Search results for "gap’u"

lummu intrans. refers to the cause or reason for events or emotions. Hiyay lummu hi nun-awwitan da. He is the cause of their fights. Hay linummu ya hay ugge da nangidatan hi pinhod na. The cause was that they did not give what he wanted. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. Sim: gap’u, hulun. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.)

hulun comm. the cause or reason for some event or situation. Nganney humlun hi namatayan dan hiya? What is the reason for their killing him? He-ay humlun. You are the cause. ‑um‑. Sim: gap’u, lummu. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.) infl. humlun

gap’u 1comm. signals the motive or cause for some action; expresses a reason for something. Nganney gapuna ta em intikod an mun-adal? What is the reason that you stopped going to school? Gaput ong-ongal ka ya makangohhe ka. Your being older is the reason that you are very abusive. Ya hay gapunan ugge pininhod di iKiangan di Ippangyol ya namahig di pumpaligat da tatagu. And the reason, the Kiangan people did not like the Spaniards is that they caused the people hardship. Sim: hulun, lummu. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.) 2intrans. to indicate the basic cause of an event. Nan kinalim ke hiya di gimmapuh nundadamaan da. The root cause of their fight is what you told them. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano. comp. gapuna