Vasui - English



itr.mrkrSEMITR 3(s)Ivëh ke Hëërot ununun en po teʼ ësës heʼ susunön me ro teʼ vavaasis varih to nat i nee o Vavaasis pe Mosës, pareʼ hi rapoë pan,At this Herod gathered the chief priests and these teaching people (teachers) who know the Teachings of Moses (Law), and he asked them like this,
iangourd, lime (to go with betetnut)A ia to pet non po kove.The lime remains in the basket.
IbaʼBiblical Ibaʼ e koaʼ pe Siraʼ,...and Eber was the child (son) of Shelah,
IderPrp.NEder, placeKe’ eën to tös eah me a pös koreomah, eën to teen e nom pa mët kee se soe ee pa ö serën mët.
IdënPrp.NEden, place
IdomPrp.NEdom, placeKeʼ ivaʼih a ëhnëëra ma supnaiʼ pe Iso’, vëh a meh ëhnaneah e Idom.
IeesuʼBiblical SourceJisasPrp.NJesus, nameIvaʼih o vahutët va pa kën sipun e Ieesuʼ Kristo.Here is the story of the ancestors of Jesus Christ.
IfötPrp.NEphod, name Ka manih po vute’ pe Manëseʼ ne’ to vate’ en pe Haniël, veh e koa’ oete’ pe Iföt.
ihanvrelease (to), take off (to), untie (to),Ihan ohop pën.Take off your clothes.
ihivask (to continually)[asking]E Ieesuʼ to pënton a soe vaʼih no Parësiʼ to ihi ne a ma vamomhë peʼ,...Jesus heard the talk here which the Pharisees were asking his disciples ,...
ihihanvrelease (to continually)[releasing], take off (to continually)[taking off], untie (to continually)[untying]Ihihan hah a nohnoh vëh nën to noh vu.Untying again the tied up bundle here that you tied up recently.
ihihoʼ1vsit (to continually)[sitting], sit down (to continually)[sitting down]A napan to ihihoʼ vatëh.The people are always sitting down.2nthroneKe eöm kurus varih to vatet voh a maʼ neoʼ, eöm se ihoʼ me em pa havun me ra poa ö ihihoʼ pa teʼ sunön.All the People (Son of man) will get a big name and he will sit on his sitting place (throne) because he is King.3advsittingA ö ihihoʼ to takök en.The sitting place (chair) broke.
ihoʼ1vsit (to), sit down (to)Eën se ihoʼ manih.You should sit down there.2nmeeting...ko teʼ varih to vaman ne a soe pe Ieesuʼ to öt o ihoʼ, ...These people here who believe in Jesus' talk held a meeting, ...3advsittingVasuksuk ne Ieesuʼ to nö, pareʼ ep in a pah teʼ kokon takis to ihoʼ non pa iuun kokon takis. A ëhnaneah e Livaë.Afterwards Jesus went, and he saw one person who continually collects taxes (tax collector) sitting in the house for continually collecting taxes. His name was Levi.
ihoʼpaeʼnwombIvëhkëk, ee to hikta teʼ me ne ta koaʼ, suk ataeah, o ihoʼpaeʼ to pos voh en, keʼ hikta onöt non a han koaʼ.But they did not have with them a child, because the womb was blocked, and she could not conceive.
ihun1ncape (Raua point)O ihun va Rauaʼ to rë.The Raua cape (point) is long.2bdpt.nnoseA ihun po këh do pö.The nose of the dog is black.
ikapihntongs (made from a palm tree)O ikapih pe Dorotiʼ to ës en.The tongs belonging to Dorothy got burned.
ikoesncharcoalE ikoes to ësës non.The charcoal is burning.
ikupkupnbed sheet, covering, roofA tëëm nën to nonok nom o ikupkup po paröʼ, eën se nat nom vatok maʼ o ikupkup i no paröʼ manih po vakapkap i no paröʼ.When you are making the roof of the ship, you must not put the roofing toward the outside of the ship.
IlaëakimBiblical SourceEliakimPrp.NEliakimKe Ilaëakim teʼ non e taman e Esor.
IlaidatPrp.NElidad, name
IlaisafanPrp.NElizaphan, nameKa manih po vute’ pe Sebulun ne’ to vate’ en pe Ilaisafan, veh e koa’ oete’ pe Parnak.
IlamBiblical SourceElamPrp.NElam, placeEa a ma teʼ va Patiaʼ, me Midiaʼ, me Ilam,...We are all the people from Parthia and Media and Elam,...
IlaʼPrp.NElah, name
IlifësPrp.NEliphaz, nameE Adah to vahuh ke Isoʼ e Ilifës, ke Basemët to vahuh e Ruël.
IlimPrp.NElim, placeEe to këh a Maraʼ ko nö va Ilim ee, pa ö to te’ non o paeh havun me a pook ruen kakaak me o tönim me o pöök havun vu pam naon.