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ngalat 1intrans. to have a sharp, pungent taste, e.g. eggplant not fully cooked, taro leaves cooked, green pineapple. Mungngalat nan tabuyug. The pomelo has a pungent taste. muN‑. 1C General class. Sim: lumii, pait, hangliw. (sem. domains: 2.3.3 - Taste.) 2proc. to become pungent. ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

ngadanon (infl. of ngadan) trans. to enumerate or name things. Ngadanon yu nadan boble hitud Ifugao. Enumerate the towns in Ifugao. Ngumadan kah liman makan an pinpinhod mu. Enumerate five kinds of foods that you love. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say.)

mumboble (der. of boble) intrans. to settle in a village; to live in a place; habitate. Mumboble kami nah muyung. We are going to settle in the forest. Diday bimmoble hitu. They are the original settlers of this place. Mahapul an munnanong kayun mumbobleh di. It is necessary that you remain living there. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

mam-a 1sta. to be more so; as a comparative, for something to become more so in degree. Immanamut da kediyen algo ya dakol di istolya da, namam-an Julie. When they went home, they told many stories, especially Julie. Namam-an mahong-o hin udman pay hi gatan di niyug. It is more tasty if coconut milk is used. Mamam-ay dogona te maid kanona. His sickness will become worse because he has had nothing to eat. ma‑/na‑. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: - Increase.) 2trans. to increase the degree of a condition or event; to make worse. Adim mam-ahon nan hakit di uluna. Do not worsen his headache. ‑on/‑in‑. Sim: lodlod. (sem. domains: - Become, change state.) 3proc. to become better or worse. Numpulbus ya immam-anay binlana. She used powder and it enhanced her fairness. Mungkamam-a nan dogo na. His ailment is becoming worse. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, mungka‑. infl. namam-a

luyat sta. to cry easily; to be a cry-baby. Naluyat nan imbabale da. Their child easily cries. Lumuyat nan golang hin maongal te adi nakgad uwani. The child will easily cry when she grows up because she does not easily cry now. na‑, ‑um‑. 6B Characteristics of human nature or life situation. (sem. domains: - Cry, tear.)

luwa 1comm. tears. Maid di hilbin nan luwam. Your tears are useless. 2intrans. to shed tears with or without making sound. Munluluwa handi hinuplit da. He shed tears when they whipped him. Lumuwa te mahakit di nomnom na. He sheds tears because he feels bad. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: - Cry, tear.)

luw’ag intrans. to emit bubbles; boiling water. Munluluwag nan in-init mun liting. The water you heated is bubbling. Gagalan lumuwag nan liting hin ongngalom nan apuy na. The water will boil faster if you add more fire. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 1B Movement with a directional component. Sim: bayakbak. (sem. domains: 1.3 - Water.)

lummu intrans. refers to the cause or reason for events or emotions. Hiyay lummu hi nun-awwitan da. He is the cause of their fights. Hay linummu ya hay ugge da nangidatan hi pinhod na. The cause was that they did not give what he wanted. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. Sim: gap’u, hulun. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.)

lumbag (infl. of lob’ag) proc. to swell. ‑um‑.

lulok 1sta. to be deaf; refers to the inability to hear. Nalulok hi apu. My grandmother is deaf. Deke bo udot ya kahinlullokon da ot inila takun adida unudon intugun taku. If they keep pretending to be deaf, then, we know that they will not follow what we advised. ma‑/na‑, kahin‑ ‑on. 6A Physiological Process - State. Sim: pukit. (sem. domains: - Deaf.) 2proc. refers to the process of becoming deaf. Mungkalulok te naam-ama. He is becoming deaf because he is getting old. mungka‑. 3caus. the affix gives prominence to the cause of becoming deaf. Lumulok nan buduk di palattug. The burst of guns causes deafness. ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

lukud 1comm. measurement. Nganne di lukud na? What are its measurements? Kaatnay lukud nan luta? What are the measurements of the land? (sem. domains: 8.2.8 - Measure.) 2trans. to make measurements. Etaku lukudon nan lutami. Let us go to measure our land. Lukudom di kadalom nan puhung. Measure the depth of the pool. Ilukud taku nah pingngit di kalata. Let us measure it from the side of the road. Munlukud dah kalata. They are measuring a road. Lumukud kah duwan metron linubid. Measure out two meters of rope. ‑on/‑in_, i‑/iN‑, muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

luhilu intrans. to use vulgar language, especially inappropriate in mixed company, i.e. both men and women are present. Lumunilu day u-unga ten wadaday hintutulang. The children were using vulgar words when their brothers and sisters were present. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: - Obscenity.)

lugu 1comm. shoots of the squash plant. Ikamom nan lugu nah patani. Mix the squash-shoots with the lima beans. (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.) 2trans. to gather squash shoots. Munlugu dah ihda taku hi hilong. They are gathering squash-shoots for our viand tonight. An damanan eyak lumugu nah intanom mu? Could I go and gather the squash-shoots of your plant? Linugu da nan intanom Pablo yaden ugge ni-an bimmunga. They gathered the squash-shoots that Pablo planted yet it had not yet borne fruit. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑, ‑on/‑in‑.

lugnin 1intrans. to feel uncomfortable inside; to feel nauseated due to dirt or other unsightly things. Lumugnin an mangan te ikan yu nah daulon. He feels too nauseated to eat because you eat under the house. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2C Emotion or sensation. (sem. domains: 3.4.2 - Feel bad.) 2trans. to feel uncomfortable or nauseated about a specific thing. Adim lugninan an amhon hi apum. Do not feel nauseated when bathing your grandfather. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an.

lugit 1comm. any dirt or other filthy substance. Adika mun-ay-ayyam hi lugit. Do not play with dirt. Kaanom nan lugit hi bulwatim. Remove the dirt on your dress. Sim: lom’ok. (sem. domains: 5.6.1 - Clean, dirty.) 2trans. to make something dirty. Adim lugiton nan bulwatim ta waday usalom hi bigat. Do not soil your clothes so that you will have something to use tomorrow. Lumugit nan uling di banga. A pot becomes dirty from soot. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4C Convey/bring object toward agent. 3sta. to be dirty. Pun-ihaklung nan golang nan nakaluggit an haklung. The child is dipping with a very dirty dipper. Dan-iyam nan taklem te nalugit. Wipe your hand because it is dirty.

lugi 1comm. a loss in a venture. Ongal di lugi na. His losses were big. (sem. domains: 6.8.2 - Accumulate wealth.) 2trans. to cause someone to lose money. Lugiyon dakan hiya te nakatallam. He will cause you losses because he is very cunning. Lumugi da an munggattang te kumudang di kilo da. They cause losses in the way they sell because their weights are lacking. Nalugi ka nangigattang mu. You lost when you sold. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑, ma‑/na‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

luddun trans. to roll up something, e.g. mat, paper; to coil rope or wire. Luddunom nan nahyupam. Roll up your mat. Linuddun na nan gakod di nuwang. He coiled the carabao’s tethering rope. ‑on, ‑um‑, ma‑. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)

lubid 1comm. a string or rope. Nangiayam nah lubid? Where did you take the rope? Sim: tali. (sem. domains: - Rope, string.) 2trans. to make a rope by twisting fibers. Lumubid kah pangakod nah nuwang. Make a rope for the carabao’s tether. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano. der. linubid

low’ok trans. to dip out, e.g. fermenting rice wine, mud in a field. Ilwok mu nan basu nah buhi. Use the glass to dip from the wine jar. Eka lumwok dih lagat ta inumon ta. Go and dip some of the old rice wine and we’ll drink it. i‑/iN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: - Lift.)

lom’ok₁ 1comm. dirt. Itikod yun bumanuttikan te lummok kayu. Stop running about because you scatter dirt. Sim: lugit. (sem. domains: - Soil, dirt.) 2make dirty. 2.1intrans. to cause dirt to scatter or fly about. Itikod yun bumanuttikan te lummok kayu. Stop running about because you’ll scatter dirt. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2.2trans. to make something dirty. Adiyu lomkon tun hinamal. Don’t make this rice dirty. ‑on/‑in‑.

lok’a 1trans. to bring down something; to take something down from shelf. Lokahom nan hukup ta mangan taku. Bring down the rice basket (from the shelf) so we’ll eat. ‑on/‑in‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. (sem. domains: - Lower something.) 2intrans. to come down; alight from a vehicle or animal; dismount. Munloka ka nah lugan. Come down from that vehicle. Lumka ka nah kabayu te nable. Dismount from the horse because it is tired. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑. (sem. domains: - Move down.)

log’ab intrans. to burn, house or vegetation. Miadiy munlogab hi bilid. It is forbidden to burn mountainsides (vegetation and trees). Ihaad mu nan apuy mahikon te lunggab ka man. Put down that fire, little boy, because you might burn the house. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 1C General class. (sem. domains: 5.5.4 - Burn.)

lod’ang 1sta. to be reddened and heated; refers to the redness caused by heat; a flushed face due to heat or anger. Tipe munlodang di tamel mu? Why is your face flushing? Adika mih-up nah apuy te maldang ka. Don’t stay near the fire because you’ll get hot. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Sim: bod’ang, ingit. (sem. domains: 8.3.4 - Hot.) 2trans. to heat and redden metal in a fire for the purpose of blacksmithing. Ildang mu nan otak. Heat (lit. redden) the bolo. i‑/iN‑. 3D Move an object with a resulting change of state. (sem. domains: - Working with metal.)

lob’ag proc. to swell up; for flesh to bulge due to bites or wounds. Lumbag di kalaton di gayyaman. Centipede bites swell up. An linumbag nan tinapay? Did the bread-dough rise (lit. swell)? Nungkaladladan di aadol na ya linumbag di huhuki na. He had bruises all over his body and his feet were swollen. ‑um‑/‑inum‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. (sem. domains: - Swell.) infl. lumbag infl. malbag

liting 1comm. water. [The potable water in the area comes from the springs flowing out of the mountains.] Eka umalah liting te nauwoak. Go and get some water because I’m thirsty. Mada-idaih ya pakayahyaak moppe te impainumanak hi liting. After a while, I could breathe again because she gave me a drink of water. Syn: danum. (sem. domains: 1.3 - Water.) 2trans. to put water on plants. Litingan yu nadan nitanom. Water the plants. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. 3proc. the process of something becoming moist or watery. Lumiting di ahin. Salt turns watery. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. infl. malting