u̱t-Hun - English
ba 1 bɨ̃/ bá n bag burgami o instr 6.7 Tool
ba 3 ba Hausa 1 conj without ba ba u̱r-ba'as to justify, say someone is not guilty of wrong 2 fig selfish Ba nap u̱n co-o̱ u̱n ne̱t Selfish Lit. Without knowing face person 3 fig heavy (very) Ba re̱re̱m-mo̱ m-saw Very heavy Lit. Without sweet take 4 fig wish bad luck Nu-o̱ ba u̱r-bon Wishing bad success Lit. Mouth without good
ba 4 bǽʔàg v reach first This might be part of homonym 1 var. ba'ag (pt) be 3
ba 5 Hausa? conj if not m Takan 42:16
ba 6 conj before ba rwo̱o̱g wo̱ u̱n swo̱ before the elephant (arrive) of drinking...before the elephant drinks
ba m-ku̱ko̱p adj 1 holy 2 virgin ; sexually and morally clean
ba m-rwu̱u̱n kyak fig inferior or least expensive Yohana 2:10
ba se̱... á conj not a must ; not necessary
ba u̱n naas o-da bá ɨ̀n nààs 1 time soon (very) ; immediately 2 conj
ba u̱n yish pus-se fig with difficulty ; not easy Need to double check without white eyes
ba u̱r-me'et fig continuous ; without ending
baa bɨ̃ɔ̃ /báà conj A conjunction expressing an explanation. The pronoun is followed by an "n" in this mood. BSC, 24
baabu̱ bàbɨ́ Hausa prep without
baag baag n 1 clan ; tribe o cf jit 4 clan kin 4.1.9 Kinship 2 kind o baag-o o-baag one kind after another
baar 1 bààg v arrive before someone o var. ba'ag
baar 2 1 n a person from the Kamari tribe ko- social 4 Social behavior 2 n the people of the Kamari tribe -ne̱ social 4 Social behavior 3 adj South (direction) o social 4 Social behavior
ba'aru̱ v reach first Markus 6:33