Search results for "la-uwan"

munla-uwan (infl. of la-u) intrans. a lot of people or things passing by. Munla-uwan day tatagu hin Sabadu. During Saturdays, people keep passing by. muN‑ ‑an/nuN‑ ‑an.

lulug 1comm. knee. Nagadgadan di lulug na. His knees were bruised. La-uwanay lulug ya deyan umanidu hin tininggadan da. Its height comes to your knee and yet, it gives heat when they light it. (sem. domains: - Leg.) 2sta. to be knee high. Milulug nan liting nah daulon handi pimmuwok. The water under the house reached up to the knees when it stormed. mi‑. der. ilulugan

la-uwan (la-u) trans. to overtake someone. La-uwan daka nah dalan ya maunna kamin dumatong. We will overtake you along the way and arrive first. Lina-uwan dakami mu ugge dakami immatunan. You overtook us but you did not recognize us. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5C Goal oriented sites. (sem. domains: 7.2.2 - Move in a direction.)

deya (sp. var. daya) (comp. of de, ya) adjunct. see there! expression of confirmation. Deya ot an nun-obbo kayun dimmatong. There, you arrived one after the other. La-uwanay lulug ya deyan umanidu hin tininggadan da. Its height comes to your knee and yet, there, it gives heat when they light it. Interjection. comp. deyahdi comp. deyahna comp. deyahtu

butik 1to run. 1.1intrans. to move by moving legs rapidly; run. Mumbubutik an limmah-un. He was running when he came out. Ya andani ya mumbubutik an manayyu nan ahawana. And after awhile, the her husband came running down. muN‑/nuN‑. Class 1A Movement, manner. Sim: bel’et. (sem. domains: - Run, 7.2 - Move.) 1.2intrans. to continuously run in and about a particular site. Mumbutbuttikan nan golang nah danum. The child is running around in the water. muN‑ ‑an, CV(C)‑. 1.3intrans. to run about repeatedly, with the component of stopping and starting again. Adika bumanuttikan te mihubag ka. Don’t be always running around because you will stumble. um‑ ‑an‑ ‑an. 2to run in a direction. 2.1trans. to run in relation to a goal-object. Butikon yu ingganah baleda. You will run until you reach their house. ‑on/‑in‑. 2.2intrans. to run in relation to a particular site-object (place of running). Butikan yu hin la-uwan yu nan ob-ob. Run when you pass by the spring. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3intrans. to run away to escape danger or pursuit. Bumtik man nan babuy. The pig will surely run away. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. bumtik

anidu intrans. to warm oneself near the fire. Eka mun-anidu nah kad-an nan dalikan. Warm yourself by the hearth. Kanak pe on no abunay apuy ya kanan gayam ot takon hidiyen lata ya mun-anidu. I thought that only a fire (can warm us) and yet even that can can warm us. La-uwanay lulug ya deyan umanidu hin tininggadan da. Its height comes to your knee and yet, it gives heat when they light it. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 1B Movment with a directional component. Sim: dangdang. der. pun-aniduwan

tinggad trans. to light something with a match. la-uwanay lulug ya deyan umanidu hin tininggadan da. Its height comes to your knee and yet, it gives heat when they light it. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5C Goal-oriented site. (sem. domains: 5.5.1 - Light a fire.)