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madinol (der. of dinol) sta. to be confident; related to trusting in something or someone. Madinol ka hin maid di binuhul mu. You are confident if you have no enemies. ma‑. (sem. domains: - Confident.)

luw’ag intrans. to emit bubbles; boiling water. Munluluwag nan in-init mun liting. The water you heated is bubbling. Gagalan lumuwag nan liting hin ongngalom nan apuy na. The water will boil faster if you add more fire. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 1B Movement with a directional component. Sim: bayakbak. (sem. domains: 1.3 - Water.)

kokak (sp. var. of kukak) intrans. calling sound emitted by frogs; to croak. Mungkokak da bo nadan bakbak nah payo. The frogs in the ricefields are croaking. (sem. domains: - Animal sounds.)

kindom nay mata na (id. of mata) a euphemistic idiom for dying; he died (lit. he closed his eyes). Kindom nay mata na. He died. (lit. He closed his eyes.) (sem. domains: 2.6.6 - Die.)

kimmodhol (infl. of kodhol) 1proc. has become hard. Kimmodhol nan nihap-en dotag. The meat placed under the sun to dry became hard. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2G Process. (sem. domains: 8.3.2 - Texture.) 2intrans. (fig) a euphemism for being dead because the corpse is stiff (rigor mortis). Kimmodhol handi dimmatong kami. He was already dead when we arrived. (sem. domains: 2.6.6 - Die.)

kilog 1trans. to provide food for sustenance resulting in stamina and strength. Maid di emi ikilog an mungngunu. We do not have any provisions to go to work. Hay gattuk di ingkilog hanadan aammod dih tiempon di gubat te maid di udum hi makan. Sweet potatoes were the sustenance provision of our grandparents during wartime because there was no other food. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) 2sta. to be well-fed and so to be healthy; to gain strength. Makilog nan unga te nal-ot an mangan. The child is healthy because he is a good eater. Hiya peman di nangipaptok nah unga ta ingganay kumilog. He was the one who took care of that child until he gained strength. ma‑/na‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Sim: bika, kuhog, olot.

kilkilang (sp. var. kelkelang; sp. var. kilkiling) comm. a bird species. [It is believed that they sing omens at night.] Hay ittolyah dingngol ku handi ya handi dandani mitungo nan tulang ku ya kumananta nan kilkilang nah nih-up hi balemi ot adi mumbayag ya nakatte nan tulang kun golang. The story I heard before is that when it was nearly time for my brother to be born, there was this night-bird that always sang near our house, and so the baby died in a short time. (sem. domains: - Bird.)

kay advpred. 1refers to a comparison; to have the same or similar qualities or characteristics. Ingonay kay da gugutul di tatagu ten mundaldallanan ka nah kalata. You are compared to an ant when you are walking along the road. Wada da boy tetendaan hitun kay ad Cubao mu nangingina day migattang. There are stores like in Cubao but what they sell is more expensive. Kay bo uya-uy damdama. It’s just like the Uya-uy-marriage feast. Comparative. (sem. domains: - Compare.) 2functions as a comparative predicate; makes a hypothetical comparison of someone or something to a characteristic action or behavior of another person or thing. Mumbutik ka an kay daka pumpudug hi nganneh diye. You are running as though you are being chased by something. Toan. Uggemi inila te hinnatkon di kali na. Kay na pay punggalgal di kalkalyona. We don’t know what she said because her speech was different. It was as though she chewed on the words she was saying. (sem. domains: - Relations involving correspondences.)

kamison 1comm. a chemise; a slip, full or half body. E gimmatang hi kamison na. She went to buy herself a chemise. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing.) 2intrans. to wear a chemise. Hay da binabai di mungkamison. It is the women who wear a chemise. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: camison.

kalah-iwang (sp. var. kallah-iwang) v. to be bypassed by danger, i.e. kept safe; there is a simultaneity component which gives the meaning that two people or things were in the same place, at the same time. [This prayer is related to a traditional belief that snake and centipede bites are done by the spirits of deceased relatives.] Mikalah-iwang kamih buhul, umik di gayyaman ya ulog. We will be safe (bypasssed) from our enemies and bites of centipedes and snakes. (a traditional prayer) mi‑/ni‑. Sim: ballahiwe. (sem. domains: 7.2.1 - Manner of movement.)

impuN- TACR. past tense form of prefix puN-, punctiliar aspect, agreement with indirect object instrument. Ot hay inat ku ya impun-almas ku nadan tataguh ispada, pahul ya pana...(Nehemiah 4:13a) And so what I did was I armed the people with swords, spears and arrows... (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

impakaiC1- this affix combination is an intensifying modal; when affixed to Class 3 transitive verbs, it intensifies the action encoded in the root; past tense. <The C1 geminate is not always pronounced or written.> Hanan tagun mangngol hi kalik ya un-unudona ya miingngo nah nanomnoman an tagun nangapyah balenan impakaihammad nay tukud na. (Mateo 7:24) The person who hears what I say and follows it can be compared to the intelligent person who has built his house and strongly stabilized its posts. Sim: pakaiC1-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

imbango (infl. of bango) comm. 1bride price; animals for engagement, three pigs are required. In-e day imbangon nan tulang ku ot ume kamit emi bolwaon. They brought the bride price to my cousin so we went to take our share. Tulun babuy di pinalti da nah imbangon Bugan. Three pigs were butchered for Bugan’s bride price. In-e day imbango na. They brought his engagement animals. (sem. domains: 2.6.1 - Marriage.) 2an engagement ceremony; betrothals have historically been arranged for their children by parents anytime from infancy through puberty.

ihuyop (infl. of huyop) trans. to sleep with someone; euphemistic term for sexual intercourse. Inhuyop na babai an ibaliwon. He slept with the woman from the lowlands. i‑/iN‑. Syn: ulig. (sem. domains: 2.6.2 - Sexual relations, 5.7 - Sleep.)

huyop 1sta. to sleep. Eka mahuyop te gawan mon di hilong. Go to sleep because it is already midnight. Handih nadilagan nan danum ya tinibon Malyay dakol an allaman mahmahhuyop nah babatu. When the torches lit the water, Malya saw many crabs sleeping on the stones. Athidi bon nah hilong ta adi ka pakahuyop. The same is true at night so that you cannot sleep. ma‑/na‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. Sim: ka-ok, yongyong. (sem. domains: 5.7 - Sleep.) 2trans. to sleep with someone; euphemism for committing adultery. i‑/in‑. (sem. domains: - Sexual immorality.) der. kahuyopan infl. ihuyop

huguhug (sp. var. huguhugan) 1comm. a rack above the fireplace used for drying wood and rice. [Some racks have three tiers.] Maid di huguhug di balemi. Our home doesn’t have a rack above the fireplace. Hanan pagen deh huguhugan di em ibayu. Take the rice bundle on the upper part of the rack to pound. pt: wan’an, hay-ung, pal’a. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to put firewood or rice bundles on the rack above the fireplace for drying. Ihuguhug mu nan itungu. Put the firewood on the rack. Ihuguhug nan kaiw ta mamag-anan. Put the wood on the firewood rack so that it will dry. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. 3intrans. for the rack to be full, generally full of firewood. <Morphology: nahuguhugan> na‑ ‑an. infl. nahuguhugan

hinnatkon 1adj. another kind or type of thing; different looking. Hinnatkon nan inbulwatina ad uwani. She has a different dress now. Toan. Uggemi inila te hinnatkon di kali na. Kay na pay punggalgal di kalkalyona. We don’t know what she said because her speech was different. It was as though she chewed on the words she was saying. Qualifier. (sem. domains: - Different.) 2intrans. to become different; to be different. Huminnatkon di tibom hin mumpapu-lit ka. You will look different if you have a haircut. Munhinnatkon di ginattang da. They bought different things. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑. 3trans. to do something to make a thing different. Hinnatkonon yu nan kapyaon yun ha-on. Make mine different. 2G Processes.

higa 1comm. laziness; indolence. Namahig di higan tun imbabalek. The laziness of my child is too much. Sim: inaw, nawadaan, ngidlu, butyug, himmiga. (sem. domains: - Lazy.) 2trans. to be pregnant, euphemism. [It could be that higa for pregnancy is associated with laziness because pregnant women often do not work.] Himmiga. She is pregnant. Nihiga di tiempon di gubat. She was pregnant during the war. ‑imm‑, ni‑. Syn: hiding. (sem. domains: 2.6.3 - Birth.) 3trans. to be pregnant with a specified child. Nanomnomok di dolog handih inhigak hi Ana. I was always thinking of fish when I was pregnant with Ana. i‑/iN‑. der. munhighigga id. Hay humiga maagangan. infl. himmiga

hidiyen (hidiye) dem. 1in written communication, this demonstrative pronoun is anaphoric in function, i.e. it refers to something introduced previously. Nainnilaak ke uncle an hidiyen tagu ya hi Balwag di ngadana. I learned from my uncle that that man’s name was Balwag. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.) 2in oral communication, this demonstrative pronoun form co-occurs with a noun that is away from both speaker and hearer. <Morphophonemics: contraction, hidiye + an.> Nihuklung hidiyen babai. That woman is possessed.

Hidit 1comm. ritual for peace; peace pact ritual, between enemies or opposing parties. Etaku makiang-ang hi Hidit da Bulahao ke Allaga. Let’s go see/witness the peace pact ritual between Bulahao and Allaga. (sem. domains: - Custom.) 2intrans. to perform the peace ritual. Munhidit da ad Tannibung. They will perform the Hidit-ritual in Tannibung. muN‑/nuN‑.

hangga trans. 1to oppose; to face each other in a quarrel or in fight; may be used in regard to enemies in a war. Dahdiy ihanggam ke ha-on? Whom will you select to face me (to fight with me)? Aga, ha-on di hanggaom. Come on, let me be the one you will face (quarrel/fight with). Munhanggay manuk mu nah manuk ku. Your chicken (cock) will fight against my (chicken) cock. Ag-agam, wada on he-ay humangga! My, you are too much; everytime you are the one who faces/fights me! i‑/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 4.8.2 - Fight, 4.8.3 - War.) 2to face towards someone or something. Ihanggam hidi ta adi dakami hanggaon. You face there so that you won’t be facing us. i‑/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑. Sim: hangngab. (sem. domains: - In front of.) der. panangga

handidah dem. those; the plural form of handih, a member of Set 2 demonstrative pronouns; co-occurs with a noun, and refers to specific people or things in past times. Datuwey intugun APU DIOS handidah aammod yu. (Jeremiah 17:22b) These things are what God commanded those people, your ancestors. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.)

haklung 1comm. a utensil for dipping something. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to dip out liquid or semi-liquid substamce. Haklungom nan ihda. Dip the viand. Ihaklunganak pay. Dip another cup for me. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑ ‑an/iN‑ ‑an. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. Sim: bano, ak’ud, hoklad, ado. (sem. domains: - Cooking utensil.)

gun’it 1comm. bones. Emi inalay gunit apu te bogwahon mi. We went to get the bones of my grandfather because we will perform the bogwa-ceremony. Sim: bakag. (sem. domains: - Corpse.) 2sta. to have bones. Nagnitan nan kinan min dolog. The fish we ate had a lot of bones. na‑ ‑an.

gango 1comm. sound. Maphod di gangon naen gangha. The sound of the gong is very good. Sim: bungug. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.) 2intrans. to emit a sound. Munggango nan atop handi kimmolyog. The roof was emitting a sound when there was an earthquake. Gumango nan ladyu hin waday kulyinti. The radio will emit a sound if there is electricity. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 3sta. to be audible, sound can be heard. Magango nan pambab nah gangha. The way he beats the gong with his palms is audible. ma‑/na‑.