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ngado 1comm. shoots of plants, edible. Alam nan ngadon di antak ta ihda taku. Get the shoots of the string beans for our viand. Ek itanom tudan ngadon di gattuk. I’m going to plant young shoots of sweet potatoes. Sim: latung. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) 2trans. to remove the shoots of plants. Ngadowom nan bulhe te mahdol di tubuna. Remove the shoots of the beans because the leaves are thick. Mungngado da nah galden. They are removing the shoots of the plants in the garden. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑.

nungka- proc. this prefix encodes the distribution of a process or state over a number of objects; completive aspect. <This prefix generally co-occurs with process-state verbal roots or with passive forms of active verbs.> Nungkakaten mumbaga ya maid di innunan mumbaki ta iappitana dida. Someone who is dead might ask for something (be in need), then, he has no way of offering to them. Naminghan ya immanamut hi ohan biggatna ya nungkabibik-iy bulwatina. One morning he came home with his clothes torn in several places. Ya nada ke bon kakaiw an sycamore an nungkalngo ya hannotan takuh sedar an kapkaphodan an kaiw. And also as for those sycamore trees that were felled, we will replace them with sedar which is the best tree. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

nuN- -an₁ 1TACR. this circumfix cross-references a time or place noun phrase. Handih nun-ap-apuwan di Ippangyol hitud Pilipinas ya waday immalid Kiangan. During the Spanish rule in the Philippines, some of them to Kiangan. Nakaluggit nan eyu nungkekeyan. The place you went swimming is very dirty. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 2TACR. this circumfix encodes the concept of distributing an action or activity over time, space, or participants; non-past tense; cross-references agent-subject. Nuntotobbalan dah diyen aton da ot gutudon day algo. They agreed to do that and set a date. 3nom. nominalizes a non-noun form. Indani udot ya wada on tagun nanibon hiya ot baddanganan ianamut hi nunhituwan mid Longnga. Fortunately, a man was passing by and saw him and brought him to our house in Longnga.

numpa- -an caus. this circumfix encodes a subject-causative agent with the cross-referencing of a site-object; past tense. [The site-object is often semantically a recipient or beneficiary of the action encoded in the verb.] Nganney ginun-ud yuh eyu numpabaddangan hanadah iEgypt ya iAssyria? (Jeremiah 2:18a) What did you gain by helping the Egyptians and the Assyrians? Hi Herod damdama ya nadan tindaluna ya tinaltalanggaan da ya numpadngolan da. (Luke 23:11) Herod and his soldiers also mocked and ridiculed him (Jesus). Sim: pumpa- -an; Sim: mumpa- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

numbattanan (infl. of battan) intrans. refers to something that is in between two other things. Ihaad mu tun ubunan nah numbattanan din duwan kaiw. You put this chair between those two trees. Hiya di numbattanan mi nah udidiyan. He is the one born between me and the youngest. nuN‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 8.5.5 - Spatial relations.)

nomnom 1comm. refers to the mind, both the intellect and emotions reside in the mind; the mind thinks and feels. Mahakit di nomnom na. His feelings are hurt. Maid di nomnom mu. You have no sense at all. Ta hay mamangulun umalih nomnom na ya nunna-ud an mate. So the first thing that comes to his mind is he is sure to die. Sim: laing. (sem. domains: 3.2.1 - Mind.) 2sta. to be intelligent; mature in thought. Nanomnoman te inilanay kalkalyona. He is mentally matured because he knows what he is talking about. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - Mature in behavior.) 3think. 3.1intrans. to think; to recall; durative aspect in the thinking. Munnomnomnom hi kalyona. He is thinking on what to say. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 3.2 - Think.) 3.2trans. to think about something specific. Nomnomom ta ahika kumali. Think before you talk. Nomnomom di kinalim ke hiya. Recall what you told him. Ninomnom nay imbagan amanan din hi Antonio. He remembered what his late father, Antonio, told him. Bahul nadan nangipunduwana te uggeda ninomnom di aton da It was the fault of those who were put in-charge because they didn’t think about what they will do. on/in. 4E Perception and Cognition. 3.3nom. refers to the knowledge which results from thinking. Maid di ena id-um hi kanomnoman ya mumbalin tan kay hiyyahiyya. Nothing is added to your wisdom/knowledge and we may become proud and boastful. ka‑ ‑an. 3.4trans. to do something in remembrance of something or someone. Inomnom mu nah inat dan he-a handi Do it in remembrance of what they did to you before. i‑/iN‑. 3.5nom. refers to a noun-like thought process. Hay punnomnom ku ya wada nin an dakdakkol di naat mu, mu hituwe. My thinking was that you would have done much more than this. Ya hay gapunah adina pangitikodan ya alanganin di biyag na hi punnomnom na. And the reason he does not stop is he thinks his life would be uncertain. puN‑. der. kanomnoman id. had-om ta maba-oy nomnom da id. mahakit di nomnom. id. maid nomnom na. id. malumman di nomnom id. nabuluk di nomnom id. nalatiyan di nomnom id. napat-alan di nomom id. natalak di nomnom id. ugge nanomnoman infl. manomnom infl. nomnomon

nitungawan (infl. of tungo) pass. a passive form meaning birthday, i.e. the day of having been birthed. Kanan apunay ahina idattan hi ligaluna hantuh madatngan an algon di nitungawana. His grandfather promised to give him a gift on his next birthday. (sem. domains: 2.6.3 - Birth.)

nipuunan (der. of puun) pass. to be the foundation or basis of something that is stated. Limpiyu ya maandong di nipuunan di pun-ap-apuwam. (Psalm 89:14) Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your ruling. Sim: kipuunan. (sem. domains: - Basis.)

nipa- -an pass. this circumfix encodes passive, causative, topicalization; past tense. Datuwen am-in di nipaannungan nan nitudok nah kalin Apu Dios....(Romans 2:24a) All of these are the fulfillment of the written word of God... Ipaali na boy kolyog ya iwagot na nadan batun nipab-unan tun luta. (Job 9:6) He will again bring an earthquake and he will shake the rocks that are seated on the earth. Sim: mipa- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

nay-un trans. for actions or events to take place one after the other; consecutive or sequential actions or events. Imbughul na nan panto ya inay-unan dimmop-a nah dola. As soon as he opened the door, he jumped outside. i‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - After.)

nangi- top. this prefix encodes and cross-references a topicalized agent-subject; co-occurs with Class 3 verb roots; past tense. Nagibbuy programa ot waday nangitkuk hi daanay epangenan di tatagu. After the program, someone shouted out the places where the different groups will take their lunch. Abunay hukik an nangipakkid nah adol di kaiw, mu ongnga-ongngal ot muntattayunak nah hapang. It was only my legs that held on around the trunk of the tree; but it was big so I had to hang from a branch. Sim: mangi-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

nakatang (infl. of katang) adv. a short time span. Nakatang ya abuy inumbunak. I have sat for only a short time. Time. (sem. domains: - A short time.)

naiho (infl. of iho) comm. (fig) used to refer to blood in particular communication situations. [When relatives are gathered they never say the word dala ‘blood’ but instead use naiho.] Dakol di naihoh nalpuh adol na. He shed a lot of blood. (lit. a lot of blood came from his body) Dakol di impabuddunah naiho. He shed a lot of blood. (lit. a lot of blood came out) (sem. domains: 2.2.5 - Bleed, blood.)

nah det. a determiner that marks a definite indirect object or a definite place or time noun. Mumpaha-ad kah basket nah ubunan. Have the basket placed on the seat. Miha-ha-ad dah nah muyung ta nangamung di magibbuy hagabi. They camp in the forest until the hagabi-bench is finished. Athidi bon nah hilong ta adi ka pakahuyop. The same is true at night so that you cannot sleep. Mun-ay-ayam kamih did dola ya timmaddog on bibiyo nah hinangngab mi, inhumang ku. “We were playing in the yard and a fairy stood in front of us,” I answered. (sem. domains: 9.2.4 - Prepositions, postpositions.) nadah

mutiil intrans. to stare as though unable to perceive or process what one is seeing. Adika mummumutiil hinan kay ka mun-ango. Don’t stare blankly like a crazy person. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 2.3.1 - See.)

muN- TACR. 1this prefix encodes non-past tense, durative time aspect; it cross-references the subject and is the default affix for Class 1 verbal roots. <Morphophonology: The velar consonant in coda position assimilates to the point of articulation of the first consonant in the root.> Mungngahngahak yaden mungkaliyak hi bale mi. I gasped for breath and yet I shouted at our house. Itikod mun muntugal an ap-apuk. Stop gambling, grandson. An mun-in-inop ka? Inid-onah nunhina-ob an pukol ku. “Are you dreaming?” She held me by my shoulders. 2non-past tense, signals a durative aspect activity rather than a punctiliar action when co-occuring with a transitive verbal root, cross-references subject. Dakol kami an naamung nah plaza an munhood kamih lugan. Many of us gathered at the plaza to wait for a ride. Ta mundadaan dah ibaddang dan hiya. So that they will prepare whatever they will give to help. Katatakut pay an e bumah-el te dakol di talak an muntutun-ud. It is even dangerous to cross the street since there are many buses lined up one after the other. 3when the prefix co-occurs with the reduplicant CV(C)-, it encodes non-past tense, durative-continuative aspect and cross-references the subject. Deket palhu di pangiha-angam, mahapul an uggan mu ikiwa ta mun-iingngoy lutu na. If a skillet is used, it is necessary to stir the rice from time to time so that it will be cooked evenly. Mumpaypaytuk ya mungkuli. She was jumping up and down and screaming. 4when this affix co-occurs with Class 6 verb roots, it changes statives to durative processes; it encodes non-past tense and cross-references the subject. Mihmihdi nah munhihilong ya nah kakaiw an dakol di hapang nan mahdol di tubuna. It stays in dark places (becoming dark) or in trees with thick, leafy branches. Deket dakol di binokbok na ya mapul-ukan an mumpait. When too much binokbok-yeast is used, the wine will become bitter. 5the prefix derives verbs from nouns; it encodes non-past tense and cross-references the subject. Ya pinhod ot Mayor ya dakol day binabain mun-ampuyo. What the Mayor wanted was that many women would wear the Ifugao skirt. Mumboga da ya mungkail da. They prepare rice and make wine. Adina itikod an mumbaki te wadanwaday takut na an kumpulmin tiempu ya mate. He does not stop doing the rituals because his fear is that he might die at anytime. 6the prefix encodes non-past tense, reflexive and cross-references both the subject and object expressed in a single noun phrase. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day (bathe yourself). Imme dah hilong ot muntalu da nah e-elena. They went while it was dark and hid themselves outside of the camp.

muling comm. a smooth, round stone variety. Dakol di muling hi kadaklan. There are many smooth stones in the river. Inumbunak nah muling nah daulon di alang da. I sat on the smooth stone under their granary. Sim: talugtug, dulmug; gen: bat’u. (sem. domains: - Rock.)

mu₁ conj. 1connects two statements that are in contrast; but. Wada da boy tetendaan hitun kay ad Cubao mu nangingina day migattang. There are stores here like those in Cubao but what they sell is more expensive. Toan ten makulug, mu deket makulug, ikabing mu anhan tun tugun ku. Whether or not this is true, I don’t know, but if it is, then, heed my advice. Coordinate conjunction. (sem. domains: - Clause conjunctions.) 2expresses the idea that one is about to do something, but does not do it for some reason; but instead. {When the e form is combined with the conjunction mu, the implication is that someone was about to do something, but for some reason did not or was unable to do it.} Ena odnan nan ahu mu ingkalat nan ahu. He was about to hold the dog but the dog bit him. Eyak kumga mu inippol kuy hakit na. I was about to cry but I bore the pain. comp. muden

minmin sta. to be pure. Naminmin an balituk nan in-attakem. The necklace you are wearing is pure gold. na‑. (sem. domains: - Pure, unmixed.)

masahe 1comm. therapeutic massage. Masahe di nun-aga da nah nahpung. They cured the sprain with massage. (sem. domains: - Touch.) 2trans. to massage someone or a part of the body of someone. Masaheom nan hukina ta wada ot an makaan di hakit di uluna. Massage his feet so that hopefully his headache will go away. Imasahem nan takle na. You massage his arm. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. 3intrans. to massage. Hi Pedro di mummasahe te inilana. Pedro will be the one to massage because he knows how. Mummasahe handi dimmatong kami. He was massaging when we arrived. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: masaje.

maphod di palad (id. of palad) fortunate or successful (lit. good palm); this idiom is associated with palm reading. Maphod di palad mu. You will be successful.

mangipangpangulu (der. of pangulu) deriv V. refers to those who lead other people in actions or activities. a verbal form derived from the noun ulu meaning ‘head’ and occurring in a construction with the agent-subject preposed before the verb. <This is a verbal form derived from the noun ulu meaning ‘head’ and occurring in a construction with the agent-subject preposed before the verb.> Ha-oy di mangipanun am-in hi nganneh diyen umatak nah patul an mangipangpanguluh tindaluna.(Job 29:25) I was the one to arbitrate in all matters, like a king leading his soldiers. (sem. domains: - Lead.)

mangipaanhan (der. of anhan) trans. to make something very important or valuable; the form of the verb cross-references whoever does this. Hanadan mangipaanhan hi planu na ya mangun-unud ke tuguna. Those who highly value his plan will continuously follow his advice. mangipa‑/nangipa‑. (sem. domains: - Important, - Value.)

man-u 1adjunct. to be fortunate; for something to be good for someone. Man-un ditaku te mangan takuh mumpitlu hin-algo yaden dakol day agun maid kanon da. Good for us because we can eat three times a day when there are many who have no food at all. Kanak hi nomnom kuy “Makamman-un dida te kay nakalakka. I said to myself, “It’s really good for them because it seems easy.” Evaluative. (sem. domains: 4.4.1 - Prosperity.) 2advpred. something is possible, but is not certain; modifies the main clause; implies that it would be a good thing. Man-u te deket nangabak di tagu nah tugal ya mun-an-anla. It might be that when one wins in gambling he is happy. Modality. (sem. domains: - Possible.) comp. man-uke comp. man-upo

mam-a 1sta. to be more so; as a comparative, for something to become more so in degree. Immanamut da kediyen algo ya dakol di istolya da, namam-an Julie. When they went home, they told many stories, especially Julie. Namam-an mahong-o hin udman pay hi gatan di niyug. It is more tasty if coconut milk is used. Mamam-ay dogona te maid kanona. His sickness will become worse because he has had nothing to eat. ma‑/na‑. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: - Increase.) 2trans. to increase the degree of a condition or event; to make worse. Adim mam-ahon nan hakit di uluna. Do not worsen his headache. ‑on/‑in‑. Sim: lodlod. (sem. domains: - Become, change state.) 3proc. to become better or worse. Numpulbus ya immam-anay binlana. She used powder and it enhanced her fairness. Mungkamam-a nan dogo na. His ailment is becoming worse. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, mungka‑. infl. namam-a