Vasui - English



motoEnglishmoto1n motorboatA moto pe Seon to ës.The motorboat belonging to John is burned.2adjblack (only for a dog)E keh moto to nö muhin.The black dog is going to the bush.
motokaEnglishmotokanautomobile, carA motoka pe Roman to ës en.The car belonging to Roman is burned.
mookoʼngrubsA napan to ëën a ma mookoʼ.The people eat the grubs.
moomo1vpeace at (to be)'E Sosoenën se heʼ a no neöm a taateʼ moomo.'God will give you (p) the custom of peace.2npeace, shade (tree), shelterE Topata eʼ a teʼ moomo.Tobata is a man of peace.
moorainal.bdpt.nfeet (our)(incl)A ma moora to pö.Our(incl) feet are dirty.
moovivcalm (to be)E Ieesuʼ to soe ka tuvuh keʼ moovi.Jesus orders the wind and it calms.
vquiet (to be)Koaʼ, mö ah.Child, be quiet.
möhvbrag (to), bully (to), conceited (to be), proud (to be), ripe (to be) (applies to breadfruit only), show off (to)O paneo to möh en.The breadfruit is ripe.E koaʼ möh vörep suk ataeah?Why does the child show off so much?
möhmöhdial. var.mömöh1vbrag (to continually)[bragging), bully (to continually)[bullying], conceited (to continually be)[always conceited], proud (to continually be)[always proud], show off (to continually)[showing off]Ee a pap teʼ pikpiuk möhmöh poë varih to iu ne pan a napan se kë ne a ma ëhnëëre.They are these types of show off lying people who are wanting that people should lift up their names (honor them).2nbullyE möhmöh koaʼ ivëh.This child is a bully.3adjbully, show offE koaʼ möhmöh ivëh.This child is a show off.
möknnecklace, ornament, sashO mök pën teʼ non nih?Where is your necklace?
mökmökvanger (to have), pass by without saying anything (to), ill feeling toward others (to have)E köövo to heve ko keh mökmök ken maʼ pe nesen me e koaʼ.The woman is angry and has ill feelings toward her husband and child.
möm1obj.prnwe(excl), us(excl)Soe ka möm ah, eʼ vih kës e non pea pa heʼ a takis manih pe Sisaʼ, keʼ a hik?You(s) tell us(excl), is it good that we should give the tax money to Caesar, or not?2obj.prnus(excl), 1(p)(excl)Ihan anoe a ma hat pemöm, vamanih pa ö nemöm to ihan anoe va voh in a hat no upöm teʼ to nok ka möm.Release forget (forgive) our bad things (sins), like we release forget (forgive) the bad thing (sin) that other people had done to us(excl).3sbj.prnwe(excl)Möm se nö vöön sinup.We(excl) will go to the village tomorrow.
mömönwarm waterE köövö to vahu e koaʼ po mömö.The woman is bathing the child in warm water.
mömöhdial. var. ofmöhmöh
möʼratnfirst menstrual periodE koaʼ mom to möʼrat.The girl menstrated (first menstrual period).
möömövcool (to)Vahoʼ a ö muʼ keʼ möömö.Put the taro (there) and it (will) cool.
muadjfemaleA pah köövo to hikta teʼ non pan eʼ a mu Jiuʼ, eʼ a köövo va Keenan to teʼ non sih pa muhin pamëh,...One woman who was not like this a Jewish female she was from Canaan who always lived in that bush (district),...
muhinnarea, bush, country, district, forest, jungle, land, kingdom, nation, place, province, scrubA muhin pea a Papua Niukini.Our country is Papua New Guinea.
mumuteʼvfire is dying out (continually)...ka suraʼ pamëh to hikta mumuteʼ non sih....and that fire will not die out.
murakvvery soft (to be)Eöʼ to pah vaköm rakah eoʼ po oeh to paraʼ murak.I really looked indeed for very very soft ground.
muriaknannbride, nö maʼ peöʼ pareʼ soe pan, “Nö mah, köʼ vataare oah e muriaknan pa Soneʼ Sipsip to vaen vahik me en peʼ.”...came to me and he said like this, "You(s) come, and I will show you(s) the virgin of the Small Sheep (Lamb) already married with (to) him."
muriatnanadjvirgin (female)A muriatnan köövo ivëh, e Mariaʼ.The virgin woman here, is Mary.
murin1vfollow (to)E koaʼ to murin a taateʼ pe tamameah.The child follows his fathers way of life.2prepafter, later, next weekE köövo se vos maʼ pa murin o Istaʼ.The woman will arrive here after Easter.
muruvwell (to be)E koaʼ to muru en.The child is well.
murukBiblical SourcemurukncassowaryManih North Solomon Province a hikta muruk.Here in the North Solomon's Province there are no cassowary.