Search results for "ngahngah"

ngahngah intrans. to breathe rapidly; to gasp for breath resulting from running or brisk walking; gasping or panting because one is tired or having difficulty in breathing. Mungngahngahak yaden mungkaliyak hi bale mi. I shouted as I gasped for breath. Maka-atung kinali mungngahngah nan ahu. It is very hot, that is why the dog is panting. muN‑/nuN‑. Class 2E Physiological functions. (sem. domains: 2.2.1 - Breathe, breath.)

muN- TACR. 1this prefix encodes non-past tense, durative time aspect; it cross-references the subject and is the default affix for Class 1 verbal roots. <Morphophonology: The velar consonant in coda position assimilates to the point of articulation of the first consonant in the root.> Mungngahngahak yaden mungkaliyak hi bale mi. I gasped for breath and yet I shouted at our house. Itikod mun muntugal an ap-apuk. Stop gambling, grandson. An mun-in-inop ka? Inid-onah nunhina-ob an pukol ku. “Are you dreaming?” She held me by my shoulders. 2non-past tense, signals a durative aspect activity rather than a punctiliar action when co-occuring with a transitive verbal root, cross-references subject. Dakol kami an naamung nah plaza an munhood kamih lugan. Many of us gathered at the plaza to wait for a ride. Ta mundadaan dah ibaddang dan hiya. So that they will prepare whatever they will give to help. Katatakut pay an e bumah-el te dakol di talak an muntutun-ud. It is even dangerous to cross the street since there are many buses lined up one after the other. 3when the prefix co-occurs with the reduplicant CV(C)-, it encodes non-past tense, durative-continuative aspect and cross-references the subject. Deket palhu di pangiha-angam, mahapul an uggan mu ikiwa ta mun-iingngoy lutu na. If a skillet is used, it is necessary to stir the rice from time to time so that it will be cooked evenly. Mumpaypaytuk ya mungkuli. She was jumping up and down and screaming. 4when this affix co-occurs with Class 6 verb roots, it changes statives to durative processes; it encodes non-past tense and cross-references the subject. Mihmihdi nah munhihilong ya nah kakaiw an dakol di hapang nan mahdol di tubuna. It stays in dark places (becoming dark) or in trees with thick, leafy branches. Deket dakol di binokbok na ya mapul-ukan an mumpait. When too much binokbok-yeast is used, the wine will become bitter. 5the prefix derives verbs from nouns; it encodes non-past tense and cross-references the subject. Ya pinhod ot Mayor ya dakol day binabain mun-ampuyo. What the Mayor wanted was that many women would wear the Ifugao skirt. Mumboga da ya mungkail da. They prepare rice and make wine. Adina itikod an mumbaki te wadanwaday takut na an kumpulmin tiempu ya mate. He does not stop doing the rituals because his fear is that he might die at anytime. 6the prefix encodes non-past tense, reflexive and cross-references both the subject and object expressed in a single noun phrase. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day (bathe yourself). Imme dah hilong ot muntalu da nah e-elena. They went while it was dark and hid themselves outside of the camp.

ak pers. 1I; first person, singular pronoun; a member of Set 2 subject pronouns, cross-referenced by verbal affixes. <Morphophonology: When a verb ends in a vowel, this pronoun attaches to the verb as an enclitic, and a consonant will be inserted between the verb and the pronoun.> Handi pinghanan umeyak hidi ya kalyok on matalakak. When I went there for the first time, I thought I would get lost. Immi-ingleyak an pinhod kun umanamut mo indani bo kaya ya uminghaak. I felt so lonely that I wanted to return home, but after a while I became adjusted. Mungngahngahak yaden mungkaliyak hi bale mi. I gasped for breath and yet I shouted at our house. (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.) 2me; first person, singular pronoun; a member of Set 3 object pronouns; cross-referenced by verbal affixes. Adiyak danugon te mahakitanak Don’t hit me because I easily feel pain. Tinuttuduwak an kumali kali da. They taught me how to speak their language.

yaden (den) (comp. of ya, den) conj. 1connects a clause with information that expresses contraexpectation and is antithetical to that encoded in the preceding clause; and yet. Maid inat kun hiya yaden dumuntuk. I did nothing to him and yet he wants to box me. Pituy toona yaden makangngun-unud ya makabbaddang. He was only seven years old, and yet he was obedient and helpful. Wada da nan munhona ta kanan di bumaddang da yaden mungkulkullawing da ot ya aabu ta mid-um di dam-ot da. There are those naughty ones who say they will help carry the load, and yet instead they hold on to the pole and swing from one side to the other, thereby adding to the load. Ugge nabubungan yaden ahi udan mo. It’s not roofed, and yet it’s almost rainy season. Ammunay katem yaden mabungot ka. You are about to die, and yet you are angry. Compounding conjunctions and adjuncts. (sem. domains: - Concession.) 2connects a clause encoding an event that takes place at the same time as the one in the preceding clause; frequently, there is also a contraexpectation concept expressed in the context of the conjunction use; while. Munha-ang yaden mangan. He is cooking while eating. Man-un dakami te nakangngan kami yaden toattoan da peman di udum. Good for us because we ate while the others did not. Mungngahngahak yaden mungkaliyak hi bale mi. I gasped for breath while I was shouting at our house. (sem. domains: - At the same time.)