Vasui - English



aeahimperalright, okayIvëh köm se keh iu nok nem a taateʼ vih me a taateʼ totoopin manih pa teʼ susun peö ʼ, aeah, soe vavih poʼ ka neoʼ öm.Therefore if you want to do a good and right customs to my master person, okay, so then you tell me carefully.
Aeoh1imperAlright, Come on, NowVasuksuk nee to vaeheh koman nee pare soe ee pan, “Aeoh, ep öm ka rih o oeh para nanan po suraʼ, ke eh ko tavus o brik, ”Afterwards when they themseves argued and they said like this, “Alright, you look and then we stir the ground then we continually heat it with fire, then it is strong and becomes a brick."
AëkoniamBiblical SourceAikoniamPrp.NIconium, placePare këh ee pa vöön pamëh, ko nö pet ee manuh vöön Aëkoniam.And they left that village and continued going there to the village of Iconium.
aënEnglishainnironA tëëm ne ea to vahoʼ a ta aën manih pa rivon a hös,...When we(incl) put an iron thing (bit) in a horse's mouth,...
AëniasBiblical SourceAiniasPrp.NAeneas, nameKe Pitaʼ soe ke Aënias pan, “Aënias, varuʼ vamanih e Ieesuʼ Kristo to vatoʼ hah en pën.Then Peter said to Aeneas like this, "Aeneas, right now Jesus Christ healed you(s).
AënonBiblical SourceAinonPrp.NAenon, placeE Jon to pupui non a napan pa ö neʼ to teʼ non pa vöön va Aënon,...John continually washed (baptized) the people when he stayed in the village of Aenon,...
aësEnglishaisniceA aës to vaʼeh a ma ö kuʼ.The ice makes the pig meat strong.
AësakBiblical SourceAisakPrp.NIsaac, nameKe Abraham e taman e Aësak.And Abraham was the father of Isaac.
AfrikaʼEnglishAfrikaPrp.NAfrica, placeAfrikaʼ a ëhnan a muhin.Africa is the name of a country.
AgabusBiblical SourceAgabusPrp.NAgabus, nameA paeh teʼ vanënën soe a ëhnaneah e Agabus,...One talk foreteller person (prophet) his name was Agabus,...
AgastasBiblical SourceOgastusPrp.NAugustus, nameManih po poen pamëh ne Jon to teʼ koaʼ voh non e Sisaʼ Agastas to sunön non manih pa kaman va pa ma muhin va Room.During that time when John was a child Caesar Augustus was king here in the government of the country of Rome.
agetEnglishagetnagateKa vakön vös, eʼ a kakaare, eʼ a vös aget.And the third stone, it is white, it is a agate stone.
AgripaʼBiblical SourceAgripaPrp.NAgrippa, nameE Agripaʼ to tënan a soe pe Festus, pareʼ soe pan, “Eöʼ to iu tënan koman e noʼ po vöhioʼ peʼ.”Agrippa heard Festus' talk, and he said like this, "I want to hear his story myself."
ah1imper.prnyou(s)Ko koe ah naöp, ko teʼ eh nom vamanih pa teʼ.And do not be afraid, and be strong as a man.2exclmah, oh, huhAh, eöʼ to rës noʼ.Ah, I don't want to.
ahahvgo back (to)Eʼ to ahah en.He went back.
AhaihutPrp.NAhihud, nameKa manih po vute’ pe Aser ne’ to vate’ en pe Ahihut, veh e koa’ oete’ pe Selomi.
ahenncheek, chin, jawA ahen pe voe to pö.The chin of the man is dirty.
ahënadvmaybe, probablyAhën pöʼ nö na ko ep.I (will) probably go and see.
ahik1nnothingAhik, tah ö.There is nothing.2negnegative, notAhik tah ma kuma na se een nös pa matanpoen.There are no kaukau that we can dig later this afternoon.3exclmnoAhik, eën hikta se nok a tah hat.No, you should not do a bad thing.
ahiktavis notAhikta napan to teʼ ne manih pa muhin vaʼih,...No people live here in this bush (place),...
AhiqaʼBiblical SourceAhiqaPrp.NAhiqa, nameA soe vëh to taneʼ maʼ po vahutët moaan pe Ahiqaʼ.This talk comes from the old story of Ahiqa.
AhusëtPrp.NAhuzzath, nameAbimerëk to taneʼ maʼ Gerar pareʼ nö ma pa ep pe Aësak. Eʼ to nö maʼ pen Ahusët, a teʼ to sosoe momoaan non sih a ma soe, me e Faikol a teʼ to vovoh non pa nap vavapus peʼ.Abimelech came from Gerar and he came to see Isaac. He came with Ahuzzath, the adviser, and Phicol the person who went ahead of his army.
aiahexclLet's do it, okayAiah! Ka pët kë a ëhnan e Ieesuʼ Kristo, keʼ se teʼ tamoaan non, eʼ e Apuh, ko öt non o kikis va pa matop tamoaan in a ma moeh tah kurus. Oman. Okay! Then we(in) must lift up (praise) the name of Jesus Christ, and he will live forever with a big name and look after all the things forever. Amen.
AiaʼPrp.NAiah, nameKa teʼ ëhnaara ma teʼ koaʼ oeteʼ pe Sibeon to teʼ va ne manih, e Aiaʼ, ke Anaʼ.