Search results for "tipe"

badi intrans. to pluck a stalk or particle of grain usually rice; young rice grains plucked and skinned and eaten. Adi kayu bumadih page te bumoh-ol di kon payo. Don’t pluck the rice because the field owner will be angry. Tipet ekayu mumbadih page? Why are you plucking young rice grains? ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑/nuN‑. Sim: kuttim. (sem. domains: - Hold.)

aw adjunct. expression of displeasure, disapproval, annoyance, irritation; hmmph. Aw, antipet dekah na bo? Hmmph, why are you here again? Interjection. (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.)

athituy (comp. of hitu, umat) advpred. it is like this, a comparative adverbial predicate used to tell someone how to do something or to make a comparison of actions or events. Tipet athituy inat mun ha-on? Why have you done like this to me. Mahapul an athituy aton yu nadah ibbam. It is necessary that you do like this to your companions. Athitu di pinhod na. She wants something like this. (sem. domains: - Compare.)

ap-ap’at comm. an insect with a segmented body and a pair of legs in each segment; centipede. (sem. domains: - Insect.)

antipet (fr. var. of antipe)

antipe (fr. var. antipet) (comp. of tipe, an) int. why; interrogative pronoun; used in asking the reason for something. <Morphology: This word is a compound consisting of the general question marker, an, and the why question marker, tipe.> Antipe ta maid di tagu? Why is it that there is nobody around? Antipet idihhan muy tukuk mu ten mungkaliyak. Why do you coincidentally shout while I’m talking? general: It seems to be a matter of preference as to when the compound or the 'why' word only is used. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.)

anikdul intrans. to make a pounding noise on floor or walls, often done by children playing. Tipe bot mun-anikdul day u-unga? Why are the children making all that noise? Umanikdul da nadan u-unga hin ipukung yu dida. The children will make noise if you lock them up. muN‑, ‑um‑. Sim: alidogdog, alikudukud; Sim: kudu. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.)

amayyu (sp. var. ammayu) 1comm. domestic animal; referring to cows, carabao, pigs. [Generic term for all larger mammal-like animals. The Ifugao consider these as the only animals.] Sim: aggayam. (sem. domains: 1.6.1 - Types of animals.) 2intrans. to raise animals, take care of cows, carabao Mumbabuy takun mangatang. Let’s raise pigs to sell. muN‑/nuN‑. 3comm. have an animal as a pet. Tipet hay ahuy pun-amayyum? Why make a dog your pet? puN‑.

alaya intrans. to roam around. Restrictions: Hudhud epic. Antipet ammunay mun-alayan aton yu? Why is it that all you do is roam around? {literary} muN‑. Syn: duka. (sem. domains: 7.2.4 - Travel.)

aklib trans. to scatter things while searching for something; to get things and scatter them, mostly done by children when parents have put things up or away. Tipet umanaklib kayu? Why do you keep searching among things and scattering them. Nganney anaklibon yu? What are you always searching for? ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 4D Release, remove or detach object. (sem. domains: - Separate, scatter.)

ah’a (sp. var. ahh’a) adjunct. expression of disapproval; expression of disagreement; expression of refusal. Aha! Mangan kayut ahiyak mangan hi bale. No. You go ahead and eat, I’ll eat at home. Aha, tipe bo anhan ta em boh-olan. Oh come on, why do you have to scold her? Interjection. (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.)

agamid trans. 1to bring something to oneself; draw towards one’s self. Agamidom din ulo. Draw that blanket towards you. ‑on/‑in‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. Sim: akuy. (sem. domains: - Pull.) 2to adopt a child Inagamid na nan imbabalen nan inayana ya nan tindalu. He adopted the child of his wife and the soldier. ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: - Adopt.) 3to take personally something that is said. Adim agamidon di kinalik te bokon he-a. Don’t take personally what I have said because it doesn’t pertain to you. Antipet agamidom am-in di kalida? Why do you listen to everything they say? ‑on/‑in‑. (sem. domains: - Upset.)

abbat 1comm. a nearby place. 1.1comm. a nearby place of the same elevation as the reference point; neighborhood. Umeyak hidid abbat. I will go there (nearby place). Immeh abbat na. He went to the nearby place. (sem. domains: - Near.) 2trans. to go to a particular or specified nearby place. Iabbat kuh balen da Kunde. I will go to Kundeh’s house. Tipet umanab-abbatan ka? Why are you going back and forth nearby. In-abat da nan bilau. The runos were taken nearby. i‑/iN‑. 3trans. to go from one house to another; making the rounds of houses nearby. Mun-abbatanak hi balen di tutulang ku. I frequently go from one sister’s house to the others. muN‑ ‑an/nuN‑ ‑an. 4intrans. to go to or be at a nearby place. Ume bo kanu nah tap-on di wa-el nah ho- alak ya wadaday ngu bungubun mangabbat da. He went to the place above the creek in the er...irrigation ditch and there were mumbling voices nearby. maN‑.

layut₁ 1comm. rags; ragged clothing. Umidat ta keh bulwati nadah nawotwot ya bokon kay layut di idat. If you give clothes to the poor, don’t give rags. (sem. domains: 5.3 - Clothing.) 2intrans. to wear ragged clothes. Tipet eka munlaylayut? Why do you wear rags? muN‑/nuN‑. 3intrans. discarded ragged clothes. Idat mu nan nunlayutam. Give me your ragged clothes. (the ones you have already discarded.) nuN‑ ‑an.

lam-ok trans. to obtain almost all of something; to get many or much more than others. Tipe ahan ilam-ok muy alam. Why must you get almost all of it? Malam-ok ta ek alan am-in! Almost all, not so!/ I won’t take it all! i‑/iN‑, ma‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: 7.4.3 - Get.)

hukhuk 1trans. to hide behind someone or something. Tipet ihukhuk mun inam? Why do you hide behind your mother? i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. Sim: hukyab, hulbuk. (sem. domains: 7.6 - Hide.) 2pass. to be hidden or sheltered. Binumtik nan manuk ot nihukhuk nah maholok. The chicken ran away and hid itself among the grasses. Eka mihukhuk dih gulun. Go hide yourself in the cogon-grass. mi‑/ni‑.

kol-o intrans. fear, sudden and unexplainable; may be a premonition accompanied by a fear that can’t be explained. Tipe nin ta kumanol-owak. Why do I have this unexplained feeling of fear? Handi ek igatin ya kimmol-owak te innang an eyak mag-a. When I tried to step down I became frightened because I almost fell. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Sim: takut, kobkob. (sem. domains: - Afraid.)

eka pers. you, singular; the form is a compound of the marker e and the 2nd person, singular personal pronoun, a member of Set 2; the form is preposed before the verb, encodes the subject grammatical relation and is cross-referenced by the affix on the verb. Tipet eka humahallaman an ume yaden maid ni-an di lugan. Why do you go so very early when there are no rides/jeepneys yet. (sem. domains: 9.2.3 - Pronouns.)

puypuy trans. to blame someone for everything, e.g. to make someone the black sheep of a family. Ipuypuy da bon he-a nan naat hi baleyu. They will blame you again for what happened in your house. Tipet ha-oy boppoy pangipuypuyan dan am-in? Why do they blame me for everything? i‑/iN‑, pangi‑ ‑an. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: - Accuse, confront.)

takup 1comm. to patch cloth , wood or metal. Waday takup nah odog nan kamahhita. There is a patch on the back of the shirt. Sim: tapal, lokob. 2trans. to place patching material; to repair by placing something over a hole. Antipet em takupan nan taddung mu? Why do you patch your hat? Itakup mu nan natapliyan kaiw nah uwang nah dingding. Use the planed wood in patching the wall. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 7.5.2 - Join, attach.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

tatawa 1to laugh. 1.1intrans. to make vocal sounds expressing mirth or ridicule; to laugh. Tipet tumatawa ka? Why do you laugh? Wada key ustun matataw-an ya komboy dahdi ya tumatawa. If there is something worth laughing at, anybody will laugh. Pimmalakpak kami, timmatawa kami, timmaddog kami ya inumbun kami. We clapped, we laughed, we stood and we sat down. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Class 2D, Vocal sounds expressing feeling. Sim: gegek, gigi, titit, bog-ak, halekhek, anggak, albuwang. (sem. domains: - Laugh.) 1.2intrans. to be laughing; durative aspect. Muntattatawa da. They are laughing. muN‑/nuN‑, CVC‑ . 1.3intrans. to laugh with intensity. Nakattatawaak. I was laughing very hard. nakaC‑. 2trans. to laugh at someone or something. Tataw-an da nan inat mu. They are laughing at what you’ve done. Tipet katataw-anak? Why do you laugh at me? ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5C Goal-oriented sites. 3comm. laughter. Makadngol di tatawam. Your laughter can really be heard. Nal-ot di tatawa na. He has a boisterous laugh. 4caus. to cause people to laugh. Mangipatatawa ka. You are funny (lit. cause people to laugh). Agam, patatawam di adol mu. Go ahead, make yourself a laughing stock. pa‑, mangipa‑.

tayan trans. to leave behind; to abandon; to depart. Tinayanan di inayana. She was abandoned by her spouse. Adiyak tayanan. Do not leave me. Tinayananak nah dalan. I was left behind on the way. Intayan kun hiya nan imbabalek. I left my child with her. Maid di makan hi itayan mo ya eka ume. You aren’t leaving any food for them and you are going. Tipet hay babaiy tumayan hi inayana? Why is the woman the one to leave her husband? Timmayan ka ya maid di em intayan ke dida. You abandoned them and you didn’t leave anything for them. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 5C Goal-oriented site. (sem. domains: - Move away.)

ten (sp. var. tehin) conj. 1the shortened form of tehin ‘because, when’. Ingonay kay da gugutul di tatagu ten mundaldallanan ka nah kalata. You are compared to an ant when you are walking along the road. Nakal-ot di bungug nan duplanu ten munda-ul. The plane produces a loud noise when it is about to land. Antipet idihhan muy tukuk mu ten mungkaliyak. Why do you coincidentally shout while I’m talking? (sem. domains: - Condition.) 2the shortened form of tehin ‘because, if’ which combines a reason and condition; in case that. Maid umali ten adika umayag. Nobody will come if you do not invite anyone. Toan ten makulug, mu deket makulug, ikabing mu anhan tun tugun ku. I don’t know if it is true, but if it is true, you heed my advice. Namahig di hona da ta ihalhalla day dalan, ihinghingngi day dalan, namam-a ten waday iiban nadan himmagabi nah dalnon da. They go the wrong way, they go out of the way, especially if they know of a relative of the one performing the hagabi-ceremony who lives along the way.

tipe int. why; an interrogative pronoun used to ask for a reason, cause or purpose. Tipet eka immali? Why did you come? Ot kanan Josey “Tipet eka munggagalan manayyu?” And Jose said “Why are you hurrying to go down?” Sim: nganat. (sem. domains: - Question words, - Reason.) comp. antipe comp. tipet

tipet (comp. of tipe) int. why is it? <This is a compound that consists of the question word tipe and the conjunction ta.> Tipet athitun am-in? Why is it that all of it is like this? (sem. domains: - Question words.)