Search results for "die"

habu (sp. var. of haybu) trans. to scoop up water and splash it on something; sometimes done to water plants that are near water. Ihabum nan liting ta madanuman da nadan nitanom nah loba. Scoop up the water and splash it on the plants on the slope. Habuwam nan napipitok an tolak. Splash water on the muddied vehicle. Adika humabu. Don’t scoop water and throw it. (sem. domains: - Take something out of something.)

hablag intrans. to bring a 3rd-day bereavement gift, particularly the responsibility of the in-laws of the family. [The 3rd day of a death vigil is the day of feasting so that is when relatives and in-laws bring the bereavement gifts.] Himmablag hi Juan dih natayan aman baket na. Juan brought a pig when his father-in-law died. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. wh: Dangli. (sem. domains: - Give, donate.)

gulpi₂ advpred. for some event to happen suddenly, there is no time to process it. Nagulpin nate te tinwik day odogna. He died suddenly (taken unaware) because they stabbed his back. na‑. Time. (sem. domains: 8.4.6 - Aspectual time.)

gulatna conj. signals a condition or situation that results in or would result in an event or situation that would be different had the preceding condition or situation not existed. if only; had it not been for. Gulatna ta ugge immali ya wadan umeyak ta ek tibon. If he had not come, I would have gone to see him. Gulatna ot ta waday pihhu ya wadan ugge nate. If there had been money then he would not have died. Gulatna nin ta maid di mundogo nadah mangulug ke Apu Dios ya maid da nin di mumbaki Maybe if none of the Christians would become ill, there would be no more shamans. Athidi bon gulatnat mama-id am-in di mumbaki ta hiya ya abuy matdaan Like that also, if there are no shamans except for him (sem. domains: - Condition.) der. munggulat

gub’at 1comm. war; refers to a violent, armed conflict. [Within the history of Ifugao, this word when used alone usually refers to World War II.] Waday dawdawwatonah pensiyon te tindalu handih gubat. He is receiving a pension because he was a soldier during the war. Dakol di nate handih gubat. Many died during the war. Waday duwan gubat an impala-u taku mo. We have already experienced two wars. (lit. we have been caused to pass through) Istolyaon dan handi kanu ka-gibbun di gubat ya namahig di banig. They say that after the second world war there were many incidences of ghost appearances. (sem. domains: 4.8.2 - Fight, 4.8.3 - War.) 2wage war. 2.1intrans. to wage war. Munggugubat da ad Vietnam. They are at war in Vietnam. muN‑/nuN‑. 2.2trans. the information focus is the people upon whom a war is being waged. Gubaton ditaku nadah gaga-ihoy nomnom da. The evil-minded will wage war on us. ‑on/‑in‑. 2.3trans. the information focus is on those who will be involved, i.e. participate in waging war. Inamung nan am-in nadan tatagunan damanan makigubat. He gathered all the people who could join in waging war. maki‑. der. mangubat infl. makigubat

ginga 1comm. a small snail, fragile-shell; found in rice paddies. Pinhod mun ihday ginga? Do you like ginga-snails to eat? Sim: kuwiwwiw, battikul, kohol. (sem. domains: - Fish.) 2trans. to gather snails. Eka manginga. Go and get ginga-snails. maN‑/naN‑.

gamud trans. to curse someone who then becomes sick, dies, or becomes crazy. <Morphology: The infix ‑um- cross-references the one who curses. The circumfix ma‑ ‑an cross-references the one cursed.> Dakol day Ifugao hi nagamudan; mun-ango day udum, mundogo day udum on nate da, te hay naminhod da. Many Ifugao have been cursed; some became crazy, some sick and died because of love. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, ma‑‑an/na‑ ‑an. 2H General class. Sim: idut, dug-a, duhngil, Ayak, Hagoho, hiblot, bong’eg; Sim: Hagoho. (sem. domains: - Curse.)

dolog 1comm. fish, generic; mudfish; found in rice paddies, rivers and small lakes. Nadandani on in-ohnong na ta ang-angona nadan oggan tumul-un dolog nah liting. From time to time, Bugan would stop walking and look at the fish that came to the surface of the water. spec: yuyu, dalit. (sem. domains: - Fish.) 2trans. to catch fish. Eda manlog nah payon Bugan. They are going to catch fish in Bugan's field. maN‑/naN‑. 3trans. to have fish in pond or ricefield; to place fish into pond or ricefield. Nadlogan di payomi. Our rice field has mudfish in it. Dologan yu nan payoyu. Place mudfish in your ricefield. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an.

dola comm. refers to the area around and outside of a building; yard; outside. Ekad dola. Go outside. Munhigid kad dola. Sweep the yard. Mihaynod ya mun-aallodah dayakkot an nidadaan nah dola. Next is the free-for-all throwing of rice at each other which has been readied and placed in the yard. Sim: ayugu, aldattan, ta-angan. (sem. domains: 6.5.1 - Building.)

dogwe comm. fruit, size varies from that of a walnut to an apple; the fruit is located on the trunk or on a the branch; sour when unripe. Kinapya dah kindi nan dogwe. They made the dogwe-fruit into candies. Sim: luyyupan. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)

disgrasya 1comm. vehicular accident. Dakol di nate handi waday disgrasya. Many died when there was an accident. Sim: aksidente. (sem. domains: - Vehicle.) 2intrans. to undergo an accident; to cause an accident. Madisgrasya ka hin adika mun-ule. You will meet an accident if you do not go slow. Dumisgrasya nan kinapya yu. The thing you made could cause an accident. ma‑, ‑um‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

dipendal trans. to defend or protect someone. Hanadan tindalu ya uggeda dinipendalan nan boble da. As for those soldiers, they did not defend their own village. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5C Goal-oriented sites. (sem. domains: - Defend.)

die (sp. var. dee) sta. to be urinating frequently. ma‑.

di₁ lk. 1the di form has an allomorph y that links the existential, demonstrative and adjectival predicates and interrogative pronouns to the other constituents of the clauses. Waday duwan tulang Pedro mu nate da. Pedro had two brothers but they died. Nganney oras di punlukatan nan tendaan yu? What is the hour of the opening of your store? Daanay pangipab-unam hanadan bisitam? Where will you let your visitors sit? 2the di form links a preposed clausal constituent to the predicate and remaining constituents of the clauses. Hi Juan di mangigakod nah ahu. Juan will be the one to tie the dog.

deke pe nin ta (comp. of deke, pe, nin, ta The conjunction links a statement of means with a statement of purpose.) advpred. predicates a probable hypothesis; if it should be that; should it happen that; supposing. <This is a phrasal compound of two conjunctions, deke and ta, and two adjuncts pe and nin.> Deke pe nin ta mateh amam, nganney atom? If it should be that your father dies, what will you do? Deke pe nin ta umali da, nganney atom? If it should be that they come, what will you do? Modality. Sim: nungay.

deke ( ke shortened from) conj. if; a conjunction that connects a dependent conditional clause to a main clause that may encode a means for fulfilling the condition, a result of the likely fulfillment or a purpose for fulfilling the condition. Deke nin mate amam, nganney atom? If it should be that your father will die, what will you do? [The conjunction co-occurs with a number of other conjunctions and adjuncts; additional meaning is added with each of these co-occurring forms.](sem. domains: - Condition.) (comp. deke on comp. deke pe nin ta comp. deke ya comp. deket)

dedede adjunct. expression of appreciation for a gift or expression of approval for something that has been said. Mundedede handi indatan dah mom-ona. He said oh, good when they gave him some betelnut-chew ingredients. muN‑. Interpersonal. (sem. domains: - Thank.)

dandani (der. of dani) advpred. refers to a time concept in which some event or action is about to take place; about to; close to the time of. Dandani an mag-a nan kaiw. The wood is about to fall. Handih dandanin mate ya impaayag amada dida te pinhod nan itugun ke dida. When he was about to die, their father called for them so that he could advise them. Time. Sim: innang. (sem. domains: 8.4.5 - Relative time.) infl. nadandani

damuna advpred. 1to delimit time by expressing the simultaneity of two different events; meantime; meanwhile. Um-umbun taku ni-an ta damunay kalutuwan nan kanon. Let us sit while the food is being cooked. Idadaan mu nan panganan ta damunay datngan da. Set the table, while waiting for them to arrive. Time. (sem. domains: - At the same time.) 2to delimit an amount; enough or more than enough; may relate to quantifying space, amount, accomplishment. Damunay ginastum yaden uggem pay ginibbuy adal mu. You spent much yet you still haven’t finished your studies. Damunay nginunum. You have accomplished more than enough. Damunay ginabutam. You cleared enough, a wide space. (sem. domains: 8.1.7 - Enough.)

dali sta. 1for something to be lost. Nadali nan puunan na. He lost his capital. ma‑. 2mortality; death. Tuluy nadali nadah tindalu. The soldiers had three mortalities. ma‑. Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog.

CV(C)CV-₂ asp. 1this aspectual reduplicant encodes an habitual or constant aspect. Matukatukal ka an e makitugatugal te mapat-al ya hilong di puntutugalan yu. You are always awake to join in gambling because your gambling goes on day and night. Adina itikod nan mumbaki te wadanwaday takut na an kumpulmin tiempu ya mate. He does not stop doing the rituals because his fear would be constant that he might die anytime. Wadan ustu moy bidbibidbid hi novels I think it’s time to put away the constant reading of novels (sem. domains: 8.4.2 - Take time.) 2to do something continuously over a durative period of time. Tobatbalona diday bagol ya aammod ta dumalay-up da ta hay idatong di hagabi ya maphod dan am-in an hin-am-a ya ta dumakol di babuy da ya manuk da. He continuously calls on the gods and his ancestors to witness the arrival of his hagabi-bench so that with its arrival, it will bring along good health for his family and the increase (become many) of their pigs and chickens. Ume bo kanu nah tap-on di wa-el nah ho- alak ya wadaday ngubungubun mangabat da. He went to the place above the creek in the er...irrigation ditch and there were voices continuously mumbling.

bulayyu comm. a large owl. [The owl’s call is believed to be an omen of death.] Deket tumukutukuk di bulayyu on wada kanuy mate. If the owl keeps on calling (lit. shouting), someone will die, so they say. Strigformes gen: akup. (sem. domains: - Bird.)

bulan₁ 1comm. moon. Ongal nan bulan. The moon is big/full. (sem. domains: - Moon.) 2intrans. for the moon to shine. Indanit bumulan ta ahi taku ume. Wait for the moon to shine before we go. Bimmubbulan handi hilong. The moon shone brightly last night. Pinaddi min immeh bale da handih bimmulan. We purposely went to their house during a moonlit night. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: 8.3.3 - Light.) 3comm. full moon; bright moon. Dakol di makihalud hin bulabbulan. There are many serenading/courting on the nights when the moon is full. Manomnom ku ya bulabbulan dih natayana. I remember he died on a full-moon-night. CV(C)CV‑ C‑. Ambulan bulabbulan natalak di bulan der. bumulan n. ph. kahabonan di bulan n. ph. kaha-alan di bulan n. ph. katalakan di bulan n. ph. katanungan di bulan n. ph. katom-angan di bulan n. ph. ongal di bulan

bul’uk 1sta. to be rotten, decomposed, decayed. Nabuluk nan inhaang dan ihda. What they cooked for viand is rotten. Nakabulluk ot ahi hamakon hanadan tindalu. It was fully decomposed before the soldiers found it. Bulbulukkan kinali uggeyak gimmatang. It is a little bit rotten that is why I did not buy it. ma‑/na‑, naka‑. Prpcess or state of inanimate objects. (sem. domains: - Decay.) 2trans. to let or cause something to rot. Hanada ken iBontoc ya bulukon day dotag ta ahida ihda. The Bontoc people let meat rot before they use it for viand. ‑on/‑in‑. 3v. (fig) to be caused to be evil. Dakamiy kon bahul te binuluk mi. We are at fault because (you) caused us to be evil. ‑in‑.

bukbuk₂ sta. tooth decay; cavity of tooth. Waday nabukbuk hi bab-am? Do you have cavities? Wada key nabukbuk hi bab-am ya pakaan mu te indai ya mainpeksyonan ot indai ya ikate. If you have a cavity, better have the tooth removed or you might get infection and die. Mabukbuk nan bob-am hin mangamangan kah malumii. You will have tooth decay if you keep on eating sweets. ma‑/na‑. Sim: ibuk. (sem. domains: - Decay, - Tooth.)