Search results for "kadukkayan"

naN- TACR. this prefix cross-references a topicalized agent-subject; co-occurs with Class 4 verbal roots; past tense. <Morphophonology: The final nasal of the prefix assimilates to the first consonant of the root, and then, reduces the consonant; if the vowel o follows the root consonant, the vowel will also be reduced.> Himmagob, nana-ang ya nunhigup hi bintok. He got water, he cooked and carried rice bundles into shade. Hi manang ya dingngol na damdama ot mundihhan namtik nah panto. As for my older brother, he heard it too and ran to the door at the same time. Hiyay nangalah kadukkayan kawayan. He is the one who got the longest bamboo. Takon nadan enungkanta ya nanayo ya uggeda nangan. Even those who participated in the songs and dances did not (eat). Mun-an-anlah inadan nangngol an dakol di inadal da. Their mother was happy to hear that they had learned so much. Sim: maN-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

ka- -an₂ mod. this circumfix derives a superative adjective; greatest degree of modification. Hiyay nangalah kadukkayan an kawayan. He is the one who got the longest bamboo. (sem. domains: - To a larger degree.)

kadukkayan (infl. of dukke) adj. describes the longest thing in a comparison of length. Hiyay nangalah kadukkayan an kawayan. He is the one who got the longest bamboo. ka‑ ‑an. Dimension quantifier. (sem. domains: 8.2.2 - Long.)