Search results for "odon₂"

odon₂ trans. to hold; to carry something held in hand. Indonak nan gampana ot mange kami. I held (and carried) the basket and we went. Adim odnan di uwa te mag-od ka. Don’t hold the knife because you’ll be cut. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Sim: kawot, kapet. (sem. domains: - Hold.) infl. mangdon

kawot trans. 1to hold fast; to grasp. Handih e malting hi Brenda ya ingkawot na ke ha-on ot innang an malting kamin duwa. When Brenda was about to drown, she grasped me and both of us nearly drowned. Pun-ikawot mun hiya yaden punhipag ot ya abun tulang mu. You were holding him while your brother was socking him. Mahakit tun nangikawotanan ha-on dih indani. This part where she grasped me a while ago is painful. i‑/iN‑, puN‑i‑, nangi‑ ‑an. Sim: odon, kapet. (sem. domains: - Hold.) 2to take hold of a handful of something. Kinawot na nan pitok ot ihaad na nah banong. He grasped a handful of mud and placed it on the mud-dike. Kinawot na nan pitok ot ipakpak nan ha-oy. She grasped the mud and threw it at me. ‑on/‑in‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. Sim: poka, gam’al. 3to cling to someone or something. Inang-ang na nan tindalu ya pun-ikawot nan inana. When he saw the soldier he was clinging to his mother. puN‑ i‑.

kapet trans. to cling; to hold to something desperately. Nun-oga ot ikapet na nah hapang. He fell, then clung to the branch. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct action toward an object. Sim: kawot, odon. (sem. domains: - Hold.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.