Tuwali Ifugao - English



painum (infl. of inum) caus. to nurse baby; cause someone to drink. Painumamam nan golang te naagangan. Nurse the baby because he is hungry. Mada-idaih ya pakayahyaak moppe te impainumanak hi liting. After a while, I could breathe again because she gave me a drink of water. pa‑ ‑an/impa‑ ‑an.
pait 1sta. to have a bitter taste. Mumpait nan tungpup. The bamboo-shoot is bitter. Mapait di apgu. The bile is bitter. muN‑, ma‑. 6D Descriptives. Sim: lumii, ngalat, hangliw. (sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.) 2comm. rattan fruit; tends to have sour, rather than bitter taste. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano. ampait
paka- mod. non-past form; functions to encode the negative ability of an agent to do what the verb expresses; cannot do something. <This prefix co-occurs with the negative form adi.> Athidi bon nah hilong ta adi ka pakahuyop. It’s like that at night, too, so that you cannot sleep. Mu hanada ken iibana ya adi da pakatibo kediyen golang. But as for his companions, they could not see that child. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
pakaC1- mod. this prefix functions as an intensifying modal for Class 4 verbal roots. Dimmin-ong ta pakaddonglona ya impidwanan bon pimmalak an palak di babai. He was quiet so that he could carefully listen and the groan of a woman was repeated. Hiya ke ya pakappinhod da aman inana ya hi apunan hi Dulnuan. He really loved his father, mother and grandfather Dulnuan. Mu hay pakappinhod nan kanon ya hay da munlumiin bunga. But what it really likes best is sweet fruit. Sim: C1. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
pakaC1- -an this circumfix is an intensifier and cross-references the site-object. <This circumfix is an allomorph of the circumfix pakaC2‑ ‑an. It co-occurs with roots with the CVC.CV(C) syllable pattern.> Hi Joshua ya pakabbaddangan APU DIOS, kinali nundingngol di ngadanah kabobboble. (Joshua 6:7) As for Joshua, the LORD greatly helped him, that’s why his name was heard in all the villages. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
pakaC1- -on this circumfix is an intensifier and cross-references the object of Class 4 roots. <This circumfix is an allomorph of the circumfix pakaC2‑ ‑on. It co-occurs with roots with the CVC.CV(C) syllable pattern.> Pakabbidbidom ke nan impitudok Apu Dios, maid di kananah malpud Galileen profetas. (Juan 7:52b) Read very carefully what God has caused to be written, there is nothing said about a prophet from Galilee. Hanadan tataguh di ya pakaddonglon day intuttudun Felipe te tinibo day milogron inat na. (Acts 8:6) The people there listened very well to what Felipe was teaching because they saw the miracles that he did. Sim: C2, pakaC2- -on, pakaC2- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
pakaC2- -an this circumfix intensifies the action of the agent-subject and cross-references a definite object. Ot pakaguwwalyaan da ot maid moy oggan madngol nadah bibilid ad Israel hi katatakut an olmom na. (Ezekiel 19:9a) They carefully guarded him and so never again would his fearful roar be heard in the mountains of Israel. Sim: C2, pakaC2- -on, pakaC1- -on. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
pakaC2- -on TACR. this circumfix is an intensifier and cross-references the object of Class 4 roots. Pakabayyuon dah maphod nan page. They will pound the rice very well. Sim: C2, pakaC2- -an, pakaC1- -on. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
pakaC3- -on this circumfix is an intensifier and cross-references the object of Class 4 roots. Om, inat nay gaga-ihon pakabalawwon Apu Dios. (2 Chronicles 21:6b) Yes, he did evil that God intensely hates. “Pakadadaggon takuh tuwen boble!” (Psalm 137:7) “We will totally destroy this city.” Sim: C3, paka-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
pakada intrans. to ask permission. Mumpakada an maki-ed Lagawe. She is asking permission to go to Lagawe. Ipakadam nah kon bale ta ahika ume. Ask permission from the host before leaving. muN‑/nuN‑, i‑ ‑an/iN‑ ‑an. Sim: kodo, bag’a. (sem. domains: 3.3.2 - Request.)
paka- -an this circumfix encodes the competence and expertise of the agent-subject to do whatever is expressed in verb; the site-object is cross-referenced. Ha-on (God) ya takon di daana ya wadaak, kinali, paka-innilak am-in di at-aton di tatagu. (Jeremiah 23:23) As for me, I (God) am everywhere, that is why I know very well everything that people are doing. Itikod yun mangat hi gaga-ihot ha-oy (God) di paka-u-unnudan yu. (Jeremiah 4:4a) Stop doing evil so that I will be the one you carefully follow. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
pakaiC1- trans. this affix combination is an intensifying modal; when affixed to Class 3 transitive verbs, it intensifies the action encoded in the root; non-past tense. Indani ya imme on profetas ot kananan Ahab di “Mibangngad kayu ke ya pakaidaddaan muy titindalum ya pakaipplanum di ustu te hantuh umalin toon hi athitun tiempo ya gubaton daka bo nah patul di Syria. (1 Patul 20:22) Later, the prophet went and said to Ahab, “You all return and you must carefully prepare your soldiers and carefully plan because about this time in the coming year, the king of Syria will war against you.” Sim: impakaiC1-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
pakak comm. tree variety, particularly good for posts. Waday pukot di pakak. The pakak-tree has a sticky sap. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)
pakan (infl. of kan) 1caus. to feed an animal, usually quadrupeds, or a baby or a sick person. Pakanom nan ahu. Feed the dog. Pinangan da mo nan babuy. They have already fed the pigs. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 2trans. focus is on the particular food that will be fed. Ipakan mu nan tingting. Give the sweet potato leaves for its food. i‑/iN‑. 3trans. a durative aspect related to who feeds and who eats. Adi daka panganon te mangidlu ka. I’ll not feed you because you are lazy. paN‑ ‑on.
pakat₁ trans. to put forth effort; to try with all one’s capability. Ipakat mun mun-iskul ta magibbu ka kaya. You put forth your effort in schooling and you’ll finish. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: - Try, attempt, - Work hard.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.
pakat₂ trans. to set a trap. Impakat na nan lingon nah habal. He placed the bird-trap in the swidden. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap, 7.5.9 - Put.)
pakat₃ 1comm. an amount someone owes another person in gambling. Waday pakat nah duwan gatut. He owes an amount of two hundred pesos. Sim: utang, gawat. (sem. domains: - Owe.) 2pass. owes an amount in gambling. Napakatan hi hinlibu ot bumtik. A thousand was owed in gambling so he ran away. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an.
pakawan intrans. 1to ask forgiveness. Mumpakawan kan hiya. Ask forgiveness from him. muN‑/nuN‑. Syn: pakoma. (sem. domains: - Forgive.) 2to forgive someone. Pakawanom ot uggena ingnguddan. Forgive him, anyway he did not do it intentionally. ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.
pakbu trans. to empty the contents of a container by turning it upside down and letting the contents fall out in a pile. i‑/iN‑. 3B Move and release object. Sim: kuyag. (sem. domains: - Take something out of something.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.
pakdal 1comm. plank used in crossing creeks or climbing trees. Umalah kah pakdal ta pakdalan taku tun akasya ta ek alan din orkid. Go and get a plank so we will use it here by this acacia to get that orchid. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.) 2trans. to use a plank as a bridge. Pakdalam nan kanal ta ipabah-el ta tun kamatilya. Place a plank across the canal so that we will push this wheelbarrow to the other side. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 7.5.9 - Put.) 3comm. a tall ladder, more than 6 feet.
paki proc. for rice wine to become over-aged, rice wine that tastes sour or bitter; wine that has not been opened retains its original taste. [Old folks will drink it with red pepper and salt.] Pimmaki nan baya. The rice wine became aged and sour. Pumaki nan baya hin udman hi liting nan bubud. The rice wine will taste bitter if you add water to the fermented rice. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2G Processes.
paki- TACR. this prefix encodes a participatory concept; it cross-references the object and encodes an inclusive meaning of all or group of objects; non-past tense. Pakipaem hituwe ke ina. Could you send this to mother (include it along with other things)? Pakialiyom hi ina. Let mother come along (include her with others). Iha-ang mun tuwen dotag ya pakiha-ang mu nadan gunigunit. Cook this meat and cook it along with those bones. Pakiala day kinadangyan diyen boble. They will also get the wealth of that village. Sim: impaki-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
pakid ( pakkid) 1) comm. a long stick with a hook at its end. Kapyaom pakid nan ohan hapang di kape. Make one of the coffee tree branches into a hook. [This type of stick is used for getting fruit from trees, it is used to pull a branch toward the picker.](sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.) 2) trans. to hook with a stick. Pakidom din hapang din kape ta pugaon ta. Hook the branch of the coffee tree so we can gather its fruit. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)
paki- -an TACR. this circumfix encodes non-past tense and a participatory concept; it cross-references a site-object. Pakidammuwak ke he-ah bigat. I will meet with you tomorrow. Ad Kiangan di ek pakitendaan. Kiangan is where I will also sell. Dahdi nan pakihumhumangan mu. Whom are you talking with. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)
paki- -on caus. this circumfix encodes non-past tense and a participatory concept; it cross-references a patient-object. Namam-a te kanan hanadan iibanay adida mo paki-ayon hi pidwana. What was even worse was her brothers told her that she could not come with them again. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)