Vasui - English



keʼeʼconj.prnand he, and she, and it, then he, then she, then itKeʼeʼ e vamomhë pa nap kokon takis, me ra napan va pa nok a ma taateʼ hat.And he is a companion of the people who collect taxes and of the people doing all the bad behaviour.
keʼkeoʼ1vgive hair cut (to), rend (to), shave (to), tear (to)Eöʼ se keʼkeoʼ sinup pa pöstakah.I will shave tomorrow morning.2nseashell (small seashell found in mud)E koaʼ to ot e keʼkeoʼ.The child is holding a seashell.
keeconj.PM.prn ; io.mrkr.asp.sbj.mrkr ; asp.sbj.mrkrthen they, and they, IO REAL they, REAL they?...kee teʼ va ne manih pa nap aun manih pa muhin va Babiron....and they were like people (who) did not have land (aliens) in the country of Babylon.
KeekeoPrp.NKeekeoMe ra napan va pa vöön Keekeo.And the people of the village of Keekeo.
KeenBiblical SourceKeinPrp.NCainE Ebel to vaman voh a soe vaman pe Sosoenën, ivëh, keʼ heʼ o heʼ va pa vönaʼ manuh pe Sosoenën to vih oah e non po teʼ heʼ pe kea peʼ Keen.Abel had believed the true talk (promise) of God, therefore, then he gave gifts of animals to God that were better than the gift of his brother Cain.
keënconj.prnand you (s), then you (s)Sinup, keën se nö maʼ.Then you(s) will come tomorrow.
KeenanBiblical SourceKenanPrp.NCanaanKa pah teʼ vaen en manih pa vöön va Keenan, a vöön pamëh to teʼ non manih pa muhin va Galiliʼ.Then one person got married in the village of Canaan, this village is in the province of Galilee.
keesvgrab (to)E koaʼ to kees a paun.The child grabbed the banana.
1vcommend (to), hoist (to) ; honour (to), lift up (to), pick up (to), raise (to), scratch (to)Kë peah a koreomah.Raise up your hands.2nnet (fish), scabbiesA kë to pah miröʼ en pa koren neoʼ.The scabbies indeed have ruined my hands.
këavpractice prostitution (to)E koaʼ sepeʼ vëh to këa.This young unmarried girl practices prostitution.
KëdorlaomerPrp.NKedorlaomer, name
këh1vabandon (to), abolish (to), leave (to), show (to)E voe to këh e koovo peʼ.The man left his wife.2ndogE këh to veveo non e kuʼ.The dog is chasing the pig.3advaway fromE voe to këh maʼ a vöön.The man went away from the village.
këk1nhutA këk vavahoʼ noʼ keop pe sisiʼ to pah takök en.My mothers hut for storing firewood is indeed broken.2advjustEp këk öm po növan varih to nönö vah ne sih, ee to hikta nepnep taëën ne sih, ko osoes ne.You just see these birds that always fly, they are never planting food, and harvesting.
këkëhvabandon (continually to)[abandoning], abolish (continually to)[abolishing], leave (continually to)[leaving]Eʼ to këkëh takin ko non maʼ o paröʼ,He disembarked and was leaving the ship,
këmrecip.prnyourselves(p)Eöm se nö ko vataare këm manuh po teʼ ësës heʼ,...You will go and show yourselves to the persons burning offerings (priests),...
këmolEnglishkamelncamel...eʼ to teʼ tö rakah ke non pa këmol pa hop koe manih pa töhkoʼ vëh to teʼ non pa ni is easy indeed for a carmel to go through the hole of a sewing needle.
KëmuelPrp.NKemuel, name Ka manih po vute’ pe Efraëm ne’ to vate’ en pe Këmuel, veh e koa’ oete’ pe Siptan.
kën1nfeast, group, partyEa se nok a kën sinup.We(incl) will make a feast tomorrow.2conj.prnand you (s), then you (s)Kën se nö sinup.Then you(s) will go tomorrow.
kënöneternalE Ieesuʼ to heʼ a napan a toʼtoʼ kënö.Jesus gives people eternal life.
këntörEnglishkandlencandleKëntör o tah na se vëkrea pa tëm rotuʼ.A candle is the thing that we will light at the time of church.
këpisEnglishkabisncabbageO këpis to koa.The cabbage is rotten.
këproʼndried bark of a tree used to light a fire, dried bark of a tree used as a shield when fighting (keyterm)Ka taateʼ vaman peöm pamëh teʼ va e non manih po këproʼ to sunpip a no neöm.And your(p) custom of faith that is like tree bark (shield) protecting you(p).
kës1vdig (to) (action of a man)E köövo to kës a kuma non.The woman digs sweet potato.2advperhapsKeʼ e koaʼ se keh hin e tamaneah a iian, e tamaneah se kës heʼ en peʼ pa kuruʼ? Eʼ me ahik.Or if the child should ask his father for a fish, would his father give him a snake? It is also no.3rhet.q.mrkrRhet.Q.MrkrA tasun pën apuh oah kës e non pa teʼ tasun pe sipuura Jekop?Is your postion more great than the position of our ancestor Jacob?
këskës1vdig (to continually)[digging]Eʼ to këskës katoʼ non po kosan.He is digging for crab in the sand.2ncemeteryO këskës a ö pepe teʼ mët.The cemetery is the place to bury the dead people.
KëstaʼBiblical SourceKastaPrp.NCastorManih po matan in o paröʼ a poa tanöʼ nës pe sosoenën Kësta, me Poluks to teʼ ne.At the front of the ship were two pieces of carved wood (carvings) of the god Castor and Pollux.