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mangapya (infl. of kapya) trans. refers to the person who makes or builds something. Indanit mala-uy kaatnan toon ot mangapyay gubilnuh kalatah di. Some years passed and then the government built a road there. maN‑/naN‑.

mangado (infl. of ado) trans. to make rice paddy mounds for planting vegetables during fallow season. Umeyak hi payo te eyak mangado. I’ll go to the field to make paddy mounds.

manang 1comm. older sister. Maid hi manang hi bale. My older sister is not at home. Sim: iba, ag’i, tulang, kamang. (sem. domains: - Brother, sister.) 2comm. may be used as a polite address to a female who is older than the speaker. {hon} 3trans. to have an older sister. Manangok hi Marne. Marne is my older sister. ‑on. Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

mamitlu (der. of tulu) advpred. to do something three times. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day. mami‑. Mathematical. (sem. domains: - Number of times.)

mamkol (der. of pingkol) trans. to make mulch mounds. Immeh ina an e namkol hi payomi. Mother went to mold mounds in our ricefield. maN‑/naN‑.

mam-a 1sta. to be more so; as a comparative, for something to become more so in degree. Immanamut da kediyen algo ya dakol di istolya da, namam-an Julie. When they went home, they told many stories, especially Julie. Namam-an mahong-o hin udman pay hi gatan di niyug. It is more tasty if coconut milk is used. Mamam-ay dogona te maid kanona. His sickness will become worse because he has had nothing to eat. ma‑/na‑. 6D Descriptives. (sem. domains: - Increase.) 2trans. to increase the degree of a condition or event; to make worse. Adim mam-ahon nan hakit di uluna. Do not worsen his headache. ‑on/‑in‑. Sim: lodlod. (sem. domains: - Become, change state.) 3proc. to become better or worse. Numpulbus ya immam-anay binlana. She used powder and it enhanced her fairness. Mungkamam-a nan dogo na. His ailment is becoming worse. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, mungka‑. infl. namam-a

mama-id (der. of maid) 1sta. for something to disappear; pass out of sight; cease to exist. Mama-id di timol nan ahu hin uggan mu amhon. The fleas of the dog will vanish if you bathe it regularly. (sem. domains: - Exist.) 2trans. to cause to disappear or cease to exist. Tibom te ma-idon da nan impad-on mun pihhu. Be careful because they will make the money you let him hold disappear. ‑on/‑in‑. 4A Change the structure of object.

malarya 1comm. an illness characterized by intermittent fever, body chills and shakes; malaria. Dakol di mundogo hi malarya. Many are sick with malaria. Syn: daku. (sem. domains: 2.5.2 - Disease.) 2intrans. for the body to shake due to malaria; to have malaria. Munmalarya te ugge na bo ininum nan aga na. He is sick with malaria again because he did not take his medicine. Namalarya handi imme dad baliwon. He had malaria when they went to the lowlands. muN‑/nuN‑, ma‑/na‑. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick.) Language Of Borrowing: English: malaria.

malaganga comm. snake, white and green poisonous species. Linumbag di kinalat nan malaganga. The part bitten by the malaganga-snake is swollen. Gen: ulog.

makulug man ahan (ph. v. of makulug) adjunct. 1the use of this phrase implies that a speaker is absolutely certain that what he is saying is true. Makulug man ahan ot adi tumakut ke he-a. He is certainly not afraid of you. Makulug man ahan an ahim kalyon ke hiya. You will certainly tell him. Attitudinal. (sem. domains: - Certainly, definitely.) 2honestly; actually; really, truly. Makulug man ot uggek inilay pinhod na. I honestly don’t know what she wants. (sem. domains: - True.)

maki-₁ mod. this prefix encodes a participatory concept; it indicates that the agent subject is participating with others in an action or activity; non-past tense. Tibom bot adika makidkid-um hi fraternities te maid di hilbin dadiye. See to it also that you don’t join any fraternity groups because they are useless. Hinumang inada, “Te ume kayu moh iskul. Maki-e kan manong mu. Their mother answered, “Because you are going to school. You will go with your brother.” Matukatukal ka an e makitugatugal te mapat-al ya hilong di puntutugalan yu. You stay awake to join in gambling because your gambling goes on night and day. Sim: naki-; Sim: maki- -an, naki- -an. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

makaC1- mod. 1this prefix encodes an intensifying modal of a state. <The first consonant of the root is geminated.> Makangnganta din unga. That child loves to sing. Maka-aliy kogak. I was just at the point of crying. (lit. really coming my crying) Hituwen amayyu ya makahammuy This animal is very odorous. Maka-atung ad Manila. It is very hot in Manila. 2this prefix intensifies the state of the subject referent; co-occurs with stative verbs. Makayyam-oy tinapay ni kinapya na. The bread that she makes is very soft. Sim: nakaC1-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 3this prefix intensifies the passive state of Class 4 verbal roots; non-past tense. Maphod di makaddikhal nan itungu te gagala ya mahap-ayan It is good if the firewood is well-split because it will dry quickly.

maid kapotok na (sp. var. maid pottok na) (ph. v. of potok) uncertain; no direction refers to the uncertainty felt about a decision or action to be taken. Maid di kapotok nay kulugon da. There is no certainty regarding what they believe. Maid di kapotok nah nomnomok te timmakutak. I was uncertain what to think about it because I was afraid.

maid 1negative predicate. 1.1negpred. a negative predication; the negative opposite of the existential predicate. Maid di inat kuh gaga-iho. I did not do anything bad. Adi mabalin an eta mabiyag hin maid di ustuh ngunuh pangal-an hi pumbiyagan. It isn’t possible to live if we don’t have adequate work to provide our livelihood. (sem. domains: - No, not.) 1.2negpred. negative predication expressing the non-existence of an agent. Maid di mun-ay-ayyam hi banting. Nobody will play with matches. Ek ang-angon, munhidhid-ipak te nahilong ya- maid hi Lammooy I went to see, I was straining my eyes because it was dark, Lammooy was not around. 1.3negpred. negative predication expressing the non-existence of a thing or possession. Maid di pihuk. I have no money. Mungngunu kayu te maid di poppog di tiempo. Work, because time is without end. Maid moy ena igattang. He had nothing more to sell. Maid, tumakut kamin e mangala mu maka-i-imin nangidat ot alan mi mo. “Nothing. We were afraid to take the candy but she was smiling as she gave it so we took it.” 2sta. to become non-existent; mama-id, the reduplication expresses the process of disappearance, i.e. becoming non-existent. Athidi bon gulatnat mama-id am-in di mumbaki ta hiya ya abuy matdaan. Like that also, if there are no longer pagan priests except for him. (sem. domains: - Exist.) der. ma-idon der. ma-ma-idan der. mama-id id. Ma-ma-idan di nitaguwak. ph. v. maid di poppog na

mahapul it is necessary. 1.1pred. having a need for something. Mahapul kuy ulo. I need a blanket. Nganney mahapul? What is needed? (sem. domains: - Need.) 1.2sta. to be necessary; predicates necessity; it must be; it is needed. Mahapul an mamitlu kan mun-amo ohan algo. You have to take a bath three times a day. Mahapul an hanan himmagabi ya taganah kolong hi nuwang o babuy ta pihdana nadah deh muyung ya nadan udum an bumadbaddang. The man performing the Hagabi-ceremony must go on butchering carabao and pigs to feed the people in the forest and all the others who are helping him. Mahapul an ume ka. You must go. Sim: kinwani, importante. (sem. domains: - Necessary.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano: masapul.

mahanhannot (infl. of hannot) advpred. to repeatedly exchange things; to take turns. Mahanhannot di umeh bale da. People take turns in going to their house. Mu nahanhannot day inayagan dan mamakko. But they exchanged repeatedly the mediums that they called for. ma‑/na‑ CVC‑. Manner.

mag-a₂ (infl. of og’a fall) pass. for someone or something to drop to a lower position; fall. Iwagot muh naen hapang ta mag-a da nadan abal. Shake that branch so that the beetles will fall. (sem. domains: - Fall.)

mag-a₁ sta. to be dry; often refers to ground which lacks moisture. Namag-a nan nangiha-adan dah lubukan. The place where they built the tomb is dry. Namag-a nan lutan ena gardenon. The land he is going to make into a garden is dry. Maphod ta ugge immudan ta mamag-ay dalan taku. It’s good it didn’t rain so our way is dry. ma‑/na‑. Sim: tuduk. (sem. domains: - Dry.) infl. mamag-anan

madla sta. to be skeptical; the speaker has a speculative attitude about the truth or reasonableness of an event or action. Madla hin pinangapangan daka ta ahi daka kattog eh iattina. It’s a bit reasonable for him to hurt you if he lifted a hand in raising you. Madmadla ta uggeyak immali. If it had been known I would not have come. ma‑. Sim: olom.

madhu 1v. to flock down towards an area. Restrictions: Hudhud epic. Dingngol ken di taguy gangha on madmadhu da. When people heard the sound of gongs they flocked there. 2trans. to favor by taking sides. Antipe peman ta kadhuwan hi Aliguyun? (suppose Aliguyun and Guminigin are fighting and people take sides with Guminigin) Why are you all against Aliguyun?

mabaal (infl. of baal) intrans. to voluntarily take sides with someone in a fight; to be aroused to action. Nabaal ot ya abuwan hi Jose nah nundamaan da Pedron Pablu. Jose voluntarily helped Pedro when they fought with Pablu. ma‑/na‑.

maat (infl. of at) pass. something that will take place or be done; will happen. (sem. domains: - Happen.) infl. ma-ma-at

ma-₃ abl. this prefix encodes an abilitative modality; able to do something. Manomnom kun handi keh kau-unga mi ya wadaday nihag-on kediyen ob-ob hi o-ongal an batu. I can remember that when we were children, there were big rocks beside the same spring. Makeke nan lobong te atappo. The lake can be swam because it is shallow. Magibok nan wadan nah pingngit di wa-el. He could sense that he was by a creek. Sim: maka-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.)

lusut trans. to make a way to move through. ‑on.

luta 1land. 1.1comm. the surface layer of the earth which supports plant life; soil; ground. Haa-adam hi luta nan napain banga. Place soil inside the broken pot. Adida ni-an iha-ad hi luta yaden pumaytuk nan himmagabi nah hagabi ta gumpa. Before they place the bench on the ground, the man who is performing the ceremony jumps up on it and makes a speech. (sem. domains: - Soil, dirt.) 1.2comm. any portion of the surface of the earth which belongs to a person; land property. Ambilog di lutam. Your land is wide. (sem. domains: 1.2.1 - Land.) 2earth. Sim: lubung. 2.1comm. the planet as the place where people live; earth. Tun lutan niha-adan takun tatagu ya ahin tu mama-id hantuh aliyan Apu Jesus Kristo. This earth where we are living will be nothing when the Lord Jesus Christ comes. (sem. domains: 1 - Universe, creation, 1.2 - World.) 2.2prop. the world where certain classes of spirits live, along with people, in contrast to the worlds where other gods and spirits live; Earthworld. Sim: lagud. (sem. domains: 1.2 - World.) der. ilutta