Search results for "ang-ang"

kudong comm. bird, white paddy species; long legs and neck, eats snails and insects in rice paddies, mostly found in the lowlands. Inang-ang kuy ohan kudong. I saw one kudong-bird. (sem. domains: - Bird.)

ku pers. 1I; first person, singular pronoun; member of Set 1 non-cross-referenced subject pronouns. <Morphophonology: When a verb ends in a vowel, the pronoun attaches to the verb, and the vowel ‘u’ is dropped.> Ang-angok di manayo. I will look at the dancers. Pinpinhod kuy makihamul. I enjoy going to parties (lit. feasts). (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.) 2my; first person, singular, member of Set 1 possessive personal pronouns. <Morphophonology: When a possessed noun ends in a vowel, the pronoun attaches to the noun, and the vowel ‘u’ is dropped.> Tudok ku hinae. That is my letter.

kon₁ int. question marker, marks a yes-no question, usually used for confirming; may also be used as a rhetorical question marker. Kon pinhod mun e makih-od? Do you want to join in waiting? “Kon matiboy bibiyo?” kanan bon ina. “Can you see a fairy?” mother said. Kon tuwali waday kimmadangyan hi tugal? Was there ever one who became a rich man through gambling? “Kay na ot kanan di Lata. Ina, kon wada damdamay nangang-angam ketuwen bibiyo?” kanak. “It was like she said Lata. Mother, have you also seen this fairy?” I asked. (sem. domains: - Ask.)

kiting trans. to pinch someone. Kitingom hi Ana ta kumga. Pinch Ana so that she’ll cry. Adika ke nakakkiting; pangalim on adi mahakit? Don’t be fond of pinching; don’t you know it hurts? Kumaniting/kumitikiting tun golgollang. This child is always pinching. An daanay nangikitingan nan mittulum ke he-a? Where did your teacher pinch you? Impaka-ang-ang ku an pungkiting daka. I actually saw that you were being pinched. Mungkinniting da bo nadan hintulang. The sisters are pinching each other again. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑, puN‑, nangi‑, muN‑ ‑inn‑. 4B Tactile - Touch Contact. Sim: kibit. (sem. domains: 7.7.4 - Press.)

Ketema (sp. var. Kitema) 1prop. a divination ritual; performed to determine what spirit being has caused the sickness. Sim: Pakko, Agba. (sem. domains: - Prophecy, 4.9.5 - Practice religion.) 2intrans. to perform the ritual; may also refer to the one who performs the ritual. [This ritual is performed by a woman. As a medium she goes into a trance in order to perform the ritual.] Eda inang-ang nan mungketema. They went to see the one who performs the divination ritual. Mungketema da te mundogoh Mary. They are performing the Ketema-divination-ritual because Mary is sick. muN‑/nuN‑.

kawot trans. 1to hold fast; to grasp. Handih e malting hi Brenda ya ingkawot na ke ha-on ot innang an malting kamin duwa. When Brenda was about to drown, she grasped me and both of us nearly drowned. Pun-ikawot mun hiya yaden punhipag ot ya abun tulang mu. You were holding him while your brother was socking him. Mahakit tun nangikawotanan ha-on dih indani. This part where she grasped me a while ago is painful. i‑/iN‑, puN‑i‑, nangi‑ ‑an. Sim: odon, kapet. (sem. domains: - Hold.) 2to take hold of a handful of something. Kinawot na nan pitok ot ihaad na nah banong. He grasped a handful of mud and placed it on the mud-dike. Kinawot na nan pitok ot ipakpak nan ha-oy. She grasped the mud and threw it at me. ‑on/‑in‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. Sim: poka, gam’al. 3to cling to someone or something. Inang-ang na nan tindalu ya pun-ikawot nan inana. When he saw the soldier he was clinging to his mother. puN‑ i‑.

kangeb trans. to bite into food; to bite off pieces of food. Kinangeban di gando hanan intaluk an gattuk. The rats bit a part of the camote I hid. Tipet athituy ang-ang na an kay nakangekangeban. Why does it look like it has been bitten on all sides? Takon di pustisuy bab-am ya pun-ikangeb ot. Even if your teeth are false, just bite with them. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, na‑ ‑an + CV(C)CV‑, puN‑ i‑. 5B Changing state of site by removal of something. (sem. domains: - Bite, chew.)

kahin- mod. this prefix encodes an unexpected or unacceptable action. Kudukdulnay gibbuwon di inlappun ngunu mu nan eta bo kahinlappuh oha. It is better to finish work that has been started then to start something else. Deket natu-iy baka weno kabayun di hinag-on yu nah dalan ya adi kayu kahin-ang-ang hi hinnatkon an kay hanan uggeyu tinibo. If the cow or horse of your neighbor falls over on the trail, don’t look at something different as though you didn’t see that.

istolya (sp. var. ittolya; sp. var. istorya) 1comm. the telling of events or happenings; story; tale. Dakol di istolya hi donglon yuh di. You will hear many stories there. Handih kaittay ku ya dakol di istolyan di aammod ya nadan umali bale. When I was small, I heard many stories from older folks and from those who came to our house to visit. Sim: a-apo, bida, malamala. (sem. domains: 3.5.4 - Story.) 2tell a story. 2.1intrans. to tell a story; the activity of telling is in view. Mun-istolya kah mipanggep dih gubat. Tell a story about the war. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say, - Report.) 2.2trans. to tell a particular story. 2.2.1trans. to tell a specific story. Iistolyam di inat mun immalih tu. Relate the story about how you came here. i‑/iN‑. 2.2.2trans. to tell about a particular set of events. Istolyaon da nan inang-ang dad baliwon. They will relate to you a story about what they saw in the lowlands. Istolyaon dan handi kanu ka-gibbun di gubat ya namahig di banig. They say that after the second world war there were many incidences of ghost appearances. on/in . Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: historia.

ipad 1comm. a unity ritual. [A ritual wherein the newly married couple and others present hold hands in a circle signifying the feast is over and they are all united.] Etaku ang-angon di ipad. Let us witness the ipad-ritual. (sem. domains: - Custom.) 2intrans. to perform the ipad ritual. Mun-ipad ad uwani. They will perform the ipad-ritual today. muN‑/nuN‑. 3trans. to enumerate ancestors in the ritual. ‑on. infl. ipadon

in-in’op trans. 1something seen, heard or imagined while sleeping; to dream. Mun-in-inop ka hi maphod. You will dream about good things. muN‑/nuN‑. Sim: ag-agawat, mamayabbayang. (sem. domains: 5.7.2 - Dream.) 2focuses on what is dreamed. In-inopon yu nan inang-ang yu. You will dream about the thing you saw. Dakol di inininop ku dih hilong. I dreamed so many things last night. ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition.

ilag 1comm. yellowish, reddish color as of rice ripening or any other fruit. Maang-ang moy ilag dih page. Now, we can see the yellowish-reddish color of the rice grains (nearing harvest time). (sem. domains: - Color.) 2proc. to become yellow-red in color, describes rice or fruit that is becoming ripe. Umilag di kantol ten munkal-um. The santol-fruit becomes yellowish-reddish when about to be ripe. Mun-iilag nan bugan di kantol. The santol-fruit is reddish. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑. 2G Processes.

i- -an TACR. this circumfix cross-references a beneficiary-object of an action and encodes non-past tense and punctiliar aspect. I-ang-angam hi bulwatih inam. Look for a dress for your mother. Igaudam hi inam te nain-ina mo. Spade for your mother because she is old already. Mahapul an ibakiyan ya ahi pinumhod. Instead a shaman has to perform a ritual for him to make him well. Deket munda-guh da ya mahapul an painuman ya ipaltiyan nan kon bale. If they should stop at a house, the relative must give them wine and butcher a pig for them. Sim: iN- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

ibba 1comm. a person who associates with or accompanies another. [ Ifugao generally have companions, both in work and in travel.] Mun-ang-ang kah ibbam. Look for a companion. Dahdiy ibbam an immali? Who was your companion when you came? Sim: ga-it; Sim: kadwa, kuyug. (sem. domains: 4.1 - Relationships.) 2trans. to accompany someone, as a companion. Pinhod mu ta ibbaan daka ke Pedro. Would you like Peter to accompany you? ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5C Goal-oriented sites. (sem. domains: 7.2.5 - Accompany.) der. mun-ibba infl. ibbaan

i-₁ TACR. 1this prefix encodes non-past tense, a punctiliar time aspect and cross-references the direct object with the conveyed semantic role. It is a member of the default affix set for Class 3 verbal roots. Iha-ad muh nae hitu. Place that one here. Iha-ad da nan basket hi bale. They will put the basket in our house. Kay anhan ya idatong dah boble ta inay-un dah dolan di himmagabi. Sooner or later, the hagabi-bench will arrive in the village brought by the men and to the yard of the man performing the ceremony. Em iwaklin nan buhi. Put the wine jar in a safe place. Sim: iN-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 2the prefix encodes non-past tense and punctiliar aspect; it derives a transitive verb when it co-occurs with Class 1A intransitive movement verbal roots and cross-references an object that moves with the agent, e.g. to bring something or to take something. I-alik nan liblum. I will bring your book. (I will come bringing your book.) 3the prefix encodes non-past tense, punctiliar aspect, and cross references an instrument object with Class 4 verbal roots. Idikhal na nan matadom an wahe. He will use the sharp ax to split wood. Nganney ipalang mu? What will you use to cut with? Inggatang nay payo da ya odon da ta hay ahan itugal na. He sold their ricefields and heirlooms just to have money with which to gamble. 4the prefix encodes non-past tense, punctiliar aspect and expresses a manner component related to the phrase or clause in the direct object NP position of the main clause. Ipdug nay gunggung na. He chases with barking. Adim iploy pangalam hi pencil na. Don’t get his pencil by grabbing. I-ang-ang kuh manayo. I’ll look at the dancers. Kalubam hi daun ya ihamad mu ta maid hunggop hi dibdib. Cover the jar tightly with banana leaves so that no air enters. Namahig di hona da ta ihalhalla day dalan, ihinghingngi day dalan, namam-a ten waday iiban nadan himmagabi nah dalnon da. They go the wrong way, they go out of the way, especially if they know of a relative of the one performing the hagabi-ceremony who lives along the way. 5the prefix encodes non-past tense; co-occurs with a time aspect adverbial predicate and cross-references the clause embedded in the object NP position of the main clause. Ituluy mun mangan inggana mabhug ka. You continue eating until you are satisfied. Itikod mun muntugal an ap-apuk. Stop gambling, grandson. 6the prefix encodes non-past tense, derives a verb from a noun, and the object is usually incorporated though a specific object may be explicit and cross-referenced. Deke bo ta makudang di binokbok na ya madang-o nan hinamal o maid di idanum na. When the binokbok-yeast is insufficient, the rice will either be spoiled (it will not ferment) or it will produce no wine/liquid. Nganney iduyum? What have you placed on your plate (lit. plated)? 7the prefix encodes non-past tense and punctiliar aspect; it co-occurs with speech verbs and cross-references the object that refers to what is said. Mun-ap-apo wak kanu ya- uggek inila nan ia-apok. Aga mot nan bumdang di ia-apok. According to them, I’ll tell a story; oh, I don’t know what to relate. Okay, I’ll tell a story about roaming spirits.

huy-u sta. the edge of a village, a circular formation of land forming the edge. Pinhod kun ume nah huy-u te ang-angok di udum an boble. I want to go to the edge because I can see other villages. ma‑. (sem. domains: - Boundary.)

humilong di pangang-ang na. (id. of hilong) refers to extreme anger (lit. his seeing is darkened). (sem. domains: - Angry.)

huddok 1trans. to conceal something in a place that cannot be seen. Ihuddok mu tun higid ta adi maang-ang. Conceal this broom so that it can’t be seen. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: - Fill, cover.) 2comm. distant places that cannot be seen; may refer to barrios. Hi Dulnuan ya nalpuh huddok na. Dulnuan is from a distant place. (sem. domains: 8.5 - Location.)

hitu 1dem. Class 4 demonstrative pronoun; refers to spatial area: here, near speaker. <Morphophonology: the h of the demonstrative attaches to a previous word ending in a V; the i vowel of the demonstrative drops, and the tu remains.> Dahdiy wadah tu? Who is in here? Handih nun-ap-apuwan di Ippangyol hitud Pilipinas ya waday immalid Kiangan. During the Spanish rule here in the Philippines, some of them came to Kiangan. Hitu ke ya danum an maid di poppog nay maang-ang. Here, all you see is water without an end. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.) 2comm. refers to someone who is from the place,where the speaker is talking; from here. Ihitu da. They are from this place. 3nom. the place where someone resides; home; speaker’s house. Indani udot ya wada on tagun nanibon hiya ot baddanganan ianamut hi nunhituwan mid Longnga. Fortunately, a man was passing by and saw him and brought him to our house in Longnga. muN‑ ‑an/nuN‑ ‑an. athitu comp. athituy comp. dehtu comp. deyahtu comp. wadahtu der. ihtu der. nunhituwan ph. v. dedah tu

hin-ag intrans. to look through an aperture or something that is somewhat transparent so that light is the background. Ihin-ag mu ten immalih Tomas. Peep out to see if Tomas has come. Ihin-ag mu ta ang-angom di nitudok nah papel. Hold it against the light to see what is written on the paper. Ihin-ag mu an mangita-une nah bilat. Hold the needle against the light to thread it. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct action toward object. (sem. domains: 2.3.1 - See.) infl. munhin-ag

hili₁ intrans. 1(fig) to dazzle the eyes. [This is probably a figurative sense of hili - ‘pepper’ with the extended meaning that a bright light stings the eyes like a pepper stings the mouth.] Hiliyom nan puha nah hilong ot uggena inilay payuwana. Dazzle the cat at night and it does not know where it will go. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: 8.3.3 - Light.) 2glaring light. Humihhiliy potang. The glaring sunlight hurts the eyes. Nahiliyak hi potang kinali adiyak pakaang-ang hi ustu. The glare of the sun hurt my eyes so that I cannot see clearly. ‑um‑, na‑.

hil-ok comm. audible gasp or sigh related to surprise or admiration and also dismay. Restrictions: Hudhud epic. Kayang di hil-ok Aliguyun hi nangang-anganan Bugan. How Aliguyon gasped in admiration when he saw Bugan. Tipe anhan di hil-ok mu? Why your continous gasps of surprise? (sem. domains: 2.2.1 - Breathe, breath.)

hilamut 1trans. to lick one’s lips. [The licking of one’s lips is often done in anticipation of eating something delicious.] <Morphology: very commonly used as munhilhilamut.> Inang-ang Pedro nan dotag ya munhilhilamut. When Pedro saw the meat, he kept on licking his lips. Hilamutom nan nipakpak hi hubil mu. Lick that which is on your lips. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑ CV(C). Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.) 2intrans. (fig) to be envious, extended meaning. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: - Jealous.) id. munhilhilamut

hiknul (sp. var. tiknul) trans. to nudge with elbow, usually done to catch someone’s attention. [To call someone’s attention, if the person being nudged is a friend, but in some situations the nudge may be used to show one’s scorn.] Tipet humiknul ka? Kon umilaila ka. Why are you nudging? Are you looking for trouble? Hiknulom hi Allaga ta i-ang-ang na. Nudge Allaga so that he will look this way. Deket ang-angom hi Ana ya hiknulonak. When you see Ana, nudge me. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. Sim: hiku. (sem. domains: 7.7 - Physical impact.)

Hidit 1comm. ritual for peace; peace pact ritual, between enemies or opposing parties. Etaku makiang-ang hi Hidit da Bulahao ke Allaga. Let’s go see/witness the peace pact ritual between Bulahao and Allaga. (sem. domains: - Custom.) 2intrans. to perform the peace ritual. Munhidit da ad Tannibung. They will perform the Hidit-ritual in Tannibung. muN‑/nuN‑.