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annung intrans. 1to fulfill a wish, desire, a promise or a prophecy; to come true. Hay idut di aammod ya umannung. The curses of parents will come true. Ahi dumatong di algon annungan nadan kinalik. The day will come when what I said will come true. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2for something that is said to come true. Ahi dumatong di algon annungan nadan kinalik. The day will come when what I said will come true. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an.

alina 1comm. flour. Eka gumattang hi alina ta mangapya tah tinapay. You go to buy flour and we will make bread. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) 2trans. to place flour on something. Alinaam nan ihaang mun ihda. Place flour on the food you are going to cook. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: arina.

akbut 1comm. a backpack; a knapsack. [Formerly, the backpack was always made of animal hide] Pinhod kuy akbut an umat nah ginattang mu. I want a knapsack just like the one you bought. Adida ke ihda nan bolat na ya kapyaon dah akbut. When they do not eat the skin, they make it into a backpack. Sim: bango, pahhiking, hakbat. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2intrans. to use a backpack. Mun-akbut la hin umanamut ka. Use a backpack when you go home. In-akbut na nan bulwatina. He placed his clothes in a backpack. muN‑/nuN‑, i‑/iN‑.

agwat cross over. 1.1intrans. to cross over a body of water. Umagwat dah duwan wangwang ta ahida dumatong. They will cross two rivers before they will arrive. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2A Movement from one place to another. (sem. domains: - Move past, over, through.) 1.2trans. to cross over a body of water, ravine or other expanse while carrying something. <The choice of affix (-on/-in-) cross-references the object NP and highlights a feature of the water, ravine, etc. (see first example under Sense 1.2)> Ambilog nan wangwang an eda agwaton. The river that they will cross is wide. Iagwat mu nan golang. Bring the child across the river. i‑/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑.

binting 1comm. a coin worth twenty-five centavos. Idattanak hi binting ya abu. Give me twenty-five centavos only. (sem. domains: 6.8.6 - Money.) 2sta. to be worth twenty-five centavos. Gumatang kah mabinting an ilukut. Buy twenty five centavos worth of cigarettes. ma‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

atap sta. to be wild; untamed. Naatap nan poltan mu. Your rooster is wild. Umatap nan manuk hin pudupudugon yu. The chicken will become wild if you keep on running after it. na‑, ‑um‑. 6D Descriptives. Sim: ilom. (sem. domains: 1.6.4 - Animal actions.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

gastu 1comm. expense. Dakol di gastu an umeh iskul. There are many expenses in going to school. (sem. domains: - Pay.) 2trans. to spend money to cover an expense. Adiyu gastuwon am-in nan pihhu yu. Do not spend all of your money. Gastuwan dakan tulang mu hin ume ka mun-iskul. Your brother will spend for you when you go to school. Munggastu ka hi ongal ta ahi miphod nan balem. You will spend a large amount of money before your house will be finished. Gumastu ka nin hi duwan gatut ta ahika dumatong ad Baguio. You will spend around two hundred before you reach Baguio. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: - Spend.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: gasto.

at’op 1comm. roof; roofing material. Hinnanotak di atop nan balemi. I changed the roof of our house. (sem. domains: 6.5.2 - Parts of a building.) 2trans. to construct a roof; to use as roofing. Iatop yu nan gulun. Roof with the cogon grass/Use cogon grass for the roof. Atopan yu nan baleda ad uwani. You are going to roof their house today. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3pass. to be roofed. Naatopan moy baleda. Their house is already roofed/has a roof. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. 4intrans. to make a roof. Mun-atop da nadan mungngunu. The workers are constructing the roof. Umatop kayuh pun-hiduman taku. Make a roof for our shelter. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

planu 1comm. plan; scheme; plot. Waday planu na an umanamut. He has plans of coming home. (sem. domains: 3.3.1 - Decide, plan.) 2trans. to plan, scheme or plot something. Planuwon da di aton da hin dumatong dad Manila. They will plan on what to do when they reach Manila. ‑on/‑in‑ . 4E Perception and Cognition. (sem. domains: - Think about.) 3comm. draft of a proposed structure. Numpakapya hi planun di bale. He had someone make a house plan. (sem. domains: 6.5 - Working with buildings.) 4intrans. to do an architectural drawing of a building. Mumplanu hi bale an duway gladu na. He is making a house plan two storys in height. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

poblasyon (sp. var. poblacion) 1comm. town center; central part of town. Ad poblasyon di em gumattangan. Go to buy in the town center. (sem. domains: 4.6.7 - Region.) 2nom. refers to a resident of the area of the town center. Dida di tonok an ipoblasyon. They are the original people from the town center. i‑/iN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

pohod 1to be valued as good. 1.1sta. to have the property of being good; to meet a standard of something to be desired or something that is favorable for someone; good, beautiful, nice. Maphod tun bulwatin indat da. This dress that they gave you is beautiful. He-ay kapkaphodan hi bale nah tud Kiangan. You have the nicest house in Kiangan. Maphod te immaliy dakol hi lugan ot ume kami. It was good because there were many rides so that we could go. Mabalin bon kalyok an maphod di memory na. I think he probably has a good memory too. ma‑, ka‑ CVC ‑an. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.) 1.2advpred. to meet an accepted standard of appropriate or good behavior. Mumpohod kayun umbun. You sit properly. muN‑/nuN‑. Evaluative. 2to repair, fix or improve. 2.1trans. to cause something to become good, implies that something is in disrepair or less than good. <Morphology: paka-ip-iphod, superlative, to fix perfectly.> Adim piphod ke ha-oy te uggek inila. Don’t let me fix it (lit. make good) because I don’t know how. Iphod mu nan apuy ta adi gumanab. Fix the fire so that it won’t burn its surroundings. pi‑/impi‑, i‑/iN‑. 2.2caus. to improve the life or welfare of someone. Ipaphod Apu Dios di nitaguwan taku hin mundinol takun hiya. God will make our lives good if we trust in him. ipa‑/impa‑. (sem. domains: - Bless.) 2.3trans. to show benevolence. Iphodam hi tulang mu takon di iboboh-ol daka. Show benevolence/favor to your brother even if he is always angry with you. i‑ ‑an/ iN‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: 8.3.7 - Good.) 2.4intrans. to become better, i.e. to recover from sickness; get well. Kanom am-in tun agat kal-ina ot ya pumhod ka. Take all this medicine so that you can get well. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. (sem. domains: 2.5 - Healthy, 2.5.1 - Sick.) 3to love. 3.1trans. to love. Pohdom di ibbam an tagu umat hi naminhod muh adol mu. Love your fellow man as you love yourself. Impakappinhod daka. I love you very much (supremely). Pakappinhod ku mu bumainak an mangalkalin hiya. I love her very much but am ashamed to tell her. Adik pinhod an ihday amunin. I do not like to eat wildcat meat. ‑on/‑in‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. 3.2nom. the nominalized form is equivalent to the English noun ‘love’. Hay paminhod di immanhan an intanuttudun Jesus hanadah tatagu. Love is what Jesus emphasized in his teaching of people./Love is the focal point of Jesus’ teaching of people. Hay naminhod kun he-a ya maid di kiingngohana. My love for you is beyond comparison. paN‑/naN‑. 4trans. to love each other. Mumpohhodan da kinali nun-ine da. They love each other that is why they got married. muN‑ ‑an. 5advpred. try one’s best. Ip-iphod nat tobotbalon da. He is trying his best for their approval. i‑ CVC‑. (sem. domains: - Try, attempt, 8.3.7 - Good.) 6trans. to want or desire something; to like something. Pinhod kun mimih-ad kah library nah bakansen oras mu. I want you to spend most of your time in the library during your vacation. Imi-ingleyak an pinhod kun umanamut mo indani bo kaya ya uminghaak. I felt so lonely that I wanted to return home, but after a while I became adjusted. Adik pinhod an ihday amunin. I don’t like wildcat meat. ‑in‑. der. kiphodan der. maphod der. pamhod id. iphodan hi kali infl. iphod infl. kapkaphodan infl. pinhod infl. pumhod n. ph. pohod hi kali

problema comm. a problem. Dakol di problema te matagu taku. We have many problems because we’re alive. Adim baybay-an muntudok ya itudok mun am-in di problemam. Don’t neglect to write regularly; write anything that bothers you. Problemay kanona mu takon di umat hidi, maphod di adol na. His food is a problem but even so, he is fit. (sem. domains: 4.4.2 - Trouble.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish. der. problemaon

pumate (infl. of pate) trans. to kill. <The infix set ‑um-/‑imm- cross-references the agent-subject, i.e. the killer.> An dahdiy pimmate nah nakatte? Who killed the dead one? ‑um‑/‑imm‑.

pusta 1comm. a bet; a wager. Ongal di pustana nah manuk mu. He has a big bet on your rooster. Sim: topa, taya. (sem. domains: 4.2.6 - Entertainment, recreation.) 2v. to make a bet. Mumpusta da hin dahdiy mangapput nadah mun-ay-ayyam. They are betting on who will win in the game. Pumusta ka damdama. Place your bet also. Pustaan da hin dahdiy maunnan dumatong. They will make a bet on who will arrive first. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: apuesta.

ta₁ The conjunction links a statement of means with a statement of purpose. conj. 1so that. <Morphophonology: Following words ending in vowels ta can be reduced to a clitic form t attached to the preceding word.> Kah-in di he-ay ume ta he-ay e makihummangan ke hiya. You must go so that you’ll be the one to talk to him. Coordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - Purpose.) 2and, with a purpose. Ekat em iabba nan duyat. Go to carry the baby on your back. Manginbubuttik ka aga dih tendaan ta eka gumattang hi suka. Please run to the store to buy vinegar. 3in order to. Immaliyak ta awitok tun golang. I came in order to take this baby. Hay atom ta matikod nan pumbabahhulan yu ya tayanam tun boble. What you need to do in order to stop the bad relationship between you is for you to leave this place. Kah-in di waday himpulun mukkol ta ahi mapnu nan saku. Ten more pieces are needed in order to fill up the sack. comp. deke pe nin ta comp. deket comp. hin anoka ta comp. ta ahi

tag-e 1adj. having an extension upward, vertically; high, tall. Atag-e nan alad da. Their fence is high. Nakattag-e nan ek pinaytuk, kinali nahpung tun hukik. The thing I jumped from was very high, that’s why I sprained my ankle. Hidiyen bilid di katagtag-yan hitu. That mountain is the tallest here. a‑/an‑, naka‑ C, ka‑ CV(C) ‑an. Dimension quantifier. ant: akhop; Sim: banawe, tayag. (sem. domains: - High, - Tall.) 2nom. height. Hay kinatag-en di balemi ya umat nah kinatag-en di katagtag-eyan an tagu. The height of our house is like the height of the tallest person. Athituy kinatag-en nan alad an ek pinaytuk. The height of the fence I jumped over was like this. ka‑, kina‑. 3trans. to raise something to a higher position. Itag-em nan page. Lift up the rice-stalks. Itagtag-em nan paul ta paytukok. Raise the stick higher so that I will jump over it. i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: - Lift.) 4sta. to have a high status. Ipadayaw kuy kinatag-em ta inggana. I will honor/praise your inherent high status forever. (referring to God’s status) Natag-e saad tuwen tagu. This person’s rank is high. kina‑, na‑. (sem. domains: - High status.) 5proc. refers to the process of becoming tall. Immongal ka mo gayam ya timmag-e ka pay. You are grown now and have also become tall. der. kinatag-e id. muntag-etag-e infl. atag-e

tatawa 1to laugh. 1.1intrans. to make vocal sounds expressing mirth or ridicule; to laugh. Tipet tumatawa ka? Why do you laugh? Wada key ustun matataw-an ya komboy dahdi ya tumatawa. If there is something worth laughing at, anybody will laugh. Pimmalakpak kami, timmatawa kami, timmaddog kami ya inumbun kami. We clapped, we laughed, we stood and we sat down. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. Class 2D, Vocal sounds expressing feeling. Sim: gegek, gigi, titit, bog-ak, halekhek, anggak, albuwang. (sem. domains: - Laugh.) 1.2intrans. to be laughing; durative aspect. Muntattatawa da. They are laughing. muN‑/nuN‑, CVC‑ . 1.3intrans. to laugh with intensity. Nakattatawaak. I was laughing very hard. nakaC‑. 2trans. to laugh at someone or something. Tataw-an da nan inat mu. They are laughing at what you’ve done. Tipet katataw-anak? Why do you laugh at me? ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5C Goal-oriented sites. 3comm. laughter. Makadngol di tatawam. Your laughter can really be heard. Nal-ot di tatawa na. He has a boisterous laugh. 4caus. to cause people to laugh. Mangipatatawa ka. You are funny (lit. cause people to laugh). Agam, patatawam di adol mu. Go ahead, make yourself a laughing stock. pa‑, mangipa‑.

tendaan (sp. var. tindaan) (der. of tenda) comm. a store; a place for selling and buying. Eka gumattang nah tendaan. Go buy from the store. Eka gumattang hi kindi nah tendaan. Go and buy candy in the store. ‑an. Sim: malkadu. (sem. domains: 6.9.4 - Commerce.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: tienda.

tikid 1intrans. to move in upward direction; to ascend; to climb a mountain or hill. Tumikid ka, adika dumayyu weno mundiretyo. Ascend, don’t descend or go straight. Bimmangun kanuh ho- Abe ot to- mangen muntikid an umed Talih hi abung na. Reportedly, Abe got up and er..went climbing toward Talih to his hut. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 1B Movement with a directional component. Syn: ablat. (sem. domains: - Move up.) 2sta. refers to a steep slope or path. Adiyak paka-en nah matikid. I can hardly go on a steep path. Lumingot ta nah matikid. One perspires on a steep trail. ma‑. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: 8.3.1 - Shape.) 3to ascend with something or to ascend at a particular place. 3.1trans. to ascend with a conveyed-object being carried. Itikid mu nan aluwog. Ascend with the bamboo tube for water. i‑/iN‑. 3.2trans. to ascend, a path-object is significant. Tikidon yuy tulun bilid ta ahi kayu dumatong nah baleda. You will ascend three mountains before you will reach their place. Tinikitikid da nan bilid ad Asipulo. They have been climbing the mountain in Asipulo. ‑on/‑in‑.

tud-ak trans. to send someone on an errand. Itud-ak muh Bugan ta e humagob. Send Bugan to fetch water. Intud-ak nay inayana e gumatang hi boga. She sent her husband to buy rice. Adina pinhod an mitud-ak. He does not want to be sent on an errand. i‑/iN‑, mi‑/ni‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. Sim: hon’ag, baal, gitgit. (sem. domains: - Send.) infl. itud-ak

tu-ug trans. to throw something in an upward direction; to toss up. Impatu-ug ku nan unga ya tumattakut. I tossed the child up and she was frightened. Timmu-ug nan bola handi niptok hi uluna. The ball was tossed up after it hit his head. Patu-ugom nan bola. Toss the ball up. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, impa‑, pa‑‑on. 2A Movement from one place to another. (sem. domains: 7.3.2 - Move something in a direction.)

ubun 1to sit. 1.1intrans. to sit down. Umbun ka ni-an ta ek ayagan hi ama. Sit down while I go and call for father. Inumbun da nah luhung ot mummoma da. They sat down on the mortar and chewed betelnut ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2B Movement, change of position. Sim: halupinnak. (sem. domains: 7.1.2 - Sit.) 1.2intrans. to continue sitting. Aga, mangmangbun kayu pet umeyak. Come on, you all keep sitting while I go. maN‑ CV(C). 2to sit. 2.1trans. the place for sitting is cross-referenced by the affix. Tibom ta adim ubunan nan puha. Be careful not to sit on the cat. ‑an/‑in‑‑an. 2.2advpred. to sit as a manner of doing something else. <Morphophonology: The first vowel is lost, and the initial glottal stop and the second consonant metathesize.> Inib-un dan mungkanta. They sat as they sang. i/iN. 3intrans. to be idle; to sit around constantly, doing nothing. Umubuubun kah kabigabigat. You are idle everyday. ‑um‑ CV(C)CV. (sem. domains: - Lazy.) 4a seat. 4.1nom. a thing to sit on; seat, bench, chair. Mumpaha-ad kah basket nah ubunan. Have the basket placed on the seat. Hay ngadan bon nan kay ubunan an eda alan hi muyung ya hagabi damdama. The name of that thing like a bench which they get from the forest is also hagabi. ‑an. (sem. domains: 5.1.1 - Furniture.) 4.2sta. for seats to be occupied. Nab-unan am-in di ubunan kinali tumataddog kami. All the seats are taken, that is why we are standing. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. der. ubunan id. umubuubun

ulut 1comm. rice stalks without grain; straw. Em alan nan ulut ta punhunul ta. Get the grain-stalks to use in starting the fire. (sem. domains: - Plant product.) 2trans. to pluck grains of rice from stalk. Ulutom nan page. Pluck the grains from the rice-stalks. Nadan u-ungay nangulut te umat hitu. It was the children who detached the rice grains from the straw because it is like this. Mun-ulut dah mabayu hi bigat. They are detaching the rice grains from the straw for tomorrow’s pounding. ‑on/‑in‑, maN‑/naN‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4D Release, remove or detach object.

umat (at) 1adv. to compare; to do something like another; to do something in the same way. Munsala kan umat nah punsalan di aktor. You dance like actors dance. Atok ke diday umat hi impangat dan ha-on. I’ll do to them like what they did to me. Comparative. Sim: obot, paddung, ingngo. (sem. domains: - Imitate.) 2advpred. to assert a likeness, using the form as a predicate. Umat ke ha-on hi Maria an nawotwot. Maria is just like me, poor. 3trans. to compare with something, the object is cross-referenced. Adim iummat ke ha-oy nan adol mu te nakawwotwotak. Don’t compare yourself to me because I am very poor. i‑/iN‑. 4pred. it is like something; a comparison. <Used to predicate a comparison> Umat hi adol taku an oha, mu dakol di partena. (I Cor. 12:12) It is like our bodies are one but have many parts. (sem. domains: - Compare.) athina athitu comp. atbohdi comp. athidiy comp. athituy

uung comm. a mushroom variety, generic. Wadaday pumaten uung. There are mushrooms that are poisonous. Spec: balluyak, kuddupe, ingan di banig, ambabala, antutukku, bul’ung. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)