Search results for "mun-addiaddi"

mun-addiaddi (der. of adi) advpred. to do something reluctantly or unwillingly. Mun-addiaddin immed da-ul. Reluctantly, he went down. muN‑ CV(C)CV‑. Manner. (sem. domains: - Willing.)

addi-addi (der. of adi) intrans. 1to be unwilling to act because of disagreement with or dislike of the proposal for action; to refuse. Mun-addiaddih Ana. Ana is unwilling. Mun-addiaddih tulang kun ume. My brother is unwilling to go. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: - Refuse to do something, - Disobey.) 2intensified negative. Addi-addik pinhod an mabutong ka te uggem inilay at-attom. I really do not like you to be drunk because you do not know what you are doing.