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sigud adv. existed before; before in time. Sigud tuwali an mun-in-inila kami. We knew about each other even before we had met. Time. Sim: talaga, tuwali.

tanok trans. to soften by cooking or soaking, particularly related to vegetables. Tanokom nan kolet ta ahim banowon. Cook the cabbage until it is soft and then dish it out. Matanok di punha-ang di iin-ina. Old women cook vegetables to be soft. Nakatannok nan kolet. The cabbage was over-cooked. Tanokom nan buttata te hidiyey pinhod ina. Cook the cabbage until it is soft because that is what mother prefers. ‑on/‑in‑, ma‑, naka‑. (sem. domains: - Cooking methods.)

tangbal comm. boar; a male uncastrated pig. Tangbal nan in-ali dan ihdan di mun-ani. They brought a boar for the food of the rice harvesters. (sem. domains: 1.6.1 - Types of animals.)

tawang₁ comm. a net trap, primarily used to catch bats. Imme nan hin-ama nah tawang. The father and son went to the bat trap. Sim: awa, hikit. (sem. domains: 6.4.2 - Trap.) der. manawang

te conj. the logical connection that marks a reason; because. Maka te ume ta. Come because we are leaving. Om, te maid di hilhilbi hin ugge ta nun-adal ya maid di ngunu. Yes, because one is worthless without education and without a job. Bahul nadan nangipunduwana te uggeda ninomnom di aton da. It was the fault of those who were put in-charge because they didn’t think about what they will do. Subordinating conjunctions. (sem. domains: - Cause, - Reason.) comp. tedeya

tuging comm. the first feeding of an animal brought home. Hi apu di manuging nah ukkon an in-alik ot adi uggan bumuddu nah hilong. Grandfather will do the first feeding for the puppy I brought home; anyway he seldom goes out at night. maN‑. (sem. domains: 6.3 - Animal husbandry.)

tugun 1comm. advice; instruction. Dakol di tugun din hi aman ha-oy. My late father had a lot of advice. Toan ten makulug, mu deket makulug, ikabing mu anhan tun tugun ku. Whether or not this is true, I don’t know, but if it is, then, heed my advice. (sem. domains: - Advise.) 2to advise. 2.1trans. to give specific advice. Intugun inada an mun-ule dah dalan ya mundongol dah iskul ta waday inilaon da. Their mother instructed them to be careful on the way and to listen in class so they would learn something. i‑/iN‑. 2.2trans. to advise a particular person. Tugunon yu nan imbabale yu ta adida mun-ay-ayyam nah kalata. Advise your children not to play in the streets. ‑on/‑in‑. 4G Tactile - Touch contact. 2.3comm. refers to the activity of giving advice. Adida maphod di iin-inan tumugun te naduti da. It isn’t fitting for old women to advise because they just keep repeating the same thing. Makannugun ka udot yaden mummumutog ka. So, you are advising and yet are inexperienced. ‑um/‑imm‑‑, makaC‑.

tul-un intrans. to surface or come to the top, e.g. fish in water Nadandani on in-ohnong na ta ang-angona nadan oggan tumul-un dolog nah liting. From time to time, Bugan would stop walking and look at the fish that came to the surface of the water. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 2A Movement from one place to another. (sem. domains: - Move up.)

tulu 1adj. the cardinal number three. Tulu di inayana. He has three wives. Hay kadinawwinah nah ob-ob ad Patukan ya umeh tuluy kilometro. The distance from the spring in Patukan was about three kilometers Number quantifier. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.) 2intrans. third cock’s crow; three times. Inggibok ku dih pimmitlu. I woke up when the cock crowed three times. ‑um‑/‑imm‑. 3adj. three each. Hintutlu kayun umbun. You sit by threes. hiN‑. 4trans. to divide into three. Puntuluwom an piangon nan tupaya te tulu kami. Cut the papaya in thirds because there are three of us. puN‑ ‑on. 5sta. to be worth three pesos. Matulun pihu tun ohan tupaya. This papaya is worth three pesos. ma‑. 6trans. to do something three times. Mamitluwak an uminum hi danum hi hin-algo. I drink water three times a day. Ganain di ipitluk an kumali on ahim dingngol. I have to say something three times before you listen. mami‑, ipi‑. 7adj. thirty. Tulumpuluy toon ku yaden maid pay di inayak. I am thirty years old and still single. 8quan. few. Dimmatong dah maal-algo ot ipayu dan e mampap mu tultulluy dimpap da. They arrived at noon and went directly to the river, but they only caught a few. comp. himpulut tulu comp. tulumpulu der. hintutlu der. katlu der. katlu der. mamitlu der. pitlu der. pungkatluwon

tulumpulu (comp. of tulu) quan. thirty. Hin-uddum on nahawwal dah tulumpulu nan mangiattang. Sometimes there are thirty or more men to carry it. Number quantifier. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.)

tuppug trans. to concentrate efforts on something; to focus on something. Ituppug muy naminhod mun nah inayam ta dumin-ong di nunhituwam. Concentrate your love on your spouse so that your home will be peaceful. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: - Think about.)

tuwali adjunct. 1expresses the truth of something; matches objective reality; actually; of course; in fact. Kon ot tuwali ad-adiy nomnom mu kinali in-athinam. Of course, you have an evil mind, that’s why you did it that way. Om ot tuwali. Yes, of course. Ugge na ot tuwali inila. In fact, he doesn’t actually know. Kon ena ot kuma inila mu he-a tuwaliy nanudtudun hiya. He would not have known how to do that; but, you in fact, were the one who taught him. Aga ke tuwalit ha-oy di kumalin hiya ot donglona man. Let me be the one to actually talk to him because, for sure, he will listen to what I will say. Nipalpu tuwali handih kaittay na ya maka-ulle. Ever since he was small, in fact, he has been very kind. Athina tuwali di nanomnoman. That’s the way to be a mature person. Attitudinal. Sim: talaga, sigud. (sem. domains: - True.) 2refers to the essential or inherent nature of something; innate. It-ittay ka te ittay ot tuwali damdamah inam. It’s natural that you are small because your mother is also small. Athina ka tuwali. You are like that by nature. comp. ot tuwali

tuwe demonstrative. refers to an approaching time; about to; the time of an event or action is nearing. Tuwen madatngan nan pangayak. My departure is approaching. Tuweyak I am coming near. Tuwen makatte nan in-inna. The old woman is about to die. (sem. domains: 8.4.5 - Relative time, - Demonstrative pronouns.)

uh-u₁ trans. 1to confirm the truth of something; to prove; to witness to the truth. In-uh-u na nan kinalim. He confirmed what you said. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. Sim: hadak. (sem. domains: - Witness, testify.) 2to search for something; to trace something, e.g. trace a borrowed item. Em ya uh-uwon nan nangalah payung ku. Go and search for the person who took my umbrella. Em uh-uwon di nangalah gangha yu. Go find out who really got your gong. Em uh-uwon hin dahdi nunbano nan uwa. Go and find out who borrowed my knife. ‑on/‑in‑.

uhib trans. to be sired by; relating to breed or stock traits. Ongal di kamanuk na te in-uhib di ongal an poltan. It is a big chicken because it was sired by a big rooster. i‑/iN‑. 3I Direct an action toward an object. (sem. domains: 1.6.3 - Animal life cycle.)

ulig trans. to sleep with a baby or someone. Iulig mu nan golang. You sleep with the baby. In-ulig nay golang. She put the baby to sleep. He-ay mangiulig nah golang. You be the one to put the baby to sleep. i‑/iN‑, mangi‑/nangi‑. Syn: ihuyop. (sem. domains: 5.7 - Sleep.)

ulu comm. 1the head. Punggung-uwak di uluk te uggek inilay itudok kuh tu. I am scratching my head because I do not know what to write here. Ammunay uluk an in-agtuk. I have nothing. (lit. I’m only carrying my head.) Deket mo ta nakaggibu ya matibo nan duwan kapkapyan di ulun di nuwang nah numbinnongwa. When it (the bench) is really finished, it looks like two carabao heads, one on each end. (sem. domains: 2.1.1 - Head.) 2riddle Waday ohan bilid an pituy uwang na. (ulu) There is a mountain that has seven holes. (head) der. mamangulu der. pangulu der. panguluwan der. ulluwan id. nimamantuk hi ulu

ulut 1comm. rice stalks without grain; straw. Em alan nan ulut ta punhunul ta. Get the grain-stalks to use in starting the fire. (sem. domains: - Plant product.) 2trans. to pluck grains of rice from stalk. Ulutom nan page. Pluck the grains from the rice-stalks. Nadan u-ungay nangulut te umat hitu. It was the children who detached the rice grains from the straw because it is like this. Mun-ulut dah mabayu hi bigat. They are detaching the rice grains from the straw for tomorrow’s pounding. ‑on/‑in‑, maN‑/naN‑, muN‑/nuN‑. 4D Release, remove or detach object.

um’ut 1trans. to occupy a space in order to block or obstruct a passage or pathway; obstruct. Umutam nan dalan di gando. Obstruct the passageway of the mouse. Adika mun-umut hi dalan. Don’t block the way. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑/nuN‑. (sem. domains: - Block, dam up.) 2trans. to place things where they will obstruct. <The prefix set i-/iN- cross-references the thing used to obstruct and the affix set ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an cross-references the site being obstructed.> Adiyu im-ut nah dalanon nan lona. Do not block the passage with the sand. Umutam nan abut ta adi dumalan nan utut. Block that hole so that the rat cannot pass through it. i‑/iN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an. 3A Move and position object at site. 3pass. something is obstructing a pathway. Kaanon yu nan nim-ut nah panto. You remove the one that is blocking the door. Mim-utak nah pantot adika pakalah-un. I will be an obstruction in the doorway so that you will not be able to go out. mi‑/ni‑. infl. mim-ut

unna trans. to do before; to do something before a scheduled time or activity. Unnahom di baya ta ahika mangan. Take your wine first before you eat. In-un-una da. They went ahead. Inunnak an inala nan tangdan ku. I got my wages ahead of time. Ha-oy di ma-unnan ume. I will go ahead (before you go). Umunna da mangan te nidawwiy nalpuwan da. They will eat ahead of the rest because they came from farther places. ‑on/‑in‑, ‑um‑/‑imm‑, ma‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions. (sem. domains: - Order, sequence.) infl. naunna

unu₁ adj. a small quantity of something abstract, e.g. time or effort. Had-om ot mangali, hin-unu ya dimmatong. Wait, he is coming and will arrive in a short time. Hin-unu kaya ya nabigat. It won’t take long before morning comes. hiN‑. (sem. domains: - Few, little.) der. hin-unu

ungngu 1trans. to kiss. Adim kayan ungnguwon di takle na. I dare you to kiss her hand. Inungngun Pedlo di takle na ya in-amping nan hiyah diyen takle. Pedlo kissed her on her hand and she slapped him with that hand. ‑on/‑in‑, i‑/iN‑. 4F Adjacency/Adjoining actions. (sem. domains: 4.1.8 - Show affection.) 2rec. to kiss one another. Nun-ungngu da nah simbaan. They kissed each other in the church. muN‑/nuN‑. Language Of Borrowing: Ilocano.

uppig 1comm. a purse made of rattan for carrying betelnut supplies. (sem. domains: 5.3.6 - Parts of clothing.) 2trans. to place something in an uppig purse. Nganney in-uppig mu? What did you put in your purse? i‑/iN‑. 3A Move and position object at site.

upu₁ adj. one hundred rice bundles. Hin-upuy naani tuh ohan banong. There were one hundred rice bundles harvested from this one paddy. hiN‑. Number quantifier. Meas: bongle, dalan, upu. (sem. domains: - Cardinal numbers.)

uta 1comm. vomit. Nitayap nan uta nah bulwatina. The vomit was blown to his shirt. (sem. domains: 2.2 - Body functions.) 2intrans. to vomit. Immutaak te wada nan hinamuy kun ad-adi. I vomited because I smelled something unpleasant. Mun-uuta te naaliwot. She is vomiting because she is dizzy. Ume-ele kah na te utaan daka tuh unga. Move away there because this child will vomit on you. In-uta na nan ininum nan aga. She vomited the medicine she drank. Nautaan di bulwati na. Her dress had been vomited on. ‑um‑/‑imm‑, muN‑/nuN‑, ‑an/‑in‑ ‑an, i‑/iN‑, ma‑ ‑an/na‑ an. 2E Body/physiological functions.