Search results for "umat"

kumusta 1intrans. a greeting/question eliciting the state of health or life in general. Kumusta nan inalim an imbabalem? How is the child you brought? Kumusta ka? How are you? (sem. domains: - Greet.) 2trans. to extend regards to someone. Kumustaam da amam hin dumatong kah baleyu. Extend my regards to your father when you arrive at your house. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: como esta.

kolyog 1comm. the movement of the earth’s surface, having to do with geologic faults; earthquake. Tumattakutak hin waday kolyog. I am so afraid whenever there is an earthquake. (sem. domains: - Earthquake.) 2intrans. to shake the earth; to have an earthquake. Kimmolyog dih hilong. We had an earthquake last night. (lit. The earth shook last night.) Mungkolyog ya mun-udan kinali timmattakutak. The earth was shaking and it was raining that’s why I was terrified. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2F Meteorological. Amkolyog

kom’ong trans. 1refers to the sharp curved nail on the toe of an animal or foot of a bird; claw. Ya deke on madudulnu ya dimmukkey buuk nan umat hi dutdut di tuldu ya dimmukkey kukunan umat hi komong di hamuti. (Daniel 4:33b) And he was drenched with dew and his hair grew long like an eagle’s feathers and his fingernails were like the claws of a bird. (sem. domains: - Parts of a bird.) 2may refer to the foot of an animal; paw. Hanadan naten aggayam an opat di huki dan waday komong da ya mibilang dan adi malinit.....(Libiticus 11:27a) Those dead animals that have four legs and paws are counted as unclean... (sem. domains: 1.6.2 - Parts of an animal.)

kiput trans. to hold back urine or bowels; to control the movement of urine or feces. Kiputom ni-an ta dumatong ta dih maholok. Control your urine for a minute or two till we reach the grassy spot. Kiniput na inggana dimmatong kami nah bale. He held back his urine until we reached the house. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: - Prevent from moving.)

kihang intrans. to be loose fitting. Kumihang di pantalon ku te kimmuugak. My pants became loose because I became thin. Mungkihkihang tun pantalon mun ha-on. Your pants are a bit loose for me. Gumattang ka boppoh apatut nan imbabalem on kumikihang. Whenever you buy shoes for your child they are very loose. Makakihhang hituwen bulwatin indat tulang ku. This dress that my sister gave is very loose. ‑um‑/‑imm‑ muN‑, maka‑. 2G Processes. (sem. domains: 8.3.1 - Shape.)

kapyana (der. of kapya) 1advpred. refers to the way things are traditionally or by nature. Nakahillong mo ya kapyanan maid pay hi Juan an dumdumattong. It was already night, in spite of that fact, Juan hadn’t come yet. Kapyanah tuwe. This is customary. Kapyana tuwalin waday punhahallaan di tagu mu takomboy athina ya ip-iphod yun munhuhummangan. It’s natural to have differences between people but even if that’s the case, you should discuss differences diplomatically. Manner. Sim: gagangay. (sem. domains: - Nature, character.) 2nom. the natural characteristic or essence of something. Initpol nay takut nan kananah nomnom nay kapyana nin. He endured/controlled his fear and thought maybe that’s just its nature.

kandelat (sp. var. kandela) 1comm. a candle. Eyak gumattang hi kandelat te maid di dilag. I am going to buy candles because there is no light. (sem. domains: - Light source.) 2intrans. to use candles for light. Maid ke dilag di kuryente ya mungkandelat ta pundilag. If there is no electricity people use candles for their light. muN‑/nuN‑. 3comm. a riddle. Waday ohan makaphod an babai an kanona di adolna. (kandela) There is beautiful lady who eats her body. (candle)(riddle) Language of Borrowing: English: candle.

kalton (sp. var. karton) 1comm. cardboard container; carton. Napnu nan kalton hi liblu. The cardboard box is full of books. Hingkalton mu makaddam-ot. It’s only one box-full but very heavy. Gumatang kayu kalton ta pangihaadan mi paw-it yud Baguio. Buy a box so that we can place what you will send to Baguio. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to place in a cardboard box. Ikalton mu nadan balat an alam. Place the bananas you are taking in a cardboard box. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: - Put in.) Language Of Borrowing: English: carton.

ingngo 1intrans. to be similar; to be alike; to resemble; to be equal. Nun-ingngo di bulwati da. They have the same clothes. Adinadaman eka miingngon nah apum. You cannot be equal to your boss. muN‑, mi‑. Sim: obot, umat, paddung. (sem. domains: - Same.) 2trans. to imitate; to follow or copy what someone does. Ining-ingo nay pungkalkalin inana. She imitated the way her mother talks. Ing-ingo nay pumbulwatin tulang na. She imitates the way her sister dresses. Iingngo yu nah kinapya dan ubunan. Imitate (make one the same) the chair that they made. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: - Meet a standard.) 3sta. to be identical. Naka-ingngoy angada te dappilda. Their faces are identical because they are twins. naka‑. 4proc. to become the same. Deket palhu di pangiha-angam, mahapul an uggan mu ikiwa ta mun-iingngoy lutu na. If a skillet is used, it is necessary to stir the rice from time to time so that it will be cooked evenly. muN‑ i‑. der. kaingngo der. kiingngohan

‑inum‑ TACR. this infix is an allomorph of the past tense infix -imm-. It is used when there is a loss of the vowel ‘u’ in the first syllable of a root. Binumtik kanu te tumattakut. He ran away because he is afraid. Deke bot immatung, immeyak inumbun tat immatung, immat-atung ta, hay bo odog di indangdang. When it became hot again, I went and sat so that I became very warm again; I would turn so that I can feel the heat on my back. This infix is an allomorph of the past tense infix imm. It is used when there is a loss of the vowel ‘u’ in the first syllable of a root. ‑inum‑. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

inum 1trans. to drink. Inumom nan agam ta adi umatung di adol mu. Drink your medicine so that you will not be feverish. Mala-u key duwan hinlingguwan ya damanan hiitom nan baya ta inumon taku! After about two weeks, pour out the wine from the jar and we’ll drink it with you. ‑on/‑in‑. 4C Convey/bring object toward agent.. (sem. domains: - Drink.) 2sta. something that is drinkable; alcoholic beverages. Mainum hinaen liting. That water is potable/drinkable. Pun-igatang nah mainum ta in-inummon da nah ibbana. He buys drinks for his friends. ma‑. 3caus. to cause to drink; to nurse baby. Painumamam nan golang te naagangan. Nurse the baby because he is hungry. pa‑ ‑an/impa‑ ‑an. der. mainum infl. painum

inal-ala adjunct. a contrastive expression; to be more so; but as for. Immeh Mary ot gumatang hi ittay an asukal, inal-alak ot an maid di ginatang ku. Mary went to buy a little sugar, but as for me, I did not buy any. Inal-ala nan ha-oy. Even more so if I’m the one. Attitudinal. (sem. domains: - Markers of emphasis.)

iiba comm. refers to extended family relatives. Inilak nan ohan iiba taku an kadangyan ni-an mu numbalin hi nawotwot. I know of one of our relatives who was once a very rich man but turned out to be a poor man because of his gambling. Dakol day tatagun e munhood hi iiba dan dumatong. Many people go to meet their relatives who are arriving. (sem. domains: - Related by birth.)

iapuy trans. to perform exhumation rites for a dead person’s bones. [The term apuy 'fire' is used because in the old days, individual small fires were built in the yard for lighting and for cooking.] Iapuy dah Tayyaban ad uwani. They are starting the wake for the bones of Tayyaban tonight. Sim: Bogwa. (sem. domains: 4.9.5 - Practice religion, - Custom.)

hilyu (sp. var. silyu) 1comm. money, loose change. Maid di hilyu te ongal nan pihhum. There’s not enough change because your bill (money offered) is too large. (sem. domains: - Monetary units.) 2intrans. to change large money denominations into smaller ones. Hilyuwam tun pihhuk ta gumattangak hi pihing. Change this money of mine into smaller denominations so that I will buy taro-vegetables. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

Hay tagu umat hi bulan, naongal on naittay. (say. of tagu) A person’s life is like the moon, sometimes it’s full, sometimes it’s small.

habyat trans. 1to bring or take something to a higher level or elevation. Ihabyat mu nan cargam ta ahika mun-iyatu. Bring up your cargo before you rest. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: 7.3.3 - Take somewhere.) 2to go over the top of something like a mountain. Habyaton taku nan bilid ta ahi taku dumatong ad boble. We will go over the top of the mountain before we reach our village. ‑on/‑in‑.

habad trans. to encounter misfortune by chance. Hinabad na on pumate. He chanced to encounter a killer. (was killed) Adita munhilhilong ta maid di habadon hi gulu. One should not be going out at night so as to avoid encountering misfortune. Nganne kattog bo tuwen hinabad mu. Oh! what a thing to encounter again. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: 4.4.2 - Trouble.)

gunggung₁ comm. idiot; simpleton. Gunggung ka te umat hina on uggem inilay atom. You’re an idiot because for a simple matter like that you don’t know what to do. Sim: ung-ung, nengneng; Syn: nengneng.

gumatang (infl. of gatang) trans. to buy a specified quantity of something. Gumattangak hi duwan botok an bulhe. I will buy two bundles of beans. ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

gum’ok comm. metal, iron or steel. Nakapyah pahul nan gumok. The spear was made of iron. Gumatang hi gumok hi Marne. Marne buys iron. Niptokak nah gumok an muntimtiming nah ek nag-ahan ta hidiye nan adiyak pakayahya. I hit a piece of metal sticking out of the ground and I couldn’t breathe. spec: balit’uk, lubay; Syn: landuk. (sem. domains: - Metal.)

gola₁ advpred. to afford; to be able to do things. Adiyak gumla gumattang hi dotag hi kalinggulinggu. I can’t afford to buy meat every week. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Modality. (sem. domains: - Can.) infl. gol-an

gelgelek (sp. var. gilgilik) (infl. of gelek) trans. to tickle someone. Gelgelekom hi Ana ta tumatawa. Tickle Ana so she’ll laugh. ‑on/‑in‑. Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: - Touch.)

gangngo 1comm. rheumatism; arthritis. (sem. domains: 2.5.2 - Disease.) 2intrans. to have rheumatism or arthritis Munggangngoak. I’ve got rheumatism. muN‑/nuN‑.

galon₁ 1comm. gallon measure. Gumattangak hi ohan galon an pitlolyo. I will buy a gallon of petroleum. (sem. domains: - Big container, volume.) 2comm. container for liquid, usually plastic. Alam nan galon ta ihagob mu. Get the gallon-container and fetch water with it. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 3trans. to put something in the container. Ingalona nan baya. He placed the rice-wine in a gallon-container. i‑/iN‑. Language Of Borrowing: English.