Browse Vasui - English



poaneoʼinal.kin.nclansman (my), relative (my)A ma poaneoʼ to teʼ e ne.All my relatives are living.
poaneöminal.kin.nrelative (your) (p)...vamanih pa ö neʼ to vanö vavoh ka maʼ neoʼ. Eʼ a teʼ poaneöm....just like the way that he had sent me. He is a man from your(p) tribe.
poanhehq.wdwhen, where, whichIvëh, ko poen poanheh to vih non pea pa vaʼaus ro o upöm teʼ, ea se vaʼaus ee pee.Therefore, then which ever day is good for us(incl) to help other people, we(incl) must help them.
poaʼboandrill (a)A poaʼ a tah kohokoʼ naon.A drill is something to make a hole in wood.
poaan1vambush (to)E voe to nö pa poaan.The man went to ambush.2nadversaryEa se nat no pa taateʼ poaan.We should know habits of the adversary.
PoaanesisPrp.NBoanerges, nameke Jëmis pen kea peʼ Jon, ee a poa sunaiʼ Sëbëdiʼ, e Ieesuʼ to vëhnan raoe pon e Poaanesis,...and James and his brother John, they are two sons of Zebedee, Jesus named both of them Boanerges,...
poaarakin.nour (incl) relativesE’ to karean pet a neöm a he’ o oeh pe poaara Selofehët, manih pa ma koa’ mon pe’.
poenbetelnut, betelnut palm, sea foam, spittleE voe to nah a poe.The chews betelnut.O poe i na tahiʼ ivëh.This is the ocean sea foam.
poehexclah, my goodness, my wordPoeh! Koe voh ah ka anoeh ta siʼ ö.Ah! Let's wait a little while.
poen1nfat, night, 24 hr day, timeA muhin se poen ka hikta teʼ to antoen non a nok hah ta kiu.The place will become night and no person is able to do any work anymore.2bdpt.nchest (man, woman)A poen pe voe to kamis.The mans chest hurts3advanytime, wheneverNok poen a kiu pën.Do your work anytime.4adjchildless, dark, fat, greasyE kuʼ poen hikta ta se nö non.The fat pig is not able to walk.
Poen ApaaponResting Day of the Jews (Sabbath)Manih po pöh Poen Apaapo eʼ me a ma vamomhë peʼ to nönö vah ne pa koman a rak vëh nee to nep voh a kon.On one Resting Day (Sabbath) of the Jews he and all his disciples were walking around inside the garden where they had planted corn.
poeneahinal.bdpt.nbreast (her), breast (his), breast (it's)Eʼ to tös a poeneah to vataare non pan, eʼ to teʼ non a hat neʼ to nok voh.He beat his chest to show that, he has a bad thing (sin) which he had done
poeneöminal.bdpt.nchest (your) (pl)Ka taateʼ pamëh to teʼ va non manih po ohop nee to nok pa ta tah eh, keʼ sunpip non a ma poeneöm.And this straight custom must be like the dress which they made with a strong thing, and it protects your(pl) chest.
poeneöʼinal.bdpt.nchest (my)A poeneöʼ to kamis.My chest hurts.
poet1vblush (to), shame (to)Eʼ to poet en e köövo pe kea peʼ.He shamed the woman (wife) of his brother.2nblush, shameE koaʼ to haraʼ a poet.The child feels shame.3adjashamedEöʼ to poet eoʼ.I am ashamed.
poëdial. var. ofoe
poëëneöminal.kin.nrelatives (your) (p)Eöm se iu a ma poëëneöm.You(p) will love all your relatives(p).
poëëreinal.kin.nrelatives (their)Ke köövo va Kenan pamëh soe varuʼ ke Ieesuʼ pan, “Oman Sunön, ivëhkëk, o këh to nat e ne pa ëën a ma ö kukuvun taëën, ëën këh pa kën poëëre to vuʼvuʼ taneʼ ne maʼ pa pok ënëën.”And that women from Canaan replied and said to Jesus like this, "That's true Lord, but the dogs know to eat all the crumbs of food which their relatives (masters) ate from (left over food) that are falling from the eating place (table)."
poknaltar, shelf, tableA pok peöʼ to takök.My table is broken.
pokaʼvannounce (to), blame (to), call (to), call a name (to)Pokaʼ a ëhnaneah.Call his name.
pokisEnglishbokisnboxKa meh teʼ nönö vah non manih pa koman a rak, pareʼ taum en pa pokis moniʼ pamëh.And another person walking around here inside the garden and he finds that box of money.
pokoʼvsprout (to)A kepis pemöm to pokoʼ en.Our cabbage is sprouted.
pokoʼkoven1nbastardA pokoʼkoven to nö toaan.The bastard went to the market.2adjillegitimate childA pokoʼkoven hikta papa.The illegitimate child does not have a papa.
PoluksBiblical SourcePolluxPrp.NPolluxManih po matan in o paröʼ a poa tanöʼ nës pe sosoenën Kësta, me Poluks to teʼ ne.At the front of the ship were two pieces of carved wood (carvings) of the god Castor and Pollux.
pomEnglishbom1dual.prnyou two(p)...Suk a maʼ neoʼ öm pom, köʼ sih vavaasis a neöm pa vaon a napan, kee hop maʼ manih pa Matop Vih pe Sosoenën....Follow me you two, and I will teach you to net men and they come here in to the Good Care For ship (Kingdom) of God.2nbomb (a)A pom nee to nok maʼ manuh Amerika.The bomb which they made over there in America.