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mamaga adj. describes land that is very dry. Dahdiy mangipaalih udan hanadah mamagan adi maboblayan ta tummol holok? Job 38:26-27) Who will cause rain to come to those dry, uninhabited places so that grass will sprout?

malumii di kali na (id. of kali) he is persuasive (lit. his speech is sweet).

Maltis comm. Tuesday. Hi maltis di aliyana. He will come on Tuesday. Syn: kadwana. (sem. domains: - Days of the week.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: martes.

maltinit comm. a bird species; medium size, black with white on crown and tip of wings; whistles and can be taught how to talk by trimming the tongue; always go in pairs, male and female. [This bird is similar to the martin bird but different in size.] Damanan matuttudwan di maltinit an kumali. The maltinit-bird can be taught how to talk. (sem. domains: - Bird.)

malikku (id. of likku) to be ready to sleep (lit. coiled).

Malikanu prop. American; may refer to any white-skinned foreigner. Malikanu nan miha-ad hitu. An American lives here. (sem. domains: 4.1.2 - Types of people, - Foreigner.) Language Of Borrowing: Spanish: Americano.

malbag (infl. of lob’ag) sta. to be swollen; refers to rice that has bulged beautifully. Malbag nan bogan ginattang ku nah ibaliwon. The rice I bought from the lowlander swells beautifully. ma‑. (sem. domains: 1.5.6 - Growth of plants.)

maleta 1comm. trunk for storage or for travel. Punuwom nan maleta hi ulo. Fill the trunk with blankets. (sem. domains: 6.7.7 - Container.) 2trans. to place inside a trunk; to use a trunk. Imaletam nadan bulwatim. Place your clothes inside the trunk. Mummaleta ka hin ume kad baliwon. Use a trunk when you go to the lowlands. i‑/iN‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 3A Move and position object at site. (sem. domains: - Put in.)

malarya 1comm. an illness characterized by intermittent fever, body chills and shakes; malaria. Dakol di mundogo hi malarya. Many are sick with malaria. Syn: daku. (sem. domains: 2.5.2 - Disease.) 2intrans. for the body to shake due to malaria; to have malaria. Munmalarya te ugge na bo ininum nan aga na. He is sick with malaria again because he did not take his medicine. Namalarya handi imme dad baliwon. He had malaria when they went to the lowlands. muN‑/nuN‑, ma‑/na‑. (sem. domains: 2.5.1 - Sick.) Language Of Borrowing: English: malaria.

mala-u (infl. of la-u) sta. 1to pass by someone or a place. [May be used as a greeting when passing by.] Mala-u kami pe. Hello. (lit. We are passing by.) ma‑. (sem. domains: - Move past, over, through.) 2for time to pass. [The form is commonly used to refer to the passing of time.] Nala-uy tulun lingguwan ot ahida umali. Three weeks passed before they came. ma‑/na‑. (sem. domains: 8.4.2 - Take time.)

Malacanang prop. the name of the presidential palace in Manila. Immali ida ya nada bon dakol an ibbada an nalpu da kanuh Malacanang. They came with their many companions, who it is said, came from Malacanang.

makulug (der. of kulug) sta. to be true; refers to something that can be believed; truth. Makulug an uggem intalu? Is it true that you didn’t hide it? An makulug nan kinalim? Did you tell us the truth? Makulug an tagu nan tinibo yu. The thing you saw is truly a person. ma‑. Sim: tut-uwa, siguladu. (sem. domains: - True.) ph. v. makulug man ahan

makibokla (der. of bokla) 1comm. a class of people who work; working class. Dakol day makibokla ad uwani mu maid di mangngunu. There are many workers now but there is no work. maki‑. (sem. domains: 4.1.2 - Types of people.) 2intrans. to join in earning wages. Eyak makibokla ad baliwon. I am going to earn a living in the lowlands. maki‑.

makali (der. of kali) pass. to give a name to something; for an item to be called by a particular name or title. Hituwen makalin hagabi di katbalan di tagu peman. This so-called prestige feast hagabi entitles a man to due respect by his co-villagers. Mangin-inum da moy tagu ya hamulon da nan ongngal an nuwang an makalin hidug. The people go on with merrymaking, drinking and feasting on a big carabao called a hidug.

makaC1- mod. 1this prefix encodes an intensifying modal of a state. <The first consonant of the root is geminated.> Makangnganta din unga. That child loves to sing. Maka-aliy kogak. I was just at the point of crying. (lit. really coming my crying) Hituwen amayyu ya makahammuy This animal is very odorous. Maka-atung ad Manila. It is very hot in Manila. 2this prefix intensifies the state of the subject referent; co-occurs with stative verbs. Makayyam-oy tinapay ni kinapya na. The bread that she makes is very soft. Sim: nakaC1-. (sem. domains: - Verb affixes.) 3this prefix intensifies the passive state of Class 4 verbal roots; non-past tense. Maphod di makaddikhal nan itungu te gagala ya mahap-ayan It is good if the firewood is well-split because it will dry quickly.

maka- mod. this prefix encodes expertise on the part of an agent; co-occurs with intransitive verb roots. Makammunwit hi amam. Your father is a skilled fisherman.

maingit (infl. of ingit) refers to the red color. Maingit nan buuk nan malikanu. The American has red hair. ma‑. (sem. domains: - Color.) infl. ma-maingit.

maid maptok (der. of potok) advpred. describes an event that happens suddenly. Maid maptok ya immaliy nal-ot an udan. Suddenly there was a heavy downpour. Time. Sim: bigla, na-ala, hingkatang, maag.

maid di hilbina (ph. v. of hilbi) useless. useless; an idiom that refers to someone or something as having no value (lit. nothing its value). Hay intanom yu ya maid di hilbina te maid di ibungan. What you planted is useless because there is no fruit. Imbilang nan maid di hilbinay tugun ku. He considered my advice useless. Maid hilbina di immaliyak hitu. My coming here was useless. (sem. domains: - Useless.)

maid 1negative predicate. 1.1negpred. a negative predication; the negative opposite of the existential predicate. Maid di inat kuh gaga-iho. I did not do anything bad. Adi mabalin an eta mabiyag hin maid di ustuh ngunuh pangal-an hi pumbiyagan. It isn’t possible to live if we don’t have adequate work to provide our livelihood. (sem. domains: - No, not.) 1.2negpred. negative predication expressing the non-existence of an agent. Maid di mun-ay-ayyam hi banting. Nobody will play with matches. Ek ang-angon, munhidhid-ipak te nahilong ya- maid hi Lammooy I went to see, I was straining my eyes because it was dark, Lammooy was not around. 1.3negpred. negative predication expressing the non-existence of a thing or possession. Maid di pihuk. I have no money. Mungngunu kayu te maid di poppog di tiempo. Work, because time is without end. Maid moy ena igattang. He had nothing more to sell. Maid, tumakut kamin e mangala mu maka-i-imin nangidat ot alan mi mo. “Nothing. We were afraid to take the candy but she was smiling as she gave it so we took it.” 2sta. to become non-existent; mama-id, the reduplication expresses the process of disappearance, i.e. becoming non-existent. Athidi bon gulatnat mama-id am-in di mumbaki ta hiya ya abuy matdaan. Like that also, if there are no longer pagan priests except for him. (sem. domains: - Exist.) der. ma-idon der. ma-ma-idan der. mama-id id. Ma-ma-idan di nitaguwak. ph. v. maid di poppog na

ma-uwan 1trans. to become aware suddenly; to get one’s bearings; realize suddenly. Ek imama-uwan ya deyak nah bilid. All at once I became aware that I was in the mountains. Indani ya ena imama-uwan ya maid mo nadan e nangikuyug ke hiya, an wada nin an alas kuwatro mon diye. Then, at about 4:00 a.m. he suddenly noticed that he was left alone by his abductors. i‑ CV‑. (sem. domains: 3.2.4 - Understand.) 2v. to pay close attention; watch carefully; to be alert. Ma-uwam hin mala-u da nadan tindalu. Pay close attention if the soldiers pass-by. (sem. domains: - Imprison.)

ma-al-algo (der. of algo) sta. 1the time when the sun is highest in the sky; noontime. Etaku mangan te ma-al-algo. Lets go eat because it’s noontime. ma‑, CVC‑. (sem. domains: - Time of the day.) 2refers to the time when the sun has moved past its peak; past noontime. Na-al-algo mo yaden maid pay an umali. It’s past noon and yet, he hasn’t come. na‑ CVC‑.

mah-udot (der. of udot) adjunct. expresses the certainty with which something unexpected has happened or will happen. Maid di mabalin an makihanggan dakayu tep dakayu mah-udot di manadag hi dahdin buhul yu. No one will be able to stand against you because you, with certainty, will destroy whoever is your enemy. Attitudinal. (sem. domains: 9.2.6 - Particles.)

mahapit (der. of hapit) comm. to be articulate; to be glib. Mahapit hi amana kinali hiyay meyor. His father is articulate that is why he is the mayor. ma‑. (sem. domains: 3.5.1 - Say.)

mahang-anon advpred. to control; to be moderate in what one does. Mahang-anom di naihon kalikalim. Control your bad talk. Mahang-anom di inum ta adika mabutong. Drink moderately so that you will not get drunk. Manner. Sim: konoknong, kolokla.