Search results for "katlu₂"

katlu₂ (der. of tulu) 1sta. the third in a sequence of count objects. Ha-oy di mikatlu ke dakamin liman hintutulang. I am the third of us five brothers. Hantuh mikatlu mipalpud uwani ya umalih tulang ku. On the third day from today, my brother will come. (sem. domains: 8.1.1 - Number.) 2nom. one-third share of a crop. (sem. domains: - Fraction.) 3trans. to divide into three equal parts. (sem. domains: 7.8 - Divide into pieces.) 4comm. third day of the week. [first day is Monday.] Umali kah bale hi katluna. Come to the house on Wednesday. 5quan. refers to the third entity or event in a sequence. Hi katlun di algo nah biggat na, ihudum mo nan bubud ya tono hi buhi. On the third day in the morning, put the fermented rice and the juice into a wine jar. der. ingkatlu