Search results for "unga"

loh’an 1comm. hardship; suffering; misery; may refer to either physical or mental pain. Dakol di lohan hantuh tap-on di luta. There are so many hardships here on earth. muN‑/nuN‑. Sim: ligat, holtap. 2trans. to undergo pain or suffering. Adim punlohanon nan unga. Don’t let that child suffer. puN‑ ‑on. (sem. domains: 3.4.2 - Feel bad.)

liwa 1comm. a reward for doing something as a mediator or agent; a go-between agent. Ongal di liwak an nungattang hi luta. I got a big reward for selling a lot. (sem. domains: - Reward.) 2trans. to give a commission or reward. Liniwahan dah ama hi ohan babuy. They gave my father a pig as his commission for being a go-between. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. der. munliwa

liggu trans. to turn head to the side; to turn away; to face sideways. Iliggum hitut ang-angngon da di tamel mu. Turn your face this way so that they will see your face. Oggan mu ligguwon nan inhap-ek an page. Once in a while turn your head to see the rice I set out to dry. Munliggu kah tu. Turn your head this way. i‑/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 3G Move body or body parts directionally. Sim: ligu; Sim: wingi, atuwingwing, balungango. (sem. domains: - Turn, 7.1.9 - Move a part of the body.)

lidung sta. to be sunburned. Nalidungan da nadan nun-ani te nahalman di potang. The rice harvesters were sunburned because it was very sunny. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. 6A Physiological Process - State. (sem. domains: 2.5.3 - Injure.)

lay’ug 1comm. a very tall and aged coconut or other variety of palm. Maid moy bungana te layug tuwali. It has no more fruit because it is old. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.) 2proc. become an old coconut or other variety of palm. Limmayug mu nan niyug hi bale. The coconut palm at home became old. Nalayug nan moma an uggan pangal-an. The betel palm where we usually get betelnut is now old. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, ma‑/na‑.

latung 1comm. leaf tips of string or winged beans, squash, sweet potato; edible shoots of vines. Pinhod mun munhidah latung? Do you want to have bean-leaf-tips for viand? Sim: ngado. (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.) 2trans. to gather shoots of edible vines. Latungom nan bulligan ta ihda. Gather the shoots of the winged-beans for our viand. Munlatung da nadan u-unga. The children are gathering shoots of edible vines. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4C Convey/bring objects toward agent. (sem. domains: 7.5.1 - Gather.)

latu-ug trans. to overfill a container. [To place more than the ordinary measure of capacity of a container.] Deket mungattang kah ahin ya adim ilattu-ug. When you sell salt don’t put more than the rim of the container. Nalatu-ug di nangat nan nangihaad. The way she placed it was overfull. i‑/iN‑, ma‑/na‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: - Put in.)

lattik 1comm. rubber bands; slingshot; something that is elastic. [Children play a game with rubber bands.] Mun-ay-ayyam dah lattik din u-unga. Those children are playing with rubber bands. Sim: bayyabe, laddi, kallat. (sem. domains: 6.7 - Tool.) 2trans. to hit with a slingshot. Lattikom nan ba-at ta mag-a. Use a slingshot to get the guava fruit. Linattik Jose on hamuti. Jose got a bird with his slingshot. ‑on, ‑um‑. Language Of Borrowing: English: elastic. der. linnattik

lallahe 1comm. a game like tug-of-war, played by children. (sem. domains: 4.2.6 - Entertainment, recreation.) 2intrans. to play the lallahe game. Donglom ke an deyan munlallahe day u-unga. Hear the children playing their lallahe-game. muN‑/nuN‑.

lai (sp. var. laik) 1comm. the old leaves of rice plants. Dakdakol di bungan di page hin makaan di lai na. There will be more rice grains if the old leaves of rice plants are removed. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.) 2intrans. to remove old leaves of rice plants. Munlai da hi bigat nah payon Bugan. They are going to remove the old leaves of the rice plants in Bugan’s field. muN‑/nuN‑. 1B Movment with a directional component. comp. ahilai

lah’in 1sta. to be married. Maong-ongal ka ke ta malahin ka, adim kal-iwan da amam ke inam. When you grow up and marry, do not forget your father and mother. ma‑. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: 2.6.1 - Marriage.) 2intrans. to provide for a relative who marries. Limmahin hi imbabalen tulang na. He provided for the marriage requirements of his nephew. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 3trans. a parent is the agent of arranging the marriage of a child. Lahinom nadan u-unga ot deyan nanomnomman da mo. Marry off the children; anyway, they are already of age. ‑on/‑in‑.

lagutlut intrans. to play with or to be in the mud; to be muddy. Deya bon munlagutlut din unga. There again, the child is making himself all muddy. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 5.6.1 - Clean, dirty.)

lagda 1intrans. to be unpredictable in behavior, to be whimsical or capricious; characterizes one who demands others’ indulgence. Ag-agam boy lagdan tun unga. Oh, how whimsical is this child. Makallagdah Maria ke da apuna. Maria is so capricious with her grandparents. makaC‑. Sim: hona. (sem. domains: - Immature in behavior.) 2trans. to refuse to do something that is expected by others. Linagdan ugge inat nan impingunum. He intentionally did not do the thing you told him to do. ‑on/‑in‑.

kuyaput 1comm. lining of peeling of fruit or leaves; usually found in citrus fruit. Kinaan ku nan kuyaput di tabuyug ot ahik bul-ikon. I removed the soft-peel-lining from the pomelo before I sectioned it. 2trans. to remove the soft inner peel of citrus fruits. Kuyaputam nan tabuyug ta ahim idat nah unga. Remove the soft-inner-peel of the pomelo before giving it to the child. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5B Changing state of site by removal of something. (sem. domains: - Remove shell, skin.)

kuwaltu (sp. var. kuwartu) 1comm. room; bedroom. Mahuyop ka nah nigawwan kuwaltu. Sleep in the middle room. Tulu di kuwartu nan balen impitaddog da. The house they built has three bedrooms. (sem. domains: 6.5.2 - Parts of a building.) 2trans. to partition or make into a room. Kuwaltuwom nan ongal an kuwaltu ta kiha-adan nadan u-unga. Partition the big room so that the children will stay there. ‑on/‑in‑. 4A Change the structure of object. (sem. domains: - Room.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: cuarto. der. mungkuwaltu

kuttim (sp. var. kutim) 1comm. young rice grains picked and skinned by fingers to be eaten. Umala ka nah kuttim. Get some of the young-rice. Sim: badi. (sem. domains: 5.2 - Food.) 2trans. to remove the husk of young rice grains with fingernails. Kuttimon nadan u-unga hituwen page. The chidren will pick and skin this young-rice with their fingernails. ‑on/‑in‑.

kuti sta. to be stunted; the abnormal, retarded growth especially of plants or fruit, caused by insects. Nakuti tun bungan di tabuyug. The pomelo are not juicy. ma‑. (sem. domains: - Crop failure.)

kusu trans. to wrinkle or rumple clothing. Kusuwon nadan u-unga nadan bulwati nah ubunan. The children will rumple the clothes on the chair. Kinusu da nan napalenhan pantalon. They rumpled the ironed pants. Nakusu tun bulwatik te inhuyop ku. My clothes are rumbled because I slept in them. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑/na‑. 4A Change the structure of object. (sem. domains: 8.3.2 - Texture, 5.3 - Clothing.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

kupli-ing 1comm. a flute made of bamboo, played with the mouth. Kupli-ing nan munggango nah payo. It is a flute that could be heard from the field. Sim: ingngiing, ipiip. (sem. domains: - Musical instrument.) 2intrans. to play the flute. Mungkupli-ing nadan u-unga. The children are playing their flutes. muN‑/nuN‑.

kulungan (der. of kulung) comm. an enclosure; cage; pen; cell. Wada nan babuy nah kulungan. The pig is in its pen. ‑an. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.)

kuleng sta. to be withered, referring to plants. Makuleng di intanom ku te namahig di potang. What I planted will wither because it’s too sunny. Nakuleng nan buttatan inalan nan ungah payo. The chinese cabbage that the child got from the field is withered. Uggem dinanuman nan flower te inang-ang ku ya mungkakuleng. You did not water the flower because I saw it and it was withering. Nanginkukuleng nan intanom kuh tu kaiw. The tree that I planted here withered easily. ma‑/na‑. 6C Process or state of inanimate objects. Sim: malyo. (sem. domains: 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) infl. mungkakleng

kudu comm. stamping sounds on the floor or ground; rumbling noise, e.g. children running on floor boards, a number of hoofed animals running. Nganneh naen kudu? What is that stamping sound? Mungkukudu da bo nadan u-unga nah bale. The children are making rumbling noises again in the house. Sim: anikdul. (sem. domains: - Types of sounds.)

Krismas 1prop. the time of year when the birth of Christ is celebrated; Christmas. [The Christmas season in Ifugao is a time of enjoying parties and family gatherings.] Kottokottol hin Krismas. It is very cold during Christmas. (sem. domains: - Festival, show.) 2intrans. to spend Christmas in a place. Mungkrismas nadan u-ungad Baguio. The children will spend Christmas in Baguio. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: English: Christmas.

komiks 1comm. comics; books of cartoon-type pictures that are humorous or that tell stories. Munbidbid nadan u-unga hi komiks. The children are reading comics. (sem. domains: 4.2.6 - Entertainment, recreation.) 2advpred. to be funny or comical. Komik nan inat Juan dih indai. The thing Juan did a while ago is funny. Evaluative. Language Of Borrowing: English.

kolor 1comm. color; tint. Mangitit di kolor nan ahumi. Our dog is colored black. (sem. domains: - Color.) 2comm. crayons. Gimmattang hi kolor na. He went to buy crayons. 3trans. to use crayons to color something. Mungkolor nadan u-unga hi bale. The children are coloring a house. Koloran yu hi maingit. Color it red. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, muN‑/nuN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.