Search results for "lanat"

lanat trans. to melt lard or plastic by heat or fire. Lanatom nan manteka ta mumpulituwak. Melt the lard and I will fry (food). Em ilanat nan manteka ta mumpulitu tah dolog. You melt the lard and we will fry the fish. Nalanat nan manteka nah butilya. The lard in the bottle is melted. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑, ma‑/na‑. 4A Change the structure of an object. (sem. domains: - Steps in food preparation.)

isplikar 1intrans. to explain something. Mun-isplikar nan mittulu yaden mungngala ka. The teacher is explaining something yet you are very noisy. muN‑/nuN‑, puN‑ i‑. (sem. domains: 3.5.8 - Interpreting messages.) 2nom. explanation. Donglom nan pun-iisplikar na. Listen to his explanation. puN-. 3intrans. to explain something in particular. Iisplikar na hin nganney aton nah ngunu. He is explaining how to do the work. i‑/iN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: explicar.

punek sta. to be fully satisfied with food or an explanation. Napnek nah kinanan balat. He was satisfied with the banana he ate. Napnek nah humang nan imbabalena. He was satisfied with his son’s explanation. ma‑/na‑. 6D Descriptives. Sim: buh’ug. (sem. domains: - Contentment.)