Search results for "uku"

dinubla (der. of dubla) 1comm. tobacco wrapped in paper. Mataba nan kinapya nan dinubla. The cigar he rolled is fat. ‑in‑. Sim: ginayat; Sim: baggi, lukut. 2trans. to roll tobacco in paper. Dublaom nan namag-anan an tabaku. Roll the dried tobacco in paper (to make a cigar). Mundubla ka ta ilukut amam. Roll a cigar so your father can smoke it. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑.

bala₁ 1comm. embers; live charcoal. Hobhobam din bala te andani ya gumanab. Pour water over the live embers because it might create a fire. Tutungam nan ilukuk mu nah bala nah dalikan. Light your cigarette from the glowing charcoal in the hearth. (sem. domains: 5.5.4 - Burn, 5.5 - Fire.) 2intrans. glowing embers; for embers to produce glowing light, indicating they are still alive. Mumbabala din uling dih dalikan. The charcoal on the hearth is glowing. Bumala ke nan uling ya ihongbam nan dotag. When the charcoal glows, roast the pork. Mabala nan itungu da. Their firewood glows vigorously. Mabala nan tuwol hin mauling. The tuwol-tree glows well (produces great heat) when made into charcoal. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑, ma‑.

ano₁ comm. bamboo, small with thick walls variety; more pliant than ugo variety, usually cut into strips for bundling rice stalks; used for flooring or water container; sometimes the shoots are eaten. Nakapyah ano nan hukup. The rice basket is made from ano-bamboo. Gen: kawayan.

pinghanadi (der. of pinghan) adv. suddenly; all of a sudden. Pinghanadi ya immali da. Suddenly, they arrived. Pinghanadi ya muntukuk. Suddenly he was shouting. Time. (sem. domains: - Sudden.)

podpod₁ comm. bush, the leaves are used for smoking; the bush has a sweet, edible, violet fruit and juice. [When the leaves are used for smoking, the smoke smells like marijuana.] Binilut na nan podpod ot ilukut na. He rolled the podpod-leaves into a cigar and smoked it. Sim: gutmu. (sem. domains: 1.5.3 - Grass, herb, vine.)

pogo 1comm. sour juice of citrus fruits, used as a sauce or ingredient. Maphod an pogo di kalamansi. Kalamansi-juice is good for a sour sauce. (sem. domains: - Cooking ingredients.) 2trans. to add a sour juice as an ingredient to food. Adi, te pinggohak moh santol. No, because I already used santol-juice to sour it. Adi ot nan maphod di littukun ipgo. The rattan fruit juice is not good as a sour ingredient. Hay pumpogam ya nan ugge nal-um an mangga. Flavor it with an unripe mango. Man salumagi ot ya abuy inipgo da. But it is the tamarind that they used as a sour ingredient. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/ini‑puN‑ ‑an. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 5.2.1 - Food preparation.)

porma comm. to shape something; to form or mold. Nun-ingngoy da lukud ya nun-ingngoy da porma. They made the measurement the same and they made the form the same. (sem. domains: - Make.) Language Of Borrowing: English: form.

poste 1comm. a post of a building. Katibanglan di poste an inhaad na. He placed a fern tree for posts. Sim: tukud. (sem. domains: 6.5.3 - Building materials.) 2trans. to place a post. Posteyan dah semento nan balen kapyaon da. They will place a concrete post in the house they are making. Iposte da nadan kaiw an nalpud Linda. They will use the wood which came from Linda for posts. Mumposte da mo ad uwani. They are placing the posts now. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 5A Changing state of site by adding something. (sem. domains: 7.5.9 - Put.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish.

potang 1comm. refers to the light of the sun. Mahapiit di potang. The sunshine is causing a stinging sensation. Maid di potang te mungkukulabut. There’s no sunshine because it’s cloudy. Sim: big’at, pat-al, algo, dilag. (sem. domains: 8.3.3 - Light.) 2intrans. the sun gives light; the sun shines. Pumtang hi bigat di dakol di bittuwon ad uwani. The sun will shine tomorrow because there are many stars now. Ugge pinumtang dih biggatna. The sun didn’t shine this morning. Em ihap-e nan kape te deyan pinumtang. Go dry the coffee for the sun is now shining. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2F Meteorological. 3sta. to be in the sunlight; this implies the sun will have an affect on a person. “Mapopotangan ka ya abuh di,” inhumang amana. “You will just be standing in the sun.” answered his father. Nakaptang nan golang te ugge imme nah hidum. The child stayed under the sun too long because he did not go under the shade. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an, naka‑.

pug-uy trans. to exhale smoke; blow smoke. Ipug-uy mu nan ahuk nan ilukut nah inga na ta lumah-un nan gutul. Blow the smoke of the cigarette into his ears so that the ant will come out. Iang-ang kun he-a on mumpugpug-uy ka. Whenever I look at you, you are exhaling smoke. i‑/iN‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 3E Move an object directionally. (sem. domains: 2.2.1 - Breathe, breath.)

pukpuk₂ trans. 1to drive a nail into something. Pukpukom nan patak ta mihamad tun kaiw. Drive in the nail so that the wood will hold firm. Ipukpuk mu nan mantiyu. Use the hammer in driving the nail in. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑. 4B Tactile - Touch contact. (sem. domains: 7.7.1 - Hit.) 2to hit someone on the head. Pukpukon dakn dida te linukum dida. They will hit you in the head because you fooled them. Ipukpuk da nan dinikhal. They will use the split firewood in hitting you in the head. Pinukpuk day uluna ot mundadala. They hit him in the head and it is bleeding. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

puku intrans. 1to lie or sit down curled up with knees close to chest. Mumpuku day aam-ama te maktol da. Old men lie curled up because they are cold. muN‑/nuN‑. 1A Movement with a manner component. Sim: bakilang, bakne, baktad. (sem. domains: 7.1 - Posture.) 2to sit with hands covering the head which is bent down toward knees; to cower; to cringe.

pukul sta. to be blistered; a thin, watery sac under the skin due to friction. Napkul di taklek te hay nunggabutak. My hands were blistered because I’ve been cutting grass. ma‑/na‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. (sem. domains: 2.5.3 - Injure.)

pukung₁ 1comm. cage; pen. Ambilog di pukungan di babuy da. Their pigpen is wide. ‑an. 2trans. to lock up; to put in cage; to pen up. Ipukung yuy babuy yu ta adi da humubang hi nitanom. You put your pigs in their pigpens so that they will not eat what is planted. Ipukung tun manuk. Cage this chicken. Pukungon yuy manuk yu ta adida matalak. Put your chickens in their cages so that they will not get lost. Impukung da nan inayam te gumulu. They put your husband in jail because he makes trouble. i‑/iN‑, ‑on/‑in‑. 3A Move and position object at site. Sim: kulung. (sem. domains: - Prevent from moving.)

pukung₂ comm. a small ricefield, a strip of ricefield. Adi maphod nan pukung te adi maaladu. The small ricefield is not good because it cannot be plowed. Sim: payo, bananu. (sem. domains: 8.2 - Big, 8.2.1 - Small.)

pukupuk (sp. var. pukkupuk) comm. white bean seeds. Waday pukupuk hi igattang na. He has some white bean seeds for sale. (sem. domains: - Food from vegetables.)

pulngut comm. a cluster of fruit. [This word particularly refers to rattan fruit.] Adiyak pakakan nah himpulngut an littuku. I can’t eat a cluster of rattan fruit. Sim: habungul. (sem. domains: - Food from fruit.)

puun (sp. var. puu) 1comm. the base of something, may be used of the base of a tree, post, or mountain. Inumbunak nah puun di tukud ot midangdangkigak. I sat at the base of the post and leaned (against it). Pukyaham nan tabuyug an inhum-ok kun nah maholok nah puun di alad. Uncover the pomelo I hid in the grass at the base of the fence. (sem. domains: 8.5.5 - Spatial relations.) 2trans. to cut near the base of something. Ipuum an munggaat ta adi gagala ya tummol. Cut the grasses near the base so that they will not grow fast. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: 7.8.3 - Cut.) der. mipuun der. nipuunan der. pangipuunan der. puunan

suku intrans. to surrender, as in war. Mapilit kayun munsuku nadah buhul yu. You will be forced to surrender to your enemies. muN‑/nuN‑. 1C General class. Sim: solendel. (sem. domains: 4.5.4 - Submit to authority.)

tabangawon comm. a tree variety, used for studs, posts, etc. Tabangawon di tukud nan bale da. Their house posts are of tabangawon-wood. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)

tabayag 1comm. a container for lime. [Lime is combined with betelnut for chewing.] Takon di maid di nihudu nah tabayag ku ya itabtabin kut deket waday kindok on inhukuk hidi. Even if my lime container is empty, I usually bring it with me so that when I ask for some, I’ll have a container for it. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to put lime in container. An waday intabayag mu? Do you have lime in your container? (lit. placed in) i‑/iN‑.

tabukul 1comm. a large fishing net with bamboo frame. 2trans. to fish with net. Maid day muntabukul hitu te maid di wangwang hitu. No one fishes with large nets here because there are no rivers here. Tabukulon da nadan dolog nah adalom an payo. They will use a net in getting the fish in the deep field. Eda manabukul ad Ibulao. They are going to fish with nets in Ibulao River. muN‑/nuN‑, ‑on/‑in‑, maN‑. (sem. domains: - Fishing equipment.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

tangguyub (sp. var. tangguyup) 1comm. an animal horn used as a single note trumpet; used for calling assemblies or sounding alarms. Ipagangom nan tangguyub ta mamanug da nadan tataguh tu. Sound the animal horn so that the people will assemble here. (sem. domains: - Call, - Contact.) 2intrans. to blow the horn. Muntangguyup day ammod dih done. Our ancestors used to blow the animal horn. muN‑. 3intrans. a trumpet instrument. [This is the word used to translate the instrument used to call together people in the Tuwali Ifugao Bible.] Hantuh aliyanan malpuh langit ya wada donglon takuh nal-ot an kalin mun-ayag ke ditaku ya muntukuk bo nan ap-apun di anghel ya midihhan an gumango nan tangguyub Apu Dios. Then he (Jesus) will come from heaven and we will hear a loud voice calling us and a shout from the leader of angels and at the same time the sounding of the trumpet of God.

tap-il trans. to crave for something. [Pregnant women and sick people often have a craving for a certain food.] Muntap-il hi littuku. She craves rattan fruit. Tinap-il nay littukun ihda. She craved rattan fruit as her viand. ‑on/‑in‑, muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 3.3 - Want.)

ten (sp. var. tehin) conj. 1the shortened form of tehin ‘because, when’. Ingonay kay da gugutul di tatagu ten mundaldallanan ka nah kalata. You are compared to an ant when you are walking along the road. Nakal-ot di bungug nan duplanu ten munda-ul. The plane produces a loud noise when it is about to land. Antipet idihhan muy tukuk mu ten mungkaliyak. Why do you coincidentally shout while I’m talking? (sem. domains: - Condition.) 2the shortened form of tehin ‘because, if’ which combines a reason and condition; in case that. Maid umali ten adika umayag. Nobody will come if you do not invite anyone. Toan ten makulug, mu deket makulug, ikabing mu anhan tun tugun ku. I don’t know if it is true, but if it is true, you heed my advice. Namahig di hona da ta ihalhalla day dalan, ihinghingngi day dalan, namam-a ten waday iiban nadan himmagabi nah dalnon da. They go the wrong way, they go out of the way, especially if they know of a relative of the one performing the hagabi-ceremony who lives along the way.