Search results for "ume"

madanglol (infl. of danglol) sta. the condition of a surface that tends to cause someone or something to slide or fall. [The word is often used to refer to a muddy, slippery path.] Madanglol nan dalan an umed Linda. The path that goes to Linda is slippery. ma‑. (sem. domains: 8.3.2 - Texture.)

mabogwa (der. of Bogwa) sta. for bones to be exhumed. Hay mabogwa ya na gunit amana The bones of his father will be exhumed for reburial-rites. ma‑.

Lunes (sp. var. lunit) 1comm. Monday. Lunis ke on eda mungngunu. On Mondays they go to work. Syn: pinghana. (sem. domains: - Days of the week.) 2sta. refers to the coming Monday; when it will be Monday. Malunis kayu ya ume takud Lagawe. Come on Monday we will leave for Lagawe. ma‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: lunes.

lumeng sta. the reddish or violet color of the ripe fruit of the upang, bulinnayu and bahag trees. Nal-um da mo nadan upang te nalmeng da. The upang-fruit is already ripe because the color is violet. ma‑/na‑. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: - Color.)

lomlom 1comm. rainy season; continuous rain for two or more weeks. Lomlom ad uwani. It is now rainy season. Mapaiy nitanom na ahi lomlom. Plants are destroyed during rainy season. Sim: hipak, hamiy’ok, udan. (sem. domains: - Rain.) 2intrans. to be rainy. Adika umeh payo te munlomlom Don’t go to the fields as it is a rainy day. muN‑/nuN‑.

linnawa comm. the life principle in man and animals; believed to live on after death; spirit, soul. Nate ot ume nan linnawa nad langit. He died and his spirit went to heaven. Cultural note: The traditional religious system involved a belief that animals had spirits. Animals were sacrificed during a religious ritual, and the spirits of the dead animals would then go to other worlds to provide for the spirits of gods, ancestors or dead relatives. Sim: alimadduwan, espiritu. (sem. domains: 3.1 - Soul, spirit.) id. dumop-ay linnawak

limu 1go down. 1.1sta. to be submerged; to have sunk below the surface; to vanish out of sight from a horizontal plane. Nalimu nah adalom. He was submerged in the deep spot. ma‑/na‑. (sem. domains: - Move down.) 1.2nom. refers to the sunset. Dakol di tatagun umed Manila Bay ten himbatangan te da tibon nan kalimuhan nan algo. Many people go to Manila Bay in the afternoon because they go to see the setting of the sun. Imme da nah nalimuhan di algo. They went after the sun had set. ka‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.) 2proc. disappearing from view. Mungkalimuy bulan ot ahi kami umanamut. The moon was already disappearing when we went home. Mungkalimuy algo. The sun is disappearing. mungka‑. (sem. domains: 2.3.1 - See.) n. ph. kalimuwan di algo ph. v. nalimuwan di algo

lauhan (infl. of lau) trans. to pass by someone or something; non-past tense. Deket ume itad Shrine, lauhan ta nan bale da. When we go to the Shrine, we will pass by their house. (sem. domains: 7.2.2 - Move in a direction.)

langit comm. an area above the earth; heaven. [Some speakers believe that this word was introduced by the Spanish priests.] Hay mangulug Jesu Kristo ya umed langit. A believer of Jesus Christ goes to heaven. (sem. domains: 4.9.6 - Heaven, hell, 1.1 - Sky.) Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog.

lamon 1comm. the seeds of legumes. Maid ni-an di lamon di bulhe. The beans have no seeds yet. (sem. domains: 1.5.5 - Parts of a plant.) 2comm. edible roots. Wada moy lamon nan gatawwa. The cassava has roots. 3proc. to bear seeds or roots; to bear produce inside pods or husks, e.g. beans, rice. An lumamoy gattuk hi mitanom hitu? Do sweet potatoes that are planted here bear a root-crop? Nalamhanan nan page mo. The rice has grain-seeds now. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, ma‑/na‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. (sem. domains: 6.2.1 - Growing crops.)

lamang advpred. 1to be unafraid of the possible consequences of an action. Lamang anhan ya nundag-u kat indat mu nan indat dan he-a an nidat ke dida. If only you had been brave and dropped by to have given the thing to be given to them. Manner. (sem. domains: 4.3 - Behavior.) 2to dare to do something risky out of despair, extreme need or importance; to risk. Ilamanganan ume te mundogoh amana. He will risk his life to go because his father is sick. Inlamanganan enangako te naagangan. He risked stealing because he was hungry. i‑ ‑an/iN‑ ‑an.

laliw intrans. the wish to go with someone you like, e.g. children who want to go with their parents wherever they go. Makilaliw hi Tony ken inana. Tony wants to go with his mother. Nalaliw tuwali. He has that characteristic of wanting to go with people. Adi mumpatibo hin umeka te milaliw bo. Do not show yourself to her when you leave because she will insist on tagging along. maki‑, mi‑, na‑. (sem. domains: 3.3 - Want.)

laddi 1comm. a slingshot. Sim: bayyabe, lattik, kallat. (sem. domains: - Weapon, shoot.) 2trans. to use slingshot on something. Laddiyon yu nan manuk an umen nah galden. Use the slingshot on the chicken that goes to the garden. Linaddi na nan hamuti mu tumayap. He used a slingshot on the bird but it flew away. Laddiyom din babuy dih garden. Use your slingshot on that pig in the garden. ‑on/‑in‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)

kyubik 1comm. cubic, refers to one cubic meter. Iyalim di tulun kyubic an pantal. Bring three cubics of sand and gravel. (sem. domains: 8.2.8 - Measure.) 2trans. to measure on the basis of one cubic meter. Kyubicon yu nan pinahok Tilyu. Measure how many cubic meters of stone that Tilyu broke. Kinubik da nan napingping. They piled and measured the broken stones by cubic meters. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. Language Of Borrowing: English.

kuyug₁ 1trans. to take someone along with; to go along with someone. Waday ikuyug nah di. He took someone with him there. Mikuyug kan tulang mu hin umed Lagawe. Go along with your sister when she goes to Lagawe. i‑/iN‑, mi‑/ni‑. 3F Move something along with oneself. Sim: kadwa, ibba. (sem. domains: 7.2.5 - Accompany.) 2trans. to accompany someone. Ingkuyukuyugak ot e kami nunhawhawang ad Cubao, Makati, Pasay ya Manila Bay. They accompanied me and we went to Cubao, Makati, Pasay and Manila Bay. i‑/iN‑. 3nom. friendship. Maphod di kuyyugan dan tulu. The friendship of the three is good. ‑an. (sem. domains: 4.1 - Relationships.) der. kuyyugan

kutikut₁ 1comm. an instrument used in making holes in betelnuts to get the inside part, usually a small knife or metal rod. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.) 2trans. to drill hole in betelnut or wood. Kutikutom nan moma. Drill a hole in the betelnut. ‑on/‑in‑. 4A Change the structure of object. (sem. domains: 7.8.5 - Make hole, opening.)

kuliton 1comm. a two-wheeled cart pulled by a carabao or cow. Napnu itungu nan kuliton Pablu. The cart of Pablu is filled with firewood. Sim: dalede. (sem. domains: - Vehicle.) 2trans. to use a two-wheeled cart; to place something in a two-wheeled cart. Mungkuliton kayu mon umed Pugol. Use the cart in going to Pugol. Ikuliton mu nadan irik. Place rice-grains in the cart. muN‑/nuN‑, i‑/iN‑.

kulihiw comm. a tertiary educational institution; college; university. Joan, deyan ume ka mo ahan tut-uwah college. Joan, you are now finally going to college. Inilam an bokon langkuyyay mun-iskul hi college. You know that you must not take lightly your studying in college. (sem. domains: 3.6.2 - School.)

kudut trans. to pick up snails; gather snails in the ricefield. Adiyu kuduton nadan i-itay an ginga. Do not pick up the small snails. Dakol di kindut nah battikul nah payo yu. He picked up many snails in your ricefield. Ume kayu nah payo an mangdut. You all go to the ricefield and gather snails. ‑on/‑in‑, maN‑/naN‑,. 4C Convey/bring object toward agent. (sem. domains: 7.5.1 - Gather.)

kudang (sp. var. kulang) 1sta. to be insufficient; inadequate; not enough; lacking. ma‑. Measure quantifier. (sem. domains: - Lack.) 2to be insufficient. 2.1trans. to cause something to be insufficient or inadequate in amount or number. Kudangona nan indat mun igattang nah boga. He thinks the amount you gave him to buy rice is insufficient. Ustu nan ihaad ku mo kinudangan Maria. What I placed is enough but Maria removed some of it (made it insufficient). ‑on/‑in‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - Lack.) 2.2intrans. for something to be insufficient with the implication that the insufficiency is due to agentive mishandling. Kumudang tun indat mu. What you gave is not enough. Deke on kumudang di kilon nan gatas an in-alim. Sometimes the milk that you bring is lacking in weight. Mungkudang nan in-aliyun kaiw. Something is missing in the lumber you brought.(count not right) ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 2.3sta. to be insufficient, in amount or number. Makudang di pihuk an immed Manila kinali uggeyak gimmatang hi pinhod ku. I did not have enough money when I went to Manila and that’s why I didn’t buy what I wanted. 3adj. to be immature in reference to legumes. Kudang nan bulhe na yaden pinuga na. His beans are immature yet he harvested them. infl. makudang

kongkong trans. to hit on the head with an instrument that is round, flat, or square. Kongkongon daka hin adika mangun-unud. I will hit you on the head if you do not obey. Ikongkong ku tun batu. I will use this stone to hit you on the head. Kinongkong na nan puha te inibtik nay ihdana. He hit the cat on the head because it ran away with his viand. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. Sim: kut-’ong. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)

komo adjunct. just because; since; expression of agreement; yes or okay. A: Tipet indat nan he-an ampuyo ya binangngad na? B: Komo anhan ugge nibangngad? A: Why did she give you the skirt and then, insist that it be returned to her? (rhetorical question) B: Yes, it’s true that it shouldn’t have been returned. A: Etaku tibon nan nate te hinag-on. B: Komo ume taku peman. A: Let’s go to see the dead man because he’s our neighbor. B: Yes, let’s definitely go. Komo maid di ammod ku ya eyak iathinan dakayu. Just because I have no parents, you do that to me. Attitudinal. (sem. domains: - Agree with someone.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: como.

kimit intrans. to close the eyes. Kimitom ta adi umey sabon hi matam. Close your eyes so that the soap will not go in. Handih nangikimitak di binuddalan yu. It was when I slept for a moment that you went out. Pungkimit ku ot kuma mu muntukuk ka. I was about to close my eyes when you were shouting. Kon ahan di pinhod kun mahuyop ot adi makimit di matak. Though I wanted so much to sleep, I could not close my eyes. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑, muN‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions. (sem. domains: - Eye.) infl. mungkimikimit

kihikugan (der. of hikug) comm. a shelter from atmospheric elements; a refuge or haven. Numpataddog hi amanah kihikugan da ot ahi ume. His father built them a shelter before he left. Sim: bale, abung, allung. (sem. domains: 6.5.1 - Building.)

ketuwen dem. this; the form is based on ketuwe, a member of Set 5 demonstrative pronouns and the linker an. Ketuwen algo, umali ka. On this day, you come. Ketuwen algo ya ume taku. On this day we are leaving. (sem. domains: - Demonstrative pronouns.)