Search results for "ugge"

ata sta. 1to be unripe, immature fruit; unripe, green fruit. Maata nan balat, ugge nal-um. The banana is still immature, not ripe. ma‑. (sem. domains: 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.) 2to be raw, describes something that can be eaten without cooking. ma‑. der. maata infl. mama-ata

appa (sp. var. ap’a) interj. 1expression of apology, surprise, dismay; Oops! Appa ya ugge daka tinibo. Oops, I did not see/notice you. Interjection. Sim: appaw. (sem. domains: 9.2.7 - Interjections.) 2an interjection that expresses concern; oh dear, oh my. E appa, naka-liwan Fely payung na. Oh dear, Felay forgot her umbrella. Appa, ta ayagan dakami. Oh dear, they might call us. Interjection.

an-anu trans. to do something harmful. Ugge da ot inan-anu yaden kinumga. They did not do anything and yet he cried. ‑on/‑in‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

ambaballuka adjunct. an expression of giving over or implying an unwillingness to debate an issue. Ambaballukan unga an tinaynan di aammod na! Poor child who was left by his parents! Ambaballuka uggek ingngunu ya ugge. Never mind whether I did the work or not. Ambaballukay mangan eta ot. Let’s go, I’ll give-up eating (for now). Attitudinal. (sem. domains: - Attitude.)

alumenta comm. a kind of metal, e.g. iron. Uggeda in-usal kumpulmin alumentan gumok. They didn’t use any kind of metal tool. (sem. domains: - Metal.)

alnus (sp. var. alnut) comm. tree, a variety that produces wood that burns easily. Makadallang di alnus takon di ugge nakammag-anan. Alnus-wood burns easily even when it is not well dried. (sem. domains: 1.5.1 - Tree.)

almot 1to feel upset 1.1intrans. to feel or show bad feelings about something that is said or done. Adika umalmot hi pangalyak ketuwe. Don’t resent what I’m going to tell you. um/imm . (sem. domains: - Angry.) 1.2intrans. to be feeling resentful or peeved. Mun-al-almot te ugge naunud nan pinhod nan maat. He is feeling peeved because the way he wanted something done was not followed. muN/nuN. 2C Emotion and sensation. 2trans. to be upset or peeved about something, with the source of the feeling in focus. Almotanay ongal an kalik. She is peeved at my loud voice. ‑on/‑in‑.

alin’u sta. tingling of teeth and numbness of gums; usually felt after eating sour fruit. Naalinuy bab-ak an nangan hi mangga. My teeth had a tingling sensation after eating the mangoes. Umalinu nan ugge nal-um an mangga. Unripe mangoes cause tingling of the teeth. ma‑/na‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 6A Physiological Process - State. (sem. domains: - Pain.)

alimahma intrans. to glean; gather last produce after main harvesting. Eka mun-alimahmah ugge dah mangga. Go to gather what they have left of the mangoes. muN‑/nuN‑. 1C General class. (sem. domains: 6.2 - Agriculture.)

alawa trans. 1to meet an omen bird on the way; the bird crosses over the path. Inalawan nan pitpit ot ibangngad na. He met an omen-bird so he returned. Uggeyak imme ad Bilong te inalawaak hi ido. I did not go to Bilong because the omen-bird crossed my path. ‑on/‑in‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions. (sem. domains: - Omen, divination.) 2to cross someone’s path; to meet someone on the road who stops you from going your intended way. Inalawaak ke Felisa ot maki-eyak ke hiya. Felisa crossed my path and so I went with her. Alawaom hi Idad ta kumdo kah moma. Block (with arms) the path of Idad so you can ask for betelnut. ‑on/‑in‑.

akmul trans. to suck; to lick something hard which is put in and out of the mouth like a lollipop. Akmulam nan kindi. Lick on the candy. Pun-akmulan nan golang di gamat na. The child is licking his fingers. E pulhon Jose nan tinapay an punkan Pablu mu inakmulan Pablu nan tinapay kinali ugge inalan Jose. Jose wanted to grab the piece of bread that Pablu was eating but Pablu licked the piece of bread so Jose didn’t get it. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 5B Changing state of site by removal of something. Sim: luplup, mulmul. (sem. domains: 5.2.2 - Eat.)

akid comm. an invented excuse; reason for something; alibi. Hay pangiakidanan ugge immali ya mahakit kanuy uluna. His excuse for not having come is that he had a headache. pangi‑ ‑an. (sem. domains: - Defend against accusation.) der. immakid

akhup 1trans. to overtake someone; to catch up with; come upon someone. Gal-an yun mundallan ta akhupan taku dida. Walk faster so we will overtake them. Inakhupak didan munlinillinih bale da. I came upon them cleaning their house. Gal-am ot wadan akhupam hi baleda. Hurry so you might catch up with them at their home. Mahmok ka ot kuman ugge nangakhup ke hiya. It’s a pity that you missed her (didn’t overtake her). ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, maN‑/naN‑. 5C Goal oriented site. Sim: lah-i. (sem. domains: 7.2.2 - Move in a direction.) 2intrans. to meet someone. Ahi ta mun-akhup hidi. We will meet there. muN‑/nuN‑.

a-apo 1comm. a short story, usually sung; may be myths, legends, or folktales. Pinpinhod ku hanan a-apon mipanggep ke Kabbigat. I like the story-song about Kabbigat. Sim: istolya, bida, malamala. (sem. domains: 3.5.4 - Story.) 2intrans. to tell a story in song. Umbun kat mun-a-apoh apum. You sit down and your grandfather will sing a story-song. Mun-ap-apo wak kanu ya- uggek inila nan ia-apok. According to them, I’ll tell a story; oh, I don’t know what to relate. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say.) 3trans. to tell a story with the story-object cross-referenced. Aga mot nan bumdang di ia-apok. Okay, I’ll tell a story about roaming-spirits. i‑/iN‑. Speech Verb: Purpose is to entertain.

ahihopnak (comp. of hopnak, ahi) nom. season for sowing rice seeds; making seed beds. Ahihopnak yaden ugge naaladu nan payo. It is the season to sow rice yet the field is not yet plowed. (sem. domains: 8.4.1 - Period of time, 6.2 - Agriculture.)

agyaman sta. to be thankful. Agyaman ka te uggeka nate. Be thankful because you did not die. Sim: salamat. (sem. domains: - Thank.) Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

agang hungry. 1.1sta. to be hungry; non-agentive cause of hunger is exertion, work, time. Maagangan da nadan mungngunu. Those working will be hungry. Naagangan te ugge nangan dih biggatna kinali immanamut hi gagala te maal-aliwot hi inagang na. She was hungry because she didn’t eat breakfast; that’s why she went home early because she was feeling dizzy from her hunger. Idadaan yu ta mangan da te naagangan da. Prepare (the food) so that they can eat because they are hungry. ma‑ ‑an/na‑ ‑an. 6A Physiological states. (sem. domains: - Hungry, thirsty.) 1.2proc. to become hungry; the process is in view. Immagang. I have become hungry. Umanamutak te imma-agang. I’ll go home now because I have become very hungry. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. infl. maagangan

ag’a adjunct. 1a polite expression; please; excuse me. {This is a polite expression that can be used to soften a request or demand; also, it can be used to excuse oneself from an event or communication situation.} Idat yu agah tuwe ke Maria? Will you please give this to Maria? Agak, apapon daka? Agam, ten pinhod mu. Shall I go ahead and slap you? Go ahead, if it pleases you. Aga ta mangmangngeyak pe. Excuse me, I’m going ahead. Agat ek aton hanan ngunuk ta magibbu. Excuse me, I will go to finish my work so that it will be done. Aga, nangamung boh pidwana. There now, till next time. Aga, di inalam ad Manila. Please (let me see) what you got in Manila. Aga ke ta ha-oy di muntudok. Move away so I’ll (be the one) to write. Interpersonal. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.) 2expression that means to go ahead and do something or continue action. Mun-ap-apo wak kanu ya- uggek inila nan ia-apok. Aga mot nan bumdang di ia-apok. According to them, I’ll tell a story; oh, I don’t know what to relate. Okay, I’ll tell a story about roaming spirits. Agam, deket pinhod mun makie ya mundadaan kah pihhum ta deke ya imme ta. Go ahead. If you want to join in going, save your money so that we can go. (sem. domains: 3.5 - Communication.) der. agannat

adiyon (der. of adi) trans. to reject what is suggested or what is done. Adiyon da man anhan di atona They surely will not accept what he does. (sem. domains: - Disagree.)

addi-addi (der. of adi) intrans. 1to be unwilling to act because of disagreement with or dislike of the proposal for action; to refuse. Mun-addiaddih Ana. Ana is unwilling. Mun-addiaddih tulang kun ume. My brother is unwilling to go. muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: - Refuse to do something, - Disobey.) 2intensified negative. Addi-addik pinhod an mabutong ka te uggem inilay at-attom. I really do not like you to be drunk because you do not know what you are doing.

ad dalom₁ (n. ph. of dalom) comm. the area below the surface of the earth. Man-ut gagala ya tinummol da, mu ugge da immed dalom di lamut da. (Mateo 135-6b They quickly sprouted, but their roots did not go deep (under the surface of the earth). ...ta hidiye nan am-in wadah luta, hi langit, ad dalom ya mundukkun dah pundayaw dan hiya. (Philippi 2:10) ...therefore, everyone on earth, in heaven and under the earth will kneel in their worship of him. (sem. domains: 8.5.4 - Area.)

abulut accept. Sim: tobal. 1.1trans. (prim) to agree to accept a proposal or a statement. Abulutom an hiyay mangiahawan hiya? Do you accept that he will be the one to marry her? Inabulut nan nan kinali da. He accepted what they said. Kon adi ka mo umabulut? Aren’t you accepting anything/anyone anymore. ‑on/‑in‑. 4E Perception and Cognition. (sem. domains: - Approve of something, - Agree with someone.) 1.2trans. to consent to something, permit, allow. In-abulut nan ume da. He permitted them to go. Dahdiy nangiabulut? Who consented to it? Uggek in-abulut an ekayu ume. I did not agree that you will go. i‑/iN‑. (sem. domains: - Agree with someone.)

abtu (sp. var. aptu) to anticipate. 1.1trans. to look forward to something; eagerly await someone or something; the affix cross-references that which is anticipated. Abtuwan day aliyana. They are eagerly anticipating her arrival. Abtuwan nay ayan da. He was eager for them to leave. Naabtuwan ka yaden ugge ka immali. You were waited for eagerly, yet you did not come. ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, na‑ ‑an. Class 2C, Emotion and sensation . (sem. domains: - Hope.) 1.2intrans. to anticipate something with impatience; the negative component of waiting and time passing is highlighted; the person feeling the impatience is cross-referenced by the affix. Uma-abtuh Bugan an nunhood ke he-a. Bugan was impatiently waiting for you. Umabtuwak hi kahilongana. I am waiting impatiently for nighttime. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. infl. umab-abtu

kinali conj. that is why; therefore; thus; marks the result of an event or action that expresses the reason for that result. {Marks the result clause of a reason-result sentence.} Ugge tinugon di aammod na kinali bumongabongang. He was not advised by his parents that is why he is doing bad things. Mu nalpud Belgium kinali mablay bolat na. But she came from Belgium, that’s why her skin is white. Coordinate conjunctions. Sim: hana mon, ambule. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.)

kabing trans. 1to pay attention to advice, allowing the advice to have an effect; to heed advice. Toan ten makulug, mu deket makulug, ikabing mu anhan tun tugun ku. Whether or not this is true, I don’t know, but if it is, then, heed my advice (i.e. let it have an effect on you). Ugge na ingkabing di kalin amana. He did not heed the advice of his father. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: - Obey.) 2to sense or to be affected by something. Uggek ingkabing nan duntuk mu. I did not feel your punch. Punhuplit nah Pedro gapuh pilyuna mu adina ikabing. He would beat Pedro because he was naughty but it had no affect. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct action toward object.