Search results for "tongpop"

tongpop (sp. var. tangpap) trans. to flatten a point, e.g. a pencil, walking stick. Tongpopam nan ulun nan patanong. Flatten the end of the walking stick with a knife. Hanaken pahok ya natongpopan nan bongawana ta hidiyey pangipat-uwan ya nan bongwana ke ya nahulitan ta hidiyey mipatak. A wedge is flattened at one end which can be hammered and the other end is pointed so that it can be nailed in. Tongpopam din nahulitan an kaiw. Flatten the pointed part of that stick. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. 5B Changing state of site by removal of something. (sem. domains: 7.8.3 - Cut.)