Search results for "ilmu"

ingle intrans. to be lonely; to be bored; to be tired of something. Immingle ot umanamut ad nakugab. He was bored so he went home yesterday. Immingleyak mon he-a. I’m bored with you. Immingleyak an munho-ho-od. I’m tired of waiting for you. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Class 2C, Emotion and sensation. Sim: ilmu, iliw. (sem. domains: - Discontent.)

ilmu (infl. of lumu) trans. to long for former times, to feel nostalgic; to long to see someone. Ilmu na da amanan inana, kinali kumga. He misses his father and mother, that’s why he cries. Il-ilmuk handih kaungak. I miss my boyhood days.(I wish these times were like my boyhood times.) i‑/iN‑. Sim: iliw, ingle. (sem. domains: - Lonely.)

iliw sta. to be homesick; to feel lonely or to miss someone. Nun-oppot da Juan ke Maria an maka-iliw dan duwa. Both Juan and Maria miss each other. Mailiw nadah imbabalena ot umanamut. He missed his children so he came home. ma‑, makaC1‑. Sim: ilmu, ingle. (sem. domains: - Sad.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.