Vasui - English



matëëneöminal.bdpt.neyes (your)(p), faces (your)(p)Ivëhkëk, eöm se keh vapenpen rakah nem pa taëën, huip a uvineöm ko pupui a matëëneöm.However, if you really are abstaining from food, comb your hair and wash your faces.
matëënmöminal.bdpt.neyes (our)(excl)Ivëhkëk, emöm koman to ep voh em po kikis apuh pe Ieesuʼ pa matëëmöm.However, we(excl) ourselves have seen the big power of Jesus with our(excl) own eyes.
matëëra1inal.bdpt.neyes (our)(p)Huip a uvineöm ko pupui a matëëra.Comb your hair and wash our(p) eyes.2advbefore, front in ofIvëhkëk, e neseneah Jeosëp eʼ a teʼ no a taateʼ peʼ to totoopin keʼ hikta iu vapoet non e köövo peʼ Mariaʼ manih pa matëëra nap peo, pareʼ kehkeh koe aven e non peʼ.But her husband Joseph was a man whose conduct was straight and he didn't want to shame his wife Mary here in the eyes of plenty of people (public), and he was trying to reject her quietly (secretly).
matëëre1inal.bdpt.neyes (their)A ma moeh ta kurus to teʼ ne a matëëre.All kinds of things are in their eyes.2advbefore them, front in of themE voe to vahoʼ a taëën pa matëëre.The man put the food in front of them.
matëëroinal.bdpt.neyes (their)Me eteh to vapöpöötan e kea peʼ, eʼ me se sun en pa matëëro Vakum Teʼ Susunön po Jiuʼ.And whoever curses (to curse with the help of a spirit) his brother, he will stand before the eyes (in the presence) of the Group of Jewish Leaders (Sanhedrin).
matiannvirgin (male)Ee o teʼ poë varih o matian, no a pop pee to totoopin ko vih rakah.Those people were virgins, their earthly lives were straight (righteous) and pure indeed.
MatiasBiblical SourceMatiasPrp.NMatthiasKee soe vaonöt poʼ ee pe Matias se vakorot en po havun me a paeh aposol.And they agreed that Matthias should complete the eleven Apostles.
MatiuBiblical SourceMatyuPrp.NMatthewIeesuʼ to këh a ö neʼ to teʼteʼ non, pareʼ ep a pah teʼ kokon takis to ihoʼ non pa iuun kokon takis. A ëhnaneah e Matiu.Jesus was leaving the place where he was staying and he saw one man who collects taxes (tax collector) sitting in the house for collecting taxes. His name was Matthew.
matop1vbeware (to), care for ship (to), careful (to be), control (to) ; govern (to), look after (to), look out for (to), protect (to), reign (to), rule (to), take care of (to)E voe to matop non e koaʼ pe.The man looks after his child.2njurisdictionA matop pe Hëërot e Jerusalëm.The jurisdiction of Herod is Jerusalem.
matö1nright handedE Pitaʼ eʼ a matö.Peter, he is right handed.2adjright handA pah teʼ to teʼ non nën no a papmatö peʼ to tëtënkun.One person was there whom his right hand was crippled.
matömahinal.bdpt.neye (your)(s)A papmatö vëh pa matömah se keh rëh a oah pa nok a taateʼ hat,...The right side one this of your(s) eyes (right eye) if it should pull (influence) you(s) like this to a bad behaviour,...
matönnopeningKe Pitaʼ soe ke köövo pan, “Suk ataeah, köm vahoʼ a Tuvuh Vasioʼ pe Sunön pa punöʼ? A ma teʼ varih to pe ko maʼ e voe pën, to sun e ne po matön hopaʼ, ee me se vateʼ tavus ee pën.”Then Peter said to the wife, why did you(p) put the Sacred Wind (Holy Spirit) of the Lord to the test? All these people who have just buried your husband stand in front of the door, they too will carry you(s) outside.”
MatrëtPrp.NMatred, nameHëdët tavus pet en e sunön, pareʼ sunön non pa vöön apuh va Pau. Ke köövo manot peʼ Mehetabël semon Matrët koa sunamon pe Mesahëp.
maʼ1vbecome (to), come (to), mightHo maʼ kea ka ëën e.Come inside brother and let us eat.2dircomeMaʼ a manih.Come here.
maʼkisvwarm up (to)...pareʼ ihoʼ vaʼpeh me e non po teʼ utut, ko maʼkis e non po suraʼ....and he sat with guards, and warmed himself with fire.
maak1vaim at (to)Maak va totoopin hah parën van.Aim straight again then you shoot.2nbadge (a)E röktaʼ to öt a maak peʼ.The doctor has his badge.
maaka1vbright (to be), clean (to be), clear (to be), give account (to), know (to), light (to be), understand (to)...pan eöʼ se vataare a napan va Israël kee ep pare maaka poʼ e Ieesuʼ eteh....then I will show the people of Israel and they see and then know who Jesus is.2nglory, light (a)E Sosoenën koman, eʼ o maaka, ka manih peʼ no a hikta pah ö popoen to teʼ non.God himself, he is the light, in him not one dark part remains.3adjbright, clear, lightA ruen to parin maaka.The water is really clear.
maatnsleeping matE koaʼ to koroh po maat peʼ.The child is sleeping on her sleeping mat
me1vbring (to), had, has, have, marry (to), take (to)Ta pah teʼ se keh mët akuk eʼ hikta vatvus ta pah koaʼ manih pe köövo peʼ, ke kea peʼ me hah e köövo amop peʼ, pareʼ vatvus a koaʼ se kon a ëhnan e kea peʼ.If one person should die nothing and he did not beget one child of his wife, then his brother marries again his widow wife, and he begets a child who will get the name of his brother.2nadditionE köövo to iu rakah e kuma, me eʼ to iu rakah o oe.The woman indeed likes sweet potatoes, in addition she really likes coconut.3conjalso, and, as well as, withE koaʼ me sinaneah to nö pa ruen.The child and her mother went to the river.4assocalso, as, withA teʼ to teʼ me non a taateʼ totoopin.A person who also has straight (righteous) behaviour.5advfutilely, in.vain, tired of, uselesslyE voe to me ihihoʼ vu ko nö en pa kuma.The man was tired of sitting earlier today and he went to the sweet potato (garden).
meanbdpt.ntongueIvëhkëk, ahikta pah teʼ to antoen non a matop a mean a teʼ.However, not one person (no one) can tame the tongue of a person.
meaneahinal.bdpt.ntongue (her), tongue (his), tongue (it's)...pareʼ teo a ma kumis koreneah ko pöök en pa meaneah....and he spit on his finger and touched his tongue.
meaneoʼinal.bdpt.ntongue (my)A meaneoʼ to piʼ.My tongue is sore.
mearainal.bdpt.ntongue (our)(p)A meara, eʼ marën a kë a ëhnan e Apuh e Tamaara.Our(incl) tongue, it is for the purpose of lifting up (praising) the name of the Lord our(incl) Father.
MediterenianBiblical SourceMediterenianPrp.NMediterraneanA tuvuh to vaʼo en po paröʼ möm to teʼ nem, eʼ o havun me o taanaʼ poen poë varih nemöm teʼ em koman a tahiʼ apuh nee to popokaʼ ne Mediterenian.The wind drifted the ship we were on, it was ten and four (14) days that we(excl) remained in the big sea which they called Mediterranean.
MegokBiblical SourceMegokPrp.NMagogEʼ se tavus maʼ, pareʼ taneo en pa piuk a ma napan varih to teʼ ne maʼ po taanaʼ noton in o oeh, o vuteʼ va pe Gog me Megok.He will come out and he will start to deceive these people living on the four top edges of the earth, the clan of Gog and Magog.