Search results for "gagallat"

gagallat comm. pineapple. Malumiiy gagallat an nalpud Tarlac. Pineapples from Tarlac are sweet. Patul an dakol di matana ya otak na. (gagallat)(riddle) There is a king with many eyes and bolos. ( pineapple)(riddle) Syn: pinya.

dadal sta. to be mature or ripe, refers to vegetables and fruit. Nadadal mo didan bulligan. Those winged beans are already matured. Nadadal danaen mangga an maphod an iha-ad ta mal-um. Those mangoes are matured which are good to be stocked to be ripened. Madadal da ke ot didan gagallat ya hiya. It is good if those pineapples will be matured. ma‑/na‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. Spec: luum. (sem. domains: 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.)

pinya comm. pineapple. Oongngal nadan pinya an malpud baliwon. The pineapple from the lowlands is big. Syn: gagallat. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.