Search results for "nuN-"

ange₁ 1comm. a snare trap for catching birds. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap.) 2trans. to inspect a snare trap to see if something was caught; the activity is in view. E nun-ange ya wada on hamuti. He went to check the snare trap and there was a bird. mun‑, ‑on. id. mun-angeh tagu.

annunu 1intrans. an agent slides down to a slower level. Nun-annunu nah kaiw. He slid down the tree. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: - Move down.) 2slide something. 2.1trans. for an agent to slide something down to a lower level. Annunuwon yu nan kaiw. Slide the logs down. 2.2pass. slip down Naannunuy pantalon na. His pants slipped down.

an₁ lk. 1this form links a main clause and a complement clause. Naka-ang-ang ku an pungkiting daka. I actually saw that you were being pinched. Tinuttuduwanak an kumalih kali da. They taught me how to speak their language. Katatakut pay an e buma-el na kalata. It is very dangerous to cross the street. 2this form links a relative clause to noun and verb heads. Handih 25th di Aplil kinalin Mayor an umali kanu da Apu Paredes ke Apu Datumanong hitu ad Ifugao. On the 25th of April, the Mayor said, it is reported, that Mr. Paredes and Mr. Datumanong would come here to Ifugao. 3this form links quantifiers and adjectives to noun heads. <Morphophonology: When the preceding word ends in a vowel, the vowel of the linker is reduced and the n attaches to the word.> Nun-ampuyo kamin am-in an binabai. We, all of us women, wore the Ifugao-skirt. comp. deya ot an

am-in adj. all; referring to people, i.e. everyone, or things, i.e. everything. Makakkaphodan am-in di matiboh tu. Everything that is seen here is beautiful. Am-in on ipabahul nan ha-oy. He blames me for everything. Nun-ampuyo kamin am-in an binabai. All of us women wore the Ifugao skirt. Number quantifier. (sem. domains: 8.1.6 - Whole, complete, 8.1.5 - All.)

amad trans. to wipe or rub eyes; especially to remove dirt particles or in order to see better. Munluluwa nan matanah nun-amadana. His eyes are tearing as a result of rubbing them. Amadom nan inik mu. Wipe away the dirt from your eyes. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑ ‑an/nuN‑ ‑an. 4D Release, remove or detach object. (sem. domains: - Eye.)

almas (sp. var. armas) 1comm. refers to weapons that are largely used in wars. 2intrans. to be armed with weapons. Nun-almas dat makigubat. They are armed so that they can join in war. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 4.8.2 - Fight, 4.8.3 - War.)

allung 1comm. a shelter; hut with no walls; a lean-to. Etaku munhidum dih allung. Let’s take shelter in that hut. Sim: bale, kihikugan, abung. (sem. domains: 6.5.1 - Building.) 2trans. to build a lean-to or shelter. Allungan yu nan nun-impan babuy nah mabalat. Make a shelter for the pig which gave birth near the banana plants. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of site by adding something.

allage 1comm. lamentations; mourning cries of women for the dead. [They tell anecdotes about the life of the dead person; they also say or express their grief in words.] Adi maphod nan logmonay allagen nan in-ina. The lamentations of the old woman were insincere and senseless. Nun-allageh Tipanay handih natayan Rosario. Tipanay sang the lamentations at the time Rosario died. (sem. domains: - Mourn.) 2intrans. to mourn or lament a death. muN‑.

ahhing intrans. to assault or abuse someone alternately, may be verbal or physical; to take turns assaulting. Nun-aahhingan dan dinuntuk nan mangako. They took turns in hitting the thief. muN‑ ‑an/nuN‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.)

ahap 1comm. meat, small uncooked pieces given to helpers and neighbors at a feast. Sim: atal. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) 2trans. to distribute pieces of meat at a feast. Nun-iahap da nan natdaan an dotag. They distributed the extra meat in small pieces. muN‑ i‑/nuN‑ i‑. (sem. domains: - Distribution.)

agol 1comm. to be hesitant; refers to the feeling of hesitation to do a thing because of fear of consequences. Waday agol kun e mundallanan nah hilong. I am afraid to go and walk around during night time. (sem. domains: - Doubt.) 2intrans. Umagolak an e hunggop hi baleda. I am hesitant to enter their house. Nun-ule-ule da te uma-agol hi Bugan an mundalan nah madanglol an banong. They walked slowly because Bugan was cautiously walking on the slippery dikes. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Class 2C Emotion and sensation. (sem. domains: - Uncertain.)

addum unite. 1.1trans. to unite by bringing two or more things together; to combine; to merge; Nun-addumon mi nan patani ya immeh ohan botok. We combined the lima beans and it exceeded one bundle. muN‑ ‑on/nuN‑ ‑on. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach, - Include.) 1.2trans. to add something to another thing Iaddum mu tun bulhe nah pun-ihaang mun dotag. Add these beans to the pork you are cooking. i /iN . (sem. domains: - Increase.) infl. nun-addum

abba to carry. 1.1trans. to carry someone or something in a blanket or shawl on the back or front (chest area). [This is the typical way to carry babies and small children. A child is usually carried on the back with a shawl or blanket; also something breakable or valuable to be carried a distance is carried like this.] Iabbam hanan golang. Carry the child on your back. Iabbam nan buhi ten i-em hi alang te andani ya mag-a. Carry the wine jar on your back when you bring it to the granary lest it falls. i‑/iN‑. 3F Move object with self. Sim: bakyug. (sem. domains: 7.3.1 - Carry.) 1.2v. refers to the manner in which something is carried, on the back. Mun-abba kayu ta umagwat taku. Carry that on your back so that we can cross the river. Nun-inabbah golang. She’s carrying a child on her back. muN‑/nuN‑.

balu₂ comm. a young unmarried man. Balu mo nan ungan nun-ay-ayam ku handi. The child with whom I played before is a young man now. (sem. domains: 2 - Person.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano: baru.

pohod 1to be valued as good. 1.1sta. to have the property of being good; to meet a standard of something to be desired or something that is favorable for someone; good, beautiful, nice. Maphod tun bulwatin indat da. This dress that they gave you is beautiful. He-ay kapkaphodan hi bale nah tud Kiangan. You have the nicest house in Kiangan. Maphod te immaliy dakol hi lugan ot ume kami. It was good because there were many rides so that we could go. Mabalin bon kalyok an maphod di memory na. I think he probably has a good memory too. ma‑, ka‑ CVC ‑an. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.) 1.2advpred. to meet an accepted standard of appropriate or good behavior. Mumpohod kayun umbun. You sit properly. muN‑/nuN‑. Evaluative. 2to repair, fix or improve. 2.1trans. to cause something to become good, implies that something is in disrepair or less than good. <Morphology: paka-ip-iphod, superlative, to fix perfectly.> Adim piphod ke ha-oy te uggek inila. Don’t let me fix it (lit. make good) because I don’t know how. Iphod mu nan apuy ta adi gumanab. Fix the fire so that it won’t burn its surroundings. pi‑/impi‑, i‑/iN‑. 2.2caus. to improve the life or welfare of someone. Ipaphod Apu Dios di nitaguwan taku hin mundinol takun hiya. God will make our lives good if we trust in him. ipa‑/impa‑. (sem. domains: - Bless.) 2.3trans. to show benevolence. Iphodam hi tulang mu takon di iboboh-ol daka. Show benevolence/favor to your brother even if he is always angry with you. i‑ ‑an/ iN‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.) 2.4intrans. to become better, i.e. to recover from sickness; get well. Kanom am-in tun agat kal-ina ot ya pumhod ka. Take all this medicine so that you can get well. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 2.5.1 - Sick.) 3to love. 3.1trans. to love. Pohdom di ibbam an tagu umat hi naminhod muh adol mu. Love your fellow man as you love yourself. Impakappinhod daka. I love you very much (supremely). Pakappinhod ku mu bumainak an mangalkalin hiya. I love her very much but am ashamed to tell her. Adik pinhod an ihday amunin. I do not like to eat wildcat meat. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. 3.2nom. the nominalized form is equivalent to the English noun ‘love’. Hay paminhod di immanhan an intanuttudun Jesus hanadah tatagu. Love is what Jesus emphasized in his teaching of people./Love is the focal point of Jesus’ teaching of people. Hay naminhod kun he-a ya maid di kiingngohana. My love for you is beyond comparison. paN‑/naN‑. 4trans. to love each other. Mumpohhodan da kinali nun-ine da. They love each other that is why they got married. muN‑ ‑an. 5advpred. try one’s best. Ip-iphod nat tobotbalon da. He is trying his best for their approval. i‑ CVC‑. (sem. domains: - Try, attempt, 8.3.7 - Good.) 6trans. to want or desire something; to like something. Pinhod kun mimih-ad kah library nah bakansen oras mu. I want you to spend most of your time in the library during your vacation. Imi-ingleyak an pinhod kun umanamut mo indani bo kaya ya uminghaak. I felt so lonely that I wanted to return home, but after a while I became adjusted. Adik pinhod an ihday amunin. I don’t like wildcat meat. ‑in‑. der. kiphodan der. maphod der. pamhod id. iphodan hi kali infl. iphod infl. kapkaphodan infl. pinhod infl. pumhod n. ph. pohod hi kali

porma comm. to shape something; to form or mold. Nun-ingngoy da lukud ya nun-ingngoy da porma. They made the measurement the same and they made the form the same. (sem. domains: - Make.) Language Of Borrowing: English: form.

pugo₃ trans. to leave a plant alive when cutting grass or trees. Pinugo da nan tabuyug handi eda nun-uma. They left the pomelo-tree alive when they went to make a clearing. Eda mamugo nah muyung hi tanman dah kaiw. They are going to cut grass and leave selected trees alive in the forest. ‑on‑/in‑, maN‑/naN‑.

tabla₂ intrans. to tie in score in a game competition; to be even or equal in number or time. Tabla ta ot peman te nun-ingngoy puntos ta. We are tied because we have the same number of points. Muntabla kayu te nundihhan kayun dimmatong. You are tied because you have arrived at the same time. Iphod mu ta tumabla ni-mo. Do it well so that at least you will be even. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: - Equivalence.) Language Of Borrowing: Tagalog.

taga₂ adjunct. an expression of ridicule or scorn, indicating someone is getting what they deserve. Taga, daan boy nun-alam an makipanatte? That’s what you deserve, now what did you gain in fighting? Tagam! (expression) Go ahead! Interjection. (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.)

tagu₁ 1comm. man; human; person. Hay punnomnom hanadan tatagu handih done ya nadan tatagud uwani ya ongal di ugge da nun-ingngohan. The way people long ago thought does not compare at all with the way people of today do. Ambiambilog ya dakkodakkol di tatagu. It is wide and there are plenty of people. Deket kanan nan tagu di humagabi, ipainila na ni-an hi iibana When a man decides to perform the hagabi-ritual, he must first inform all his relatives (sem. domains: 2 - Person.) 2comm. young adult; teenager. <Morphology: kat-agu> (sem. domains: - Youth.) 3sta. to be alive; to revive. Nganney hangliw di nitaguwan hin mihahhaad kah nunhituwam an adika bumudal an makidammuh tatagu? What’s the joy of living if you stay in your house all the time and never go out to meet people? Inilak ot adiyak e mitmittagun munligligat te waday homok di namyun ha-oy. I know that I will not be living in hardship because the one who created me is merciful. Hay kanan di doctor ya aga kanuy nanagun he-a. According to the doctor, medicine will revive you. ni‑ ‑an, miC‑ CVC, naN‑. 4comm. physical stature. <Inflected form: katagu> (sem. domains: 2.1 - Body.) 5comm. to survive, to revive. <Inflected form: tumagu> 6comm. a carved wooden statue of a person used in the traditional religion. <Inflected form: tinattaggu> (sem. domains: - Idol.) der. katagu der. katagutagu der. kat-agu der. makitaguttagu infl. tatagu say. Hay tagu umat hi bulan, naongal on naittay.

tayag sta. to be a tall person. Natayag tun golang an nun-ingngo dan amana. This child is tall like his father. Tumayag pay tun imbabalem te unga pay. Your child will still grow taller because he is still young. ma‑/na‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. Opp: pokok; Sim: banawe, tag-e. (sem. domains: - Tall.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

te conj. the logical connection that marks a reason; because. Maka te ume ta. Come because we are leaving. Om, te maid di hilhilbi hin ugge ta nun-adal ya maid di ngunu. Yes, because one is worthless without education and without a job. Bahul nadan nangipunduwana te uggeda ninomnom di aton da. It was the fault of those who were put in-charge because they didn’t think about what they will do. Subordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.) comp. tedeya

tinaab (der. of taab) comm. the wood chips that result from cutting wedges in lumber. Ek nun-ala nan tinaab ta itungu mi. I went to get the chips for fuel. (sem. domains: 5.5.6 - Fuel.)

tonton 1genealogy. 1.1comm. a history of the descent of a person or family; a listing of ancestors involving successive generations. [The recitation of the names of ancestors was traditionally done during rituals related to discovering the cause of sickness or misfortune and ameliorating the situation by offering a sacrifice.] Uggek inilay tonton di aammod taku. I don’t know how to recite our genealogy. (sem. domains: - Religious ceremony, - Family, clan.) 1.2intrans. to recite genealogy; to enumerate. Hi amam di manonton hin nganney nun-iibaan taku. Your father will be the one to trace our genealogy to see if we are related.. maN‑/naN‑. Sim: ipadon. 2trans. to name things one by one; to list; enumerate. Anakkaya, tipet mahapul an tanontonom di ingngunum. Oh my, why do you have to enumerate all the work you’ve done. ‑on/‑in‑ + ‑an‑. Speech Verbs - General.

uggub 1comm. a dart throwing game of competition. [Dart-throwing is also used to settle property boundary disputes, theft, etc.] (sem. domains: 4.8 - Conflict.) 2intrans. to have a dart throwing contest. Nun-uggub da te lummuh poppog di payo da. They had a dart throwing contest because of their ricefield boundaries. muN‑/nuN‑.