Search results for "ogna"

palahyang comm. thorn variety, the thorns of a citrus tree, long and straight. Adim ognan te waday palahyang na. Don’t hold it because it has thorns. Sim: pagit, hub’it. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.)

ogna trans. to hold something in hands. Imme ot ognanay taklen imbabalena. She went and held the hand of her child. (sem. domains: - Hold.)

makihal (der. of kihal) sta. to have a relapse in sickness. Adika ni-an mungngunu te makihal ka man. Do not work yet because you will certainly have a relapse. ma‑. Sim: gid’u, bognat. (sem. domains: 2.4 - Body condition.)

kulbung 1comm. a basket for husked rice; woven from rattan strips or baguinge fern. Nangapyah Ognayon hi kulbung ot ena igattang ad Lagawe. Ognayon made a basket and went to sell it in Lagawe. Mangohe keh Immaya ya ihaad yu nah kulbung. If Immaya is insolent, put her inside the kulbung-container. (said facetiously) Sim: attong. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to place in basket. Ikulbung mu nan natap-an an boga. Place the winnowed rice in the basket. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: - Put in.)

kayabkab intrans. to flap wings. Pakaognam nan payak nan manok te kumayabkab. Hold the chicken’s wings well because they’ll flap. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2B Movement, change of position. Sim: payagpag. (sem. domains: - Animal movement.)

gulpi₂ advpred. for some event to happen suddenly, there is no time to process it. Nagulpin nate te tinwik day odogna. He died suddenly (taken unaware) because they stabbed his back. na‑. Time. (sem. domains: 8.4.6 - Aspectual time.)

gid’u sta. to have a relapse when sick; to feel weak and dizzy. Adika ni-an mungngunu te magidu ka man. Do not work yet because you might have a relapse. ma‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. Sim: bognat, makihal. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick.)

bugtak₂ intrans. to startle someone. Binugtak na nan umumbun an golang. He startled the child who was sitting down. ‑on/‑in‑. Sim: kaynit, togna. (sem. domains: - Surprise.)

bognat sta. to experience a relapse after sickness. Adika e mungngunu te mabognat ka man. Do not go to work because you might have a relapse. Adika ni-an mumbalbal te mabognat ka te kattungom. Do not wash clothes yet because you just gave birth and you will have a relapse. ma‑. Sim: gid’u, makihal. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick.)

kaynit 1intrans. to be startled by someone or something with a component of fear or alarm. Adika kumaynit hi pangngolam hi palattug. Don’t be startled upon hearing a shot. Kimmaynit handi nag-a nan banga. He was startled when the pot fell. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Class 2C, Emotion and sensation . Sim: bugtak, togna. (sem. domains: - Surprise.) 2caus. to cause someone or something to be startled. Pakaynitom nan ahu ta bumtik. Startle the dog so that it will run away. Impakaynit dakami. He caused us to be startled. paka‑ ‑on, impa‑.

dotag 1comm. meat. [The word is often used as a word for pork since it is the most common meat sold and served at feasts.] Mahong-oy dotag mu nangina. Meat is delicious but it’s expensive. Ya ninomnom ku nan dotag an oognak ya maid. And I remembered the meat I was holding and it was gone. 2trans. meat that is shared; meat that is given as payment for something. Dotagom da Tayaban. Give a share of meat to Tayaban’s family. (meat from ritual) Damana mu dotagom nan gangha. Yes, it’s possible (to borrow gongs) but you must give meat as a payment. ‑on/‑in‑. dintagan

togna (fr. var. togya) trans. to frighten; to startle. Tognaom hin mala-u nah mabilau. Startle her when she passes by the canegrass area. Natogna ot iwalakana nan basu. He was startled and let go of the glass. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. Sim: bugtak, kaynit. (sem. domains: - Surprise.)