Search results for "uhdung"

Awwa prop. name of mountain. Deket wada tah tud Awwa ya mauhdungan di Amduntug hi South ya maudungan di Hulungan ya Nagacadan hi North. Anyone who is on Awwa is overlooking Amduntog to the South and overlooking Hulungan and Nagacadan to the North.

Amduntug prop. a barrio/village south of Kiangan. Deket wada tah tud Awwa ya mauhdungan di Amduntug hi South ya mauhdungan di Hulungan ya Nagacadan hi North. Anyone who is in Awwa is overlooking Amduntug to the South and overlooking Hulungan and Nagacadan to the North.

uhdung 1trans. to look down on something from a high elevation. Wada nah kaiw ot uh-dungganan dakami. He was in the tree and looked down at us. Uhdungan yu din nag-an baka. Look down at that cow that fell. Deket wada tah tud Awwa ya mauhdungan di Amduntug hi South ya maudungan di Hulungan ya Nagacadan hi North. Anyone who is in Awwa is overlooking Amduntog to the South and overlooking Hulungan and Nagacadan to the North. Muntikid ka ta datngam nan tap-on di bilid ta ahika mun-uhdung ya ahi matibo nan balemi. Ascend until you reach the top of the mountain and look down and you will be able to see our house. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. 5C Goal oriented sites. (sem. domains: 2.3.1 - See.) 2intrans. to look down. Muntikid ka ta datngam nan tap-on di bilid ta ahika mun-uhdung ya ahi matibo nan bale mi. Ascend until you reach the top of the mountain and look down and you will be able to see our house. muN‑/nuN‑.