Vasui - English



emasp.sbj.mrkrwe(excl), you(p) (Aspect/subject suffix for both first person exclusive and second person plural)“Eöʼ to pupui a noʼ neöm pa ruen to vëknöm e non peöm to panih em pa ma taateʼ hat peöm."I am washing you(p) with water which indicates that you have changed all your bad behaviours.
emömsbj.prnwe (excl)Ke Saëmon piun e Ieesuʼ, pareʼ soe pan, “Apuh, pa popoen rë vaʼih ne möm to kiu vëhvaʼ rakah em, ivëhkëk, emöm to hikta rëh ta pah iian.And Simon answered Jesus, and he said like this, "Lord, during this long night we(excl) really worked hard, but, we(excl) did not pull one fish.Emöm koman se nö.We(excl) only will go.
enasp.sbj.mrkrhe, she, it (Aspect/subject suffix for third person singular)Ke Mariaʼ nat en pa ö neʼ to han koaʼ en,...And Mary knew that she was going to have a baby,...
EnaimPrp.NEnaim, placeE Temaʼ to nat va non manih pan, e Sëraʼ to apuh me voh en.
enenneagleA enen to tok non po naon apuh.The eagle is perched on a big tree.
eneenvdig (to continually)[digging]E köövo to eneen a kuma.The woman is digging sweet potato.
ensisEnglishhinsisnhinge (a door)O ensis in o hopaʼ to ratoʼ en.The hinge on the door is rusted.
eorecip.prnyourself(s)Ivëh, kën se matop nom, suk ataeah, eën se keh teʼ me nom pa popoen, eën se miröʼ suntan hah eo.”So then, you(s) must beware, because if you(s) should be a selfish person, you(s) will surely destroy yourself."
eokvbuild (to), built (to be)Eöʼ to vakiu noʼ o heʼ vih vëh ne Sosoenën to heʼ a neoʼ, eöʼ to teʼ me e noʼ po nat vih va pa eok a iuun,...I am using this good gift that God gave me, I have the good knowledge about how to build/building a house,...Amot e voe se eok a iuun pe sinaneah.Later the man will build a house for his mother.
eomasp.sbj.mrkryou (s) (Aspect/subject suffix for second person singular)“Eën se nom teʼ nom pan eën e Koaʼ vamaman pe Sosoenën, kën surap taneʼ manih, parën vuʼ kunah eom na manuh po oeh."If you(s) really are the true son of God, then you jump from here and you fall down to the ground.
eovaʼnbush foul, scrub henA eovaʼ to on po vasuʼ.The bush foul laughed at the trap.
eoʼ1asp.sbj.mrkrI (Aspect/subject suffix for first person singular)Eöʼ se heʼ vahik rakah eoʼ pën pa ma moeh tah kurus varih.I will give you indeed all these things here.2my (s)“Eën se keh vatokon, parën vapeoʼ pasun ko vasunön a neoʼ, a, eöʼ se heʼ vahik rakah eoʼ pën pa ma moeh tah kurus varih.”"If you kneel down and you bow your head and honor me, yes, I will give you indeed all of these things here."
eöm1sbj.prnyou(p)“Eöm a ma teʼ sunön va Israël, me a ma teʼ sunön,..."You(p) all the leaders of Israel, and all the big people,...2prnyour(p)Moaan voh ne Sosoenën to koman voh e non pa vahoʼ e Ieesuʼ manih pa koreneöm,...In the past God decided to give Jesus into your(p) hands,...
eöʼ1sbj.prnIEöʼ to soe vaman rakah keoʼ peöm. A ma pöh teʼ to sun ne manih kuru, se meʼ avoeʼ e ne pa mët, ee heh ep ee peöʼ e Koaʼ Teʼ pa Napan Kurus se nö va maʼ manih pa Teʼ Sunön.I truly tell you(s) indeed. Some certain people standing here today, will not yet die as they at that time will see the Son of All the People (Son of Man) who will come like this an Important Person (King).Eöʼ a paeh rakah.I am truly one.2vchoose (to) ; claim (to), confess (to), own (to), own up to (to), possess (to)Eën to eöʼ a hat.You owned up to the wrong.
ep1vappear (to), examine (to), look (to), see (to)Eöʼ to ep rakah eoʼ peʼ.I saw him indeed.2nsightPareʼ vavih hah a ma napan kehoʼ ke ep hah ee.And he made well again all the blind people and they opened (their) eyes and saw again.
EpaënetusBiblical SourceEpainetusPrp.NEpenetus, nameParöm heʼ me a potan vih peöʼ manih pe vamomhë vih peöʼ Epaënetus.And you(p) also give my good day (greetings) to my good friend Epaenetus.
epep1vappear (to continually)[appearing], examine (to continually)[examining], look (to continually)[looking], see (to continually)[seeing]E prisman to epep a ma pëk pemöm manih po opis peʼ.The policeman is examining our bags here in his office.2nsightA ma vu taateʼ poë varih to vih oah rakah ne po epep pe Sosoenën.Those kinds of customs are surely more good (better) in the sight of God.
EpikurianBiblical SourceEpikurianPrp.NEpicurean, nameA ma pah teʼ nat nee to pokaʼ ne o Epikurian, me Stoik ee to vavatet ne o vaasis vamoaan.Some educated people they called the Epicurean, and Stoic they continually follow the old teaching.
ErBiblical SourceErPrp.NEr, Er e koaʼ pe Josuaʼ,......and Er was the child (son) of Joshua,...
ErastusBiblical SourceErastusPrp.NErastus, nameE Erastus to teʼ non manih vöön va Körin.Erastus is in the town of Corinth.
eraʼnbloodKa manih po ururuan peʼ eʼ to mët, pareʼ hehe a ra po eraʼ peʼ.And by his grace/mercy he died and he rescued us by his blood.Eraʼ pe Ieesuʼ to ta koʼ suk voh a ra.The blood of Jesus was spilled for us.
eresbj.prntheyEre hikta pënton a soe peʼ.They did not listen to his talk.
ereraʼ1vred (to be)O uris vëh to teʼ ereraʼ non.This rope is red.2adjred, orange, pinkParöʼ ep a hös ereraʼ to nö en maʼ.And I saw a red horse coming.
eriaEnglishareanareaA napan va eria ivëh to haraʼ a maë.The people of this area are feeling hungry.
ErisaʼPrp.NElishah ; name