Search results for "ibangngad"

pitpit₁ 1comm. an omen bird, reddish-brown; also, refers to the chirping sound the bird makes. [It is believed that this bird gives omens by its chirp.] Inalawan di pitpit ot ibangngad na. A pitpit-bird crossed his path so he returned. Sim: ido. (sem. domains: 4.9 - Religion, - Bird.) 2intrans. for the pitpit bird to chirp. [It is believed that the bird is giving an omen-message that a person must not proceed with planned travel or an activity.] Pumanipit nan pitpit. The pitpit-bird keeps on chirping. ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

uk’od (sp. var. okod) advpred. to assume responsibility for a decision or task; to be given responsibility; depends on someone to take charge of things. Ukodak an mibangngad. It’s up to me to come back. He-ay ukod ke hiya. You are responsible for him. Ukod ka, umeka weno adika. It’s up to you whether you go or not. ‑an. Manner. Sim: nangamung. (sem. domains: 9.5 - Case.) infl. iukod

way-a trans. to call for someone by using signs with the hands; to beckon or gesture. Way-aham ta ibangngad na. You call for him (with the use of signs). ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5C Goal-oriented sites. Sim: wakgi, payapay. (sem. domains: - Gesture.)
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