Urat - English



temerehv uninfl.clear throatrausim kus long nekŊam masande kin temereh nato yukoh.I heard him clearing his throat in the house.Mi harim em i rausim kus long nek insait long haus.
temetnplateau at the bottom/head of mountainples i stret long as/het bilong mauntenTinge yate jere temet.They went down (from the mountain) to the plateau.Ol i go daun kamap long ples i stret (lusim maunten).
temhroŋnblouse ; shirt ; uniformklos bilong karamapim bodi antapKin dende' temhroŋ wah kin pe, kin nal wah.He put his working clothes on and went to work.Em i kisim ol bilas bilong en long wok, na em i go long wok.
tenenemv uninfl.expand ; rollmekim bikpela moa ; rolimKakah uku tenenem embere.This dough expanded a lot.Dispela bret i solap kamap bikpela.Ŋem tenenem nal.A coconut rolled on.Kokonas ron i go.
tenermev uninfl.agreewanbelLenge miye' tuweinge Samariya si tenerme wusyep kin.People of Samaria agreed with his talk.Ol manmeri bilong Samaria i wanbel long tok bilong em.
tengelv uninfl.stingkaikaimKa yisyunde syohe tu'e pirp ŋaiye tengel.They will feel pain as if a scorpion has stung them.Ol bai pilim pen olsem skopion i kaikaim ol.
tengelipntree typecitrus, juice used by ancestorsdiwai tengelipTengelip gere sai syipsyp.Tengelip trees grow in the jungle.Diwai tengelip i kamap long bus.
tengelyemadjfavour ; proud (be proud)apim wanpelaYukur pa tengelyem yahraꞌe naŋ miyeꞌ ondoh ende.Don't favour one leader.Yupela no ken amamas apim nem bilong wanpela hetman.Se ka tengelyem yende bwiliꞌe bwulaꞌe.They will be proud and make stupid things.Ol bai amamas long mekim hambak pasin.Yip tengelyem yahraꞌe naŋ yip tip me wah embere ŋaiye yip de pa yende.You are proud and praise yourselves about big work which you are about to make.Yupela i apim nem bilong yupela yet long wok yupela i laik mekim.
tengelye'v uninfl.arguetok resisKin top lenge tengelyeꞌ me wusyep.He argued with them.Em i tok resis wantaim ol.
tengelye' tupwai'vp uninfl.arguetok resisTinge hindi tengelyeꞌ tupwaiꞌ ŋaiye ka yil Ŋoloh.They two argued if they would go to Wewak.Tupela i tok resis bai ol go long Wewak o nogat.
tengengev uninfl.be afraid of a spiritually dangerous place/person ; fearpret long ples nogut/man nogutTinge tengenge luh uku ŋaiye lenge yipihinge pupwa yarp.They are afraid of this place where bad spirits are.Ol i pret long dispela ples masalai/ol sipirit nogut i stap.Tinge tengenge kin ŋaiye ka ende yar ongomb lenge.They are afraid that he will make sorcery and kill them.Ol i pret em bai wokim sanguma na kilim ol.
tengenyemv uninfl.help each otherhalpim halpimPa tengenyem yip tip.Help each other.Yupela halpim yupela yet.
tengerev uninfl.make a secret plantokhait ol bai bihainimLenge Musungwik tengere ŋaiye ka yurmbe.Musungwik people made a secret plan to fight.Ol Musungwik i pasim tok hait long ol bai pait.
teŋeiv uninfl.bear fruit (trees)kaikai hangamap ; karim kaikaiLou lalme ŋaiye yukur teŋei esep bworerme, pe ka jene yiche yil yunuh nih.They will cut and throw in the fire all the trees which do not bear fruit well.Olgeta diwai i no karim kaikai gut, ol bai katim tromoi i go long paia.
tepelih tepelihmev uninfl.ask - continue to askaskim askimYukur ya tepeli tepelihme wusyep wula wula.Don't continue to ask questions.Yupela no ken askim askim planti tumas.
teradvnot yet ; stilli no yet ; stap yetPita ter narp ŋoiheryembe wula wula.Pita was still thinking/wondering.Pita stil i stap na tingting planti.cf.teternot yet ; still ; later ; unfinished
tere'v uninfl.rub ; smearrabim graun/as bilong paia/salatTinge se ka tere' nihyih juh wahri' tinge.They indeed will rub ash on their bodies.Ol bai rabim as bilong paia long skin bilong ol.Ti tere' ŋinim wal wahri' ti.She rubbed nettles on her body.Em i rabim salat long bodi bilong em.
terŋemev uninfl.bind ; dividepasim let/rop ; tilim kaikaiKin terŋeme mwah ŋap gah mondom kin.He bound a belt on his waist.Em i pasim let long as bilong em.Yip hindi terŋeme ŋai iki.You two divide this food.Yutupela tilim dispela kaikai.
terŋengev uninfl.mixed with ; jealoustupela wantaim ; lukluk strong long man/meri bilong enNih terŋenge ŋoto wim nate gah kekep.Fire mixed with blood came to the ground.Paia wantaim blut i kam daun long graun.Tuwei terŋenge miye' ti.The woman is jealous about her husband.Meri i lukluk strong long man bilong em.
terŋenge sisingirvp uninfl.jealousbel nogutPa terŋenge sisingir me lenge mitiŋ ŋaiye yukur kekep ilyeh yip.You will be jealous of people who are not from your area.Yupela bai bel nogut long ol lain i no wan ples bilong yupela.
tesimbihye'1nyoung womanyangpela meri
teteheiadvvariety of ; all kinds ofkain kain samtingPoi mana lenge gwande ŋai'e ŋai'e tetehei pupwa.We told them concerning all kinds of bad things.Mipela i tokim ol long ol kain kain pasin nogut.
tetembuhuv uninfl.happen to meettupela man i bungPoi hindi tetembuhu manar yaŋah.We two happened to meet on the road.Mitupela i bung long rot.
tetemev uninfl.continuouslyi go, i goNih uku ka riri teteme si enge el.This fire will burn continously.Dispela paia bai i lait i go i go.