pmap.mrkrall, many, some, pA ma tah varih to peo vörep.All the things here are very many.
P enteroho 1ventering (to be), P enterE voe to oho a iuun.The man is entering the house.
packunununvaccumulate (to), assemble (to), collect (to), gather (to), heap up (to), pack (to), round up (to), unite (to)Pitaʼ, ununun a ma puk manih.Peter, collect the books here.
packvasu 2ncrowd (a), flock, herd, packO vasu kuʼ pe Pitaʼ to peo onöt ne a 100 kuʼ.Peter's herd of pigs is big and totals 100 pigs.vasun 2dial. var.vasuncrowd (a), flock, herd, packO vasun kuʼ pe Pitaʼ to peo onöt ne a 100 kuʼ.Peter's herd of pigs is big and totals 100 pigs.
packagenoh 1vattach (to), bind (to), bundle (to), package (to), tie (to)...pare noh a ma voh poë varih manih pa ma naire, keʼ ma koreere....and they attach this belt on their foreheads or on their hands.
package, anoh 2nbundle (a), package (a)A noh aato pe teʼ vëh.The bundle of sago is this man's.pak 2Biblical Sourcenpackage (a), page (a), pocketOhop pën teʼ me non po pak.Your clothes have pockets.
paddlehoaʼvdestroy (to), nullify (to), paddle (to), row (to), ruin (to), sail (to), wreck (to)O koaʼ se hoaʼ maʼ po sini.The child will row the canoe.
paddleavoehnpaddle (canoe)A avoeh pe Seon to takök.John's paddle broke.
paddle, ahohoaʼ 2npaddle (a)E papaʼ to kök a hohoaʼ peʼFather broke his paddle.
paddling, to behohoaʼ 1vdestroy (to continually)[destroying], paddle (to continually)[paddling], row (to continually)[rowing], ruin (to continually)[ruining], sail (to continually)[sailing]E papaʼ to hohoaʼ voh non po sini pemöm.The father kept paddling our canoe.
page, apak 2Biblical Sourcenpackage (a), page (a), pocketOhop pën teʼ me non po pak.Your clothes have pockets.
pailnöh 2nclay pot, earthern pot, pail, saucepanNöh pa nap moaan.Clay pot of the people long ago.
painkamis 2nache, pain, punishment, sickness, suffering...eʼ to haraʼ vahat rakah en po kamis, suk eʼ to nat e non peʼ se kon en pe koaʼ....she indeed feels very bad with pain because she knew she will beget a child.vakmis 2naffliction, harm, hurt, pain, punishment... ka nat vateeraʼ e no po vakmis pe Sosoenën se taneʼ maʼ manuh kin, ...... we(incl) know clearly God’s punishment will come from there above, ...
painvakmis 1vafflict (to), discipline (to), cause pain (to), harm (to), hurt (to), punish, (to)Eën to nö pöʼ maʼ pa vakmis a möm, ha?You come maybe to cause us pain (punish us), ha?
pain, to causevavakmisvhurt (to continually)[hurting], pain (to continually), cause to punish (to)[punishing]O röktaʼ o pöh peo to vavakmis voh ne sih poë.Very many doctors have always caused her pain.
pain, to havevavaamikvpain (to continually have), throb with pain (to continually)[throbbing], twitch (to continually)(eye)[twitching]A mon neoʼ to sup pareʼ vavaamik rakah e non.My leg is swollen and it indeed throbs with pain.
painlesskauhadjnumbness, painlessEöʼ to rës i no o kauh in a moneo.I hate the numbness in my leg.
paintpen 1Englishnpaint, penO pen peöʼ to takök en.My pen is broken.
paintpun 1vapply (to), decorate (to), paint (to), smear (to)Pun a iuun pën po pen ereraʼ.Paint your(s) house with red paint.
pairpöök 2nanklet, armlet, couple, pairA pöök pe Seon to tökurus.John's armlet is torn.
pale, to betarehvpale (to be)Siʼ koaʼ peöʼ to tareh.My little child is pale.
PalestinePalestaënBiblical SourcePrp.NPalestinePalestaën a ëhnan a muhinPalestine is the name of a country.
PamphyliaPamfiliaʼBiblical SourcePrp.NPamphyliaManih Frigiaʼ, me Pamfiliaʼ, me manih Isip, me manih pa ö va Libiaʼ to vatët non Saëriniʼ, me a ma teʼ va Room to nö maʼ ko teʼ ne manih.Here in Phrygia and Pamphylia, and here in Egypt and here in the province of Libya near Cyrene, and the people from Rome who came and live here.
pandanas treekaraʼnpandanas treeO karaʼ peöʼ vöh to teʼteʼ non manuh.That is my pandanas tree remaining there.
PangunaPangunaʼPrp.NPanguna, copper mine, villagePangunaʼ a ëhnan a vöön.Panguna is the name of a village.