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iyatu intrans. to rest; to take a respite. Mun-iyatu taku te madam-ot tun inodnak. Let us rest because my load is heavy. Maiyatuwan kayu ke ne umali kayun mangan. When you are rested come in to eat. muN‑/nuN‑, ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. 1C General class. (sem. domains: 2.4.5 - Rest.) der. pun-iyatuwan infl. mun-iyatu

iy’ad 1comm. coconut grater. Waday iyad da Marne te dakol di niyug da. Marne owns a coconut-grater because they have many coconuts. (sem. domains: 5.1 - Household equipment.) 2trans. to grate coconut meat. Iyadon yu tun niyug ta ikamo taku nah binakle. Grate this coconut so that we will mix it with the rice cakes. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4A Change the structure of object. (sem. domains: - Steps in food preparation.)

iwal trans. to loosen by shaking, e.g. teeth, stones. Adika gumadigadit te maiwal nan tilya. Don’t be moving the whole time because the chair will become loose. Iwalom nan batu. Shake the stone loose. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4D Release, remove or detach object. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)

itlug 1comm. egg. Ihibak mu nan itlug. Boil the egg. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) 2intrans. to lay eggs. Makangngitlug tun manok ku. My hen lays many eggs. Nun-itlug nan manuk di linggu. The hen laid an egg last Sunday. muN‑/nuN‑. 3comm. a nest for laying eggs. Wada nah daulon di pun-itlugan nan gawgawa. The nest of the duck is under the house. Duway dalanom ta ahim datngan di bulan. (itlug)(riddle) You take two steps before you reach the moon. (refers to the removal of the shell and white of an egg before reaching the yolk) pun‑ ‑an.

iskul (sp. var. itkul) 1comm. school. Umeyak moh iskul te nakengkeng. I am going now to school because the bell has been rung. Imme nadan u-ungah iskul. The children went to school. (sem. domains: 6.5.1 - Building.) 2intrans. to attend school; to study in school. Mun-iskul taku hi bigat. We will attend school tomorrow. muN‑/nuN‑. 1C General class. (sem. domains: 3.2.2 - Learn.) Language Of Borrowing: English: school.

ipu 1comm. to make new yeast by mixing old and new yeast. (sem. domains: 1.2.2 - Substance, matter.) 2trans. to spread old powdered yeast over new yeast. i‑/iN‑.

ipi- (sp. var. ipa-) TACR. this prefix encodes a causative; cross-references the object; non-past tense. [This variant of the prefix ipa- usually co-occurs with roots that have the vowel ‘a’ in the first syllable.] Ot ipien Annas hi Jesus an nanongnan nabalud hi kad-an Kaypas an natag-en padi. (Juan 18:24) And then, Annas had Jesus who was still bound taken to Kaypas the high priest. Ot ipipaptok na nadah imbabalenan linalaki. (Genesis 30:35b) And then, he had his sons taken care of them (sheep and goats). Sim: impa-, ipa-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

ipaanhan (der. of anhan) adjectival predicate. to make an action or activity important; to give preference to; to prioritize. (sem. domains: - Important.)

ipa- (sp. var. of ipi-) TACR. the prefix encodes a causative prefix; cross-references the object, but an agent, the person doing the action is always implied though the causative-agent is the subject; non-past tense. Ipaali na boy kolyog ya iwagot na nadan batun nipab-unan tun luta. He will bring an earthquake and he will shake the rocks that are seated on the earth. Deket kanan nan tagu di humagabi, ipainila na ni-an hi iibana. When a man decides to perform the hagabi-ceremony, he must first inform (cause to know) all his relatives. Sim: impa-, ipi-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

ingpi 1sta. to be thin, an object, e.g.blanket, paper. Maingpiy hubil di Malikanu. Americans have thin lips. ma‑. Size adjective. (sem. domains: - Thin thing.) 2proc. the process of something becoming thinner. Umingpi nan otak hin adi on hinait mu. The machete will become thin if you keep sharpening it. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 3trans. to cause something to be thin. Ingpihom di punggogod mu nah dotag. Cut the meat thin. ‑on/‑in‑. 4A Change the structure of object.

ingngo 1intrans. to be similar; to be alike; to resemble; to be equal. Nun-ingngo di bulwati da. They have the same clothes. Adinadaman eka miingngon nah apum. You cannot be equal to your boss. muN‑, mi‑. Sim: obot, umat, paddung. (sem. domains: - Same.) 2trans. to imitate; to follow or copy what someone does. Ining-ingo nay pungkalkalin inana. She imitated the way her mother talks. Ing-ingo nay pumbulwatin tulang na. She imitates the way her sister dresses. Iingngo yu nah kinapya dan ubunan. Imitate (make one the same) the chair that they made. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: - Meet a standard.) 3sta. to be identical. Naka-ingngoy angada te dappilda. Their faces are identical because they are twins. naka‑. 4proc. to become the same. Deket palhu di pangiha-angam, mahapul an uggan mu ikiwa ta mun-iingngoy lutu na. If a skillet is used, it is necessary to stir the rice from time to time so that it will be cooked evenly. muN‑ i‑. der. kaingngo der. kiingngohan

ingngiing (sp. var. inggiing) 1comm. a flute made of bamboo, played with nose. Ikapyaanak hi ingngiing, aga. Please make a bamboo flute for me. Sim: kupli-ing, ipiip. (sem. domains: - Musical instrument.) 2intrans. to play the flute. Hantuh program ya mun-ingngi-ing ka. During the program you will play the flute. muN‑. Manuel Dulawan: Readings on Ifugao

ingal 1comm. shouting noise. Donglom di ingal din u-unga. Listen to the shouts of the children. Sim: tukuk. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say.) 2trans. to express excitement by cheering in competitive play or exhibition. Nganney ingaingalan di tatagu di hilong? What were the people cheering about last night? CVCV ‑an. 3intrans. to make a shouting noise. Tipet ekayu umingal? Why do you make noise? ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

inipul comm. beads that are strung and worn around the head, intertwined with the hair. [These beads are generally worn for special occasions, and are inherited property.] Nakangnginay inipul. Headbeads are very expensive! Sim: banungul, attake. (sem. domains: 5.4.1 - Jewelry.)

iniggid (der. of iggid) comm. left side area of someone or something. Umbun ka tuh iniggid ku. You sit at my left. Gumamal kah binokbok hi iniggid mu. Take a handful of the powder with your left hand. iN‑. (sem. domains: 8.5.2 - Direction.)

indamyo 1comm. a scaffold, planks of wood. Ongal nan indamyon didan mungngunu. The scaffolding of the workers is big. 2trans. to make a walkway out of planks of wood. Indamyuwan yu nan pangipadalnan nadah batu. Make a walkway where the stones will be brought up. ‑an/iN‑ ‑an.

inappowan (infl. of appo) trans. to have overtaken someone in a race or a task being performed. ‑in‑ ‑an.

iN- TACR. 1this prefix encodes past tense, a punctiliar time aspect and cross-references the direct object with the conveyed semantic role; it is a member of the default affix set for Class 3 verbal roots. Inha-ad da nan basket hi bale. They placed the basket in our house. Sim: i-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 2this prefix encodes past tense and punctiliar aspect; it derives a transitive verb when it co-occurs with Class 1A intransitive movement verbal roots and cross-references an object that moves with the agent, e.g. to bring something or to take something. In-alik nan liblum. I brought your book. 3this prefix encodes past tense, punctiliar aspect, and cross-references an instrument object with Class 4 verbal roots. Indikhal na nan matadom an wahe. He used the sharp ax to split wood. 4this prefix encodes past tense, punctiliar aspect and expresses a manner component related to the phrase or clause in the direct object NP position of the main clause. Initpol nay takut nan kananah nomnom nay kapyana nin. He endured/controlled his fear and thought maybe that’s just its nature. Indalan da Bugan nah papayo. Bugan and her mother walked through the ricefields. 5this prefix encodes past tense; co-occurs with a time aspect adverbial predicate and cross-references the clause embedded in the object NP position of the main clause. Intuluy nan mangan inggana nabhug. He continued to eat until he was satisfied. Intikod nan muntugal te binungotan ama na. He stopped gambling because his father scolded him. 6this prefix encodes non-past tense, derives a verb from a noun, and the object is usually incorporated though a specific object may be explicit and cross-referenced. In-akbut na nan bulwati na. He backpacked his clothes. 7this prefix encodes past tense and punctiliar aspect; it co-occurs with speech verbs and cross references the object that refers to what is said. “Mapopotangan ka ya abuh di,” inhumang amana. You will just be standing in the sun,” answered his father. Inun-unud day imbagan Pablo ot ahi pumhod nan unga. They did what Pablo told them and the child got well.

importante (sp. var. impoltante) 1advpred. important. Importante an eka bumotos. It is important that you go out and vote. Importante tun ayak ad Lagawe. My going to Lagawe is important. Ya adim kal-iwan an hay importanten punggastuwam ya nadan liblum And don’t forget that the most important thing is to spend money on your books. Evaluative. Sim: mahapul, kinwani. 2trans. to make important. Adika mumpaimportante hin ume taku hi balen tulang mu. Do not make yourself important when we go to your sibling’s house. mumpa‑/numpa‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

imbango (infl. of bango) comm. 1bride price; animals for engagement, three pigs are required. In-e day imbangon nan tulang ku ot ume kamit emi bolwaon. They brought the bride price to my cousin so we went to take our share. Tulun babuy di pinalti da nah imbangon Bugan. Three pigs were butchered for Bugan’s bride price. In-e day imbango na. They brought his engagement animals. (sem. domains: 2.6.1 - Marriage.) 2an engagement ceremony; betrothals have historically been arranged for their children by parents anytime from infancy through puberty.

ilista (der. of lista) trans. to have credit in a store; to make a list of charges in a store. Ilistam tun alak ta ahik idat hi ohhandi. List down the things I get and I will pay it the day after tomorrow. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: - Owe, 6.8.7 - Accounting.)

ila-u (infl. of la-u) trans. to pass by with something or someone. Ila-u yu nan babuy hitu ta tibok. You pass by here with the pig so I can take a look at it. Ila-u dah tu nan nate. They will pass by here with the dead person. i‑/iN‑. 3F Move something along with oneself. (sem. domains: - Move past, over, through.)

i- -an TACR. this circumfix cross-references a beneficiary-object of an action and encodes non-past tense and punctiliar aspect. I-ang-angam hi bulwatih inam. Look for a dress for your mother. Igaudam hi inam te nain-ina mo. Spade for your mother because she is old already. Mahapul an ibakiyan ya ahi pinumhod. Instead a shaman has to perform a ritual for him to make him well. Deket munda-guh da ya mahapul an painuman ya ipaltiyan nan kon bale. If they should stop at a house, the relative must give them wine and butcher a pig for them. Sim: iN- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

ihtu (der. of hitu) trans. to place something by the speaker; store here; keep here. Ihtum nan manuk ne em alan nan otak. Put the chicken here then go and get the machete. Ihtu yu nadan gaud yu. Leave your spades here. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: 7.5.9 - Put.) infl. mihtu

ihda (sp. var. hida) 1trans. to eat something as a side dish with rice. <The form ihda is the most commonly used form; however hida is used with the suffix ‑an and prefix muN-.> Adida ke ihda nan bolat na ya kapyaon dah akbut. When they do not eat the skin, they make it into a backpack. (referring to the skin of a wildcat) Adik pinhod an ihday amunin. I do not like to eat wildcat meat. Dakol day naminhod an mangihdah amunin. Many like to eat wildcat meat. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) 2comm. any cooked side dish to be eaten with rice; viand. Nganney ihda yu? What is your viand? Ihdak di dolog. I eat fish with my rice. (I’ll have fish as my viand.) 3trans. to eat rice with a viand. Munhida takuh dotag ad uwani. We will eat meat with our rice today. muN‑, ‑an. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) n. ph. danum di ihda