night. CV(C)CV‑ C‑. Ambulan bulabbulan natalak di bulan der. bumulan n. ph. kahabonan di bulan n. ph. kaha-alan di bulan n. ph. katalakan di bulan n. ph. katanungan di bulan n. ph. katom-angan di bulan n. ph. ongal di bulan