Tuwali Ifugao - English



bah-ut trans. for an animal to jerk and free itself from being tied; to yank loose. Imbah-ut nan babuy di gakod na ot bumtik. The pig freed itself from it’s rope and ran away. i‑/iN‑. 3G Move body or body parts directionally. (sem. domains: - Pull.)
bahi comm. wine, older term that has been replaced by baya; still used in ritual language. Ininum da nan bahi dih gawwan di hilong hi punhudhudan da. They drank the wine at midnight as they sang their lamentation over the dead. {ritual} (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog: basi. der. binnahi
bahiba intrans. to disturb; to disrupt; to cause delay. Bumahiba kah aton di aammod. You disrupt what the elders are doing. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2H General class. Sim: bahhut. (sem. domains: 4.4.2 - Trouble.)
bahikwal comm. a rice variety. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.)
bahinti (sp. var. of bainti)
bahu (sp. var. balu) adj. new; for something to be described as new. Maphod nan bahun bulwatim. Your new clothes are good. Hannotam hi bahu. Change it to a new one. Qualifer .
bahul 1comm. fault; offense. [The most common ‘faults’ are violations of a cultural norm or actions or words that disrupt personal relationships.] Nganney bahul mu ta binungotan daka? What is your fault that he scolded you? Adim ipanuyun ha-on te bahul mu. Don’t blame me because it’s your fault. (sem. domains: - Bad.) 2intrans. to offend someone; to be at fault for an offense. Mumbahul ka ke ya adim ihaut. Do not deny it if you are at fault. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 4.8 - Conflict.) 3caus. to blame someone or something <Morphology: pabahulon> (sem. domains: - Accuse, confront.) infl. mabahulan infl. pabahulon
bahut trans. an omen given by an ido-bird or snake passing across road or path; this indicates that one should not continue with the trip. Nibangad te imbahut di pitpit. He came back because of the omen of the pitpit bird’s song. (pit! pit! pit!) i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: - Omen, divination.)
ba-ang 1intrans. to relieve one’s bowels; to defecate. Mumba-ang da te maid di katilyat. They just defecate anywhere because they don’t have a permanent toilet. muN‑/nuN‑. 1E Physiological functions. (sem. domains: 2.2 - Body functions.) 2nom. refers to the place where people defecate. Mun-agub din ba-angan. The place used for defecation stinks.
ba-at (fr. var. be-et; fr. var. bayya-bat) 1comm. guava fruit or tree. Adim tagan hi kakan hi ba-at te matubol ka. Do not eat too many guavas because you might become constipated. 2trans. to gather guavas. Eda mama-at nadan u-unga. The children went to gather guavas. maN‑/naN‑.
ba-atong comm. large, green grasshopper. Dakol di ba-atong hi payo. There are plenty of grasshoppers in the fields. Sim: am-amuna; Sim: am-amhik, golp’ak, yadit, paggepagge, am-amuna; Syn: am-amuna. (sem. domains: - Insect.)
ba-ba adv. expresses that it will be a short time until an event occurs. Restrictions: Hudhud epic. Maid ba-ba yaden immalih Bugan. In a short time Bugan came. {literary} Time. (sem. domains: 8.4.3 - Indefinite time.) Language of Borrowing: Keley-i Kallahan.
ba-hel (sp. var. bah-el) 1comm. refers to the back side or other side of a building or place. 2trans. for something to be on the other side. Indani ya ninomnom di iba-hel na an dadiye ya iAmduntog ya iAntipolo ya nadan iBae, iAmbabag, iBayninan, iNagacadan ya iHulungan I remembered that on the other side, there are the people of Amduntog, Antipolo, Bae, Ambabad, Bayninan, Nagacadan and Hulungan
ba-helna (sp. var. of bahhelna)
ba-i comm. edible water beetle, black and odorous; slightly smaller the lukkuban and better tasting. Adik pinhod an kanon di ba-i. I don’t want to eat ba-i. Sim: lukkuban; Gen: anggigiya. (sem. domains: - Insect.)
ba-inan (infl. of bain) trans. to insult someone by shaming. Ipilit na ke nan pinhod na ya ba-inam. If he insists on what he likes, insult him. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an.
bain 1comm. a feeling of humiliation, embarrassment resulting from being disgraced by someone or from an action that is disapproved by others. Maid di bain mu. You are a disgrace./You have no shame. Sim: ban-ule. (sem. domains: - Ashamed.) 2shameful. 2.1nom. to think that an action or situation does not meet the standard of appropriate behavior. Kababain di namuttag tan ume ya maid nihmoy idat nah mungkasal. It’s shameful to attend a wedding without anything to give to the couple (bride and groom). ka‑ CV‑. 2.2ashamed. 2.2.1intrans. to feel ashamed or shy. Bumain an mangibagan he-a. He is ashamed to tell you. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Class 2C, Emotion and sensation. (sem. domains: - Ashamed.) 2.2.2trans. to embarrass or humiliate someone; the victim is in view and cross-referenced by the affix. Nakaba-inanak te bina-inanak nah mittulu. I was so embarrassed because the teacher insulted me. Bainan daka ke ya op-opya ka. If they shame you, just keep quiet. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 2.2.3intrans. to be shy or ashamed. Mumba-iba-in kinali maid di ginun-ud na. She was too shy that’s why she got nothing. muN‑. 2.2.4trans. to be ashamed of something or someone with whom one is associated. Adim ibain an ihitu ka. Do not be ashamed that you are from here. Ibain nah inana. She is ashamed of her mother. i‑/iN‑. infl. ba-inan infl. bimmain infl. maba-inan infl. mibabain
bainti (sp. var. bahinti) 1adj. the count twenty of something. Bainti an tatagu di mahapul. Twenty people are needed. Number quantifier. Sim: dalan, duwampulu. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) 2sta. to be worth twenty. Idatanak hi mabainti kindi. Give her candies worth twenty pesos. ma‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: veinte.
baiyan (fr. var. of kababaiyan) comm. a lone female Hiyay baiyan da. She is their lone female.
bak’et comm. 1old woman. Hi Matima ya baket mo. Matima is an old woman now. Baket moh inana. Her mother is now an old woman. Opp: lakay. (sem. domains: - Woman.) 2may be used by a man to refer to his spouse. Hi baket di nana-ang. It was my wife who cooked. Daan hi baket mu? Where is your wife? Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.
bak’ug 1sta. hunchbacked. Mabakug dah gagala nadan aammod an mungngunuh payo te iyuyuung da. Those parents who work the ricefields become hunchbacked because they are bent-over everyday. ma‑. (sem. domains: 2.1 - Body.) 2trans. to hunch the back; slouch; bent from waist. Adim bakbakuggon te ad-adin tibon. Do not hunch your back because it is not good to look at. ‑on/‑in‑ CV(C)‑. 4A Change the structure of object. (sem. domains: 7.1.8 - Bend down.)
bak’uy₁ trans. to bend something. Bakuyon da nan gulipu ta umeh baleda. They will bend the pipe so it will go to their house. Bumakuy ka nah gumok. Bend some of the iron bars. Nabakuy di gaud na. His spade is bent/crooked. ‑on/‑in‑. 4A Change the structure of object. Sim: yaku, baking, banguy, killu. (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press.)
bak’uy₂ trans. to serve by spoon; to spoon out. [The word may be used because of the curve of the spoon because the same word form means ‘curved/bent’.] Bakuyom din ihda. You spoon the viand. ‑on/‑in‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. Sim: ado. (sem. domains: - Serve food.)
baka 1comm. male or female grass eating quadruped with horns; cow; the meat of a cow, beef. Nate nan baka mi. Our cow died. Dakol di baka nah kudal. There are a lot of cows in the pastureland. Nanginay dotag di baka. Beef is very expensive. (sem. domains: 1.6.1 - Types of animals.) 2intrans. to raise cows. Mumbaka kayu. Raise cows. muN‑/nuN‑. 3sta. to be smelly, like a cow. Mabakabaka nan bulwatina. His clothes smell like cattle. ma‑ CVCV‑. 4comm. refers to the meat derived from cows. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: vaka.
bakag 1comm. the bones of an exhumed person. [The bones are wrapped in a blanket for the exhumation rites bogwa.] Eda inalay bakag amana ta mamogwa da. They went to take his father’s bones so he’ll have the exhumation rite performed. (sem. domains: - Custom.) 2sta. the skeleton of a person; no flesh left. Nabakag mo nan gunit te nala-u moy hintoon nipalpu dih natayana. There is no more flesh on the bones because it’s already more than a year after his death. na‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. Sim: gun’it. (sem. domains: 2.1.6 - Bone, joint.)