Vasui - English



KaudaʼBiblical SourceKaudaPrp.NCaudaEmöm to koe vame pa To Kaudaʼ,We(ex) went in the back of Cauda Island,
kauhadjnumbness, painlessEöʼ to rës i no o kauh in a moneo.I hate the numbness in my leg.
kaunvdecorate by brushing (to)Vöpin to kaun a tah nöʼ nës.Vöpin is decorating the thing that I carved.
kaveovpinch (to), rob (to), steal (to)Eën to kaveo a tah peoʼ.You stole my things.
kaveoʼnclawKaveoʼ koreneah to rë rakah.The claws of his hand are very long.
kavoncockatooA kavo to ënëën non o vameök.The cockatoo is eating papaya.
kavuhvspew (to)Ivëhkëk, eöm o himonmoen, ivëh, keöʼ se kavuh vi eoʼ peöm.However, you(p) are a lukewarm, therefore, then I will completely spew you(p) out.
kaʼ1vbelch (to), burp (to)Eën kaʼ hah eöm pa ö kuʼ nen to ëën vu maʼ.You belched again the pig you ate recently.2nlorikeetA kaʼ to nö ko tok en pa vu oman.The lorikeet went and sat on the plant.
kaʼkaʼngills (of a fish)O kaʼkaʼ pa iian to tökrus.The gills of the fish are broke.
kaak1vdrink (to)Eöʼ to kaak a ruen.I drank water.2ndrink (a)Heʼ maʼ neoʼ a kaak.Give me a drink.
kaakavscolding (to be)E papaʼ to kaaka non o vu pëʼ peʼ.Father is scolding about his mango tree.
kaaktönvdrink subsequently (to continually) [drinking]...eʼ to kon a taëën, pareʼ kökök ke ro teʼ va po vaman kee ëën pare kaaktön a taëën po voaën....and he got the bread and he broke it and he gave to the people who believe (believers) and they subsequently drank the wine.
kaamusnslit drumE voe to suʼsuʼ non a kaamus.The man is beating the slit drum.
kaanvhoe (to), scoop earth (to)E köövo to kaan o oeh.The woman hoes the ground.
kaaraʼvrustle (to)O paʼ pepaʼ vëh to paraʼ kaaraʼ.The sheet of paper here rustles very much.
kaavëvdesire strongly (to), want very much (to)Eöʼ to kaavë ëën toaʼ.I strongly desire to eat chicken.
ke1conj.artand, and the, then, then theKe sinan voh e Obet ivëh e Rut.And the mother of Obed was Ruth.2io.mrkrtoKe Pitaʼ soe ke poan pan, eöʼ ahikta moniʼAnd Peter told him, I do not have any money.3TR3for4advawayE voe to tok a motoka peʼ to nö ke.The man got on his car and went away.5prepwithE köövo to teʼ non koman iuun ke meh köövo.The woman is in the house with another woman.6adjdifferentA kaën kuma vëh to teʼ ke e non po meh kuma.This sweet potato is different then the other sweet potato.7ncommand (a)A ke pe Sosoenën to eh rakah.The command of God is indeed strong.
kea1vsweet (to taste)O voaʼ naon vëh rës kea.The fruit of this tree is very sweet.2conj.prnand we(incl), then we(incl)Kea se nö Buka.Then we(incl) will go to Buka.3kin.nbrotherE kea pe Seon e Simisiria.John's brother is Simisiria.
keahappl.obj.prnto him, to her, to itE kea pën vëh to vatet a no neoʼ se keh nok vahat a oah, nö ah manuh peʼ, parën soe aven keah pan,...If this one your brother who follows me should do bad things to you(s), go there to him and you(s) talk secretly to him like this,...
keapTok Pisinkiapngovernment officalE keap se nö maʼ sinup.The government offical will come tomorrow.
KedësPrp.NKadesh, place
Kedës-BaneaPrp.NKadesh Barnea, placeE’ a taate’ vëh no a kën tamëneöm to nok voh pa ö nö’ to vanö tane’ voh raoe manih Kedës-Banea pa veves a muhin pamëh.
keh1vbeg (to), try (to), want (to)E koaʼ to keh e sinaneah po kuma.The child begged her mother for sweet potato.2conjifEën se keh ep in eah, soe ka neoʼ.If you see him, tell me.
kehaʼnclam, crustesans, oyster, sea shellKa nö e pa kokon kehaʼ.Then we go to continually get some clam.
KehelataʼPrp.NKehelathah, place Ee to këh a Risaʼ ko u’uu tanu ee Kehelataʼ.